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el Tigre

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Everything posted by el Tigre

  1. It's not just liberals that freak out over small things while much bigger issues go unnoticed. Conservatives do it too. Just on different issues. IMO the words in our pledge of allegiance have no effect on our culture. How about something that really has affected our culture in this country but is never mentioned by either side,like working on Sundays and holidays. There was a time when most everything except for emergency type services shut down on Sundays and holidays. No more. Now a large segment of our society is forced to work on days that used to be reserved for rest and family. Sundays and holidays are no different than Monday thru Friday for many now. That has had a much larger effect on our culture than silly issues like this that are fought over by whack jobs on both sides.
  2. Warren was a high draft pick that has never really panned out. I watched him in Oakland the last couple of years and he was hurt alot and when healthy,not very productive.
  3. Any of you guys ever try an arepa? It's made of corn masa and similar to a tortilla but thicker like a bun. You cut it open and use it to make a sandwich. My mom makes the BEST ones,real soft and sorta fluffy. Fill it with some carne machada,which is a slow cooked meat similar to American pot roast, a little cilantro and onion and some shredded lettuce. It's damn good!
  4. So I guess the school has no choice but to allow same sex couples to openly attend the prom? I'm guessing that this district in Mississippi is very conservative and opposes such things on religous grounds.Doesn't the school have an obligation to the parents of a majority of the kids to reflect their values on an issue like this? In San Francisco this isn't an issue,in Mississippi it is. I don't think that makes the people there evil.Just my opinion.
  5. Thats a good point. If it was only about going to the dance she could have handled it quietly,but she wanted this to blow up into a big issue imo.
  6. Yeah,she was a real hottie in her day imo. Still looks real nice for a lady her age,which must be mid-fifties?
  7. I'm gonna put some on my car! http://www.spike.com/video/bubb-rubb/2664225
  8. I've never tasted Miracle Whip. What the hell is it,flavored mayo?
  9. The shows you mention here may or may not have entertainment value,depending on your personel taste. But none of them are harmful. Gangland is different in that it can be a destructive influence to some young people imo.
  10. The show glorifies gang banging. It's a well done show and interesting to watch,but not in a good way. I feel like I'm looking at a car wreck or something. On the occasions I have watched it I try to use it to show my kids the stupidity and weakness of the gang lifestyle. But there's alot of young people watching that garbage on their own thinking it's cool.
  11. My mother is from Venezuela and my dad is Mexican and Polish. One of my grandmothers on my moms side came from the Azores and we have some family there too.
  12. I used to listen to a radio show where the host would sometimes say that same thing to people he didn't like or was making fun of. The show was really funny but I never liked when he said that. I'm not offended by much,but that just goes too far.
  13. I was being sarcastic in response to the dude who said Cody is too slow.
  14. A NT that can run a sub 4.4 forty and lock down an opposing reciever can do wonders for a defense.
  15. Kids are always smarter than their dimwit parents.
  16. Why do they want to protect moose and caribou? Are they endangered?
  17. OK,after reading all these posts slammin the guy,I go watch the video. WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT! I was expecting to have a good laugh watching this cat pound the table and sob hystericly. All I got was 10 minutes of eye wiping and throat clearing.
  18. Gladiator is a GREAT movie. I need to add that to my list too.
  19. Easy there bro. You're starting to creep me out.
  20. Here's a real witch. http://www.theunexplainedmysteries.com/mex...itch-video.html
  21. As a NASCAR fan,do you like this system? I know nothing about NASCAR but it seems overly complex. Does it add anything to the entertainment value?
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