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el Tigre

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Everything posted by el Tigre

  1. I was saying it in a joking manner. Sorry if it didn't come across that way.
  2. I've always owned Fords and GMs. Always had good luck with them. My wife had a Toyota when we first got together. It was alright,no better or worse than a domestic. Just alot more expensive to get parts for or have worked on. It met it's end when she was in a minor accident. The car was still completely driveable,but the parts were so expensive the insurance company totaled it. The idea that foreign cars are superior in quality to American cars is a fairy tale,imo.
  3. Better yet,the foreign car lovers could just move. Out of the country.
  4. YES!!! Sounds like my daughter. Never caught without her Tide pen.
  5. Was I there? I guess I am a Luddite . Its my kids job to program my cell phone. What the hells a Luddite?????
  6. Hey Darin. It's cuz of your recommendation that I bought the P90X. Thanks for the good advice bro!
  7. Yeah. I thought she was hot back in the day too!
  8. Been doing P90x for a while now. I really like it. It was a big change for me,as I was doing old school,heavy weight,low rep work outs before. P90x amazed me how sore I could get with light weights and isometrics. I mix it up a little now between the P90 and the heavy stuff. I follow each one up with 45 minutes or so of cardio. It works for me. I have my own diet guidelines that I stick to so I've never tried the P90x diet.
  9. ......and paint them like the flag!!! You go first! Ha Ha the old vet got the kid to fall for it. http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/vancouver...?urn=oly,223223
  10. I have some family that works in agriculture,thats where I heard about it. One of them said honeybees might go extinct.Do they know whats causing it? Maybe a disease or parasite?
  11. Isn't there something bad going on with bees? I thought I heard they were dieing off or something.
  12. Really??? It doesn't seem that way to me. Here in California it seems everybody fishes.
  13. Bologna still has a casing. I'm talking about a paste or putty form of hot dog meat that could be sold in a tub. It would be virtually impossible to choke on.
  14. Yeah I do that stuff too,but I consider it work.
  15. One of my kids has a memory foam top mattress. I don't like the feeling of it,you sort of sink into it and it makes me feel hot.I like a firm pillow top.
  16. There used to be a supervisor at my work who was a complete ass. He did lots of stuff that made no sense and other supes would always explain his illogical actions by saying he was from Pennsylvania. I've never been there,but if it's inhabited entirely by people like him it must suck.
  17. I think they should mandate that from now on all hot dogs must be triangular in shape. The triangle shape would not form the air tight seal in the windpipe,thereby making hotdogs much safer. Either that or outlaw casings and make hotdogs only available in a child-proof paste form.
  18. I no. I wood be a lot more smarter if I wood have stayed in skool.
  19. I work out and fish. I hit the weights and cardio 5 times a week and fish maybe once a week. That's it,family takes up the rest of my time.
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