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dave mcbride

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Everything posted by dave mcbride

  1. He didn’t fumble. That is no way no how a catch.
  2. God their punter sucks. There is no reason why they should have a punter this bad. No reason.
  3. Meh. It was minor and not a good throw anyway.
  4. Yup, because it is clear that the defense cannot get a stop to save its life. The only thing stopping the kc offense is the kc receivers.
  5. Mcdermott second half defense in effect. It looks terrible — again, no answers once teams adjust.
  6. Mcdermott second half defense in effect. It looks terrible — no answers.
  7. It seems to me that the BN reporters are stuck on the al qaeda story, which frankly is a nothing story to me. It’s what they’re asking the players about, which is why we’re seeing the player responses and quotes about it. They can only answer what they’re asked about. But honestly, who really cares about that long-ago pep talk outside of the Peter Kings of the world? My view is that there are a lot of incentives among sports reporters to focus on a thread that makes a story “bigger than sports.” That’s because at the end of the day the sport itself is fundamentally meaningless — it really is just a game. However, sports reporters at credentialed media outlets ARE reporters and their whole identity is bound up with that professional credential. If they can craft a story into something that reaches beyond sports and reflects on social and political issues, they get plaudits. They can also tell themselves that they’re doing something important — real reporting, as it were. Peter King, a soppy-eyed sentimentalist who incidentally wrote nothing about the brewing CTE scandal early on (presumably because he didn’t want to lose access; it took a non-sports NY Times writer to break the story because no NFL beat journalists were willing to take it on), is a classic version of this sort of sportswriter.
  8. King’s melodramatic comments about how New Yorkers will be so deeply offended and hurt by the comments because of where 9/11 happened is SUCH corny BS. I lived in NYC then and still live there now, and I can’t imagine anyone feeling stung or angered by McD’s AQ motivational speech. King has a real weakness for hackneyed, middlebrow cultural analysis and sermonizing about it. Stick to football.
  9. None of this is wrong, but I am not talking about the entire games. There was no bigger critic of Dorsey in the Jets game than me either. I am really talking only about what I specified at the beginning of this thread: the defense falls apart late once an opponent has figured out the schemed game plan, which most teams do after three quarters. To reiterate, there is so much parity in the league that you need to be able to score late and defend late. The defense has been very poor in the fourth quarter too many times this season, particularly when teams start playing with four downs instead of three. Also: yeah, Carr looks like crap this year. Calls to mind Bill Walsh's comment about Steve DeBerg: he's just good enough to get you fired. Winston sucks too.
  10. If you went to get litigious about it, yes, the Jets made a stop in the fourth: on the very first play when it was already third down. Jeez. And yes they held them to 3 points -- after converting a fourth down and not even really trying to get a first on the subsequent third down (they ran it up the middle on third and 12 and didn't attempt a pass on those three downs). They were content with bleeding clock.
  11. He was on pace last season for 13 sacks. He had 8 in 10.5 games.
  12. Wait a second here. Mohammed Atta graduated from Cairo University for undergrad and went to the Hamburg University of Technology's graduate program in urban planning!
  13. I can only conclude that that this famous motivational speech scene had a deep impact on McDermott:
  14. I don't disagree! I'm just saying that on the factual level, he's not wrong. But as Florio says, it's very Michael Scott-esque.
  15. The odd thing is that he's not wrong! It's genuinely amazing what they pulled off (through teamwork and careful, deliberate planning, TBH), although it was of course diabolical. What the Japanese pulled off between December 1941 and April 1942 was amazing too given the geographical scope and geopolitical complexity, but again the goals were bad. I guess the lesson is to never bring up well-conceived plans that succeed beyond all ambition if they're crafted by the bad guys.
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