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el Tigre

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Everything posted by el Tigre

  1. I would have went to college. I don't know what I would have taken,but I would have at least went to the local CC and wrestled there.
  2. Why don't you give cycling a try? I used to run,but by the time I was 45 it had taken such a toll on my knees I had to quit. I switched to cycling for my cardio and I love it. You can get the same workout and it's WAY easier on the joints. I also like that since you travel at a much faster pace you get to see more of the landscape and can set more interesting destination points.
  3. MICHIGAN WOLVERINES - GO BLUE!!! Oakland A's Oakland Raiders Fresno St. Bulldogs Sacramento Kings
  4. You Buffalo homies got nothing on me. I'm in Stockton,CA. WE'RE #2 ! Most of you dudes got the same attitude as me - it is what you make of it. Me and my family are blessed,we're healthy,we got jobs (with health ins.), and we're happy! Forbes is a stupid magazine. The whole idea of making an annual list of most miserable cities is idiotic.
  5. I enjoy watching the edited show during prime-time,but would also like to have the option of seeing more events live. Maybe this isn't economically realistic from the networks point of view. I don't know. Anyway I just enjoy what I CAN watch.
  6. Maybe she is stupid,I don't know. But how is she trying to ruin his moment???????
  7. Wow. I just thought it was funny.
  8. What a dick this guy is! Pretty funny. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/02/18/s...t_n_467154.html
  9. What a bummer. Butler was decent when he was healthy and would have provided competition on the weakest unit on the team. May have been a starter. Instead we get another politician.
  10. My SUV (a GM) has a built in GPS and it's great. My buddy has a Garmin,not sure what model,but it works great too. The portable ones are awesome as you can take them with you from one vehicle to another.
  11. Anybody going thru the health challenges you are has my support and prayers. Whether you want it or not! As far as you not taking any govt. assistance,I'd have no problem if you did. The govt. should be there to help out people who are going thru tough times such as yours,and I have no problem with my taxes going to pay for that.
  12. Texas seems like a natural fit in the SEC,except for maybe academics. Texas to the SEC and Missouri to the Big 10,that might make some sense. Except,I guess,that there's no talk of SEC expansion.
  13. Heres what the Big 10 may look like according to some cats on the Michigan boards. B10 North- Michigan Michigan St Minnesota Ohio St Penn St Wisconsin Northwestern B 10 South- Illinois Indiana Iowa Missouri or Pitt Purdue Texas Texas A&M Take it FWIW,it's board chatter,but it does sound possible. My question is,what would this do to the Texas - OU rivalry?
  14. This was being discussed a week or so back. Donte allegedly said it's BS on his Facebook,FWIW. His career stats are even worse than I had thought. He wouldn't be much of a loss.
  15. Is the message so over the top that a person can't possibly watch it without noticing the agenda? Or is it subtle enough that it would go over the head of a person,like myself,who's not into politics. I kinda want to see it for the 3D,special effects.etc.,but I have no desire to be preached to.
  16. He had a pretty inconsistent career,but as you say,it had alot to do with the team around him. I would think his performance at the combine will be very important to where he gets drafted.
  17. It makes no sense to me but the rumors won't go away. I first heard about it a couple monthes ago,but didn't even think it was worth repeating here. But yesterday it was the lead story on Texas' Rivals site. Here's a link,but a google search will bring up lots of other stories. http://ncaafootball.fanhouse.com/2010/02/1...rumors-heat-up/
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