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Mark Vader

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Everything posted by Mark Vader

  1. It's that he starts off by saying, "I'm not going to take anything away from this". Passive-agressive prick, Billick.
  2. Ummmm.....Yates to Reilly in the 4th quarter against the Eagles? Remember that? It wasn't that long ago.
  3. Yes, of course Wow what a jerk Billick is: "I'm not going to take anything away from this. McDermott should be proud of what his 1st team offense did...against this Ravens 2nd team defense." Screw you, Billick!
  4. They called on on the Ravens, therefore John Harbaugh is a lousy coach?
  5. Clay had a hand in killing that drive also, by not going forward and getting the first down.
  6. Vlad wasn't in on that series, Miller was. Maybe the coaches saw enough of Vlad after that first series.
  7. Good run stop by him on that second first down for the Ravens. Nice play by Wright too.
  8. Playing the theme from "Gladiator" before the Ravens take the field.
  9. Brandon Reilly & Daikiel Shorts.....you wanna make the team? Tonight is the night to prove you belong.
  10. Fleck seems to have it all. Lots of eyes will be watching how he does. This will not be easy for him. When was the last time Minnesota was relevant?
  11. I agree with all of this. We should not trade McCoy, and I don't believe we will.
  12. French toast, scrambled eggs, bacon and hash browns.
  13. I'm with KD in CA on this one. Tootsie is a great comedy and it deserves to be higher on this list. /dev/null, I agree with you on South Park Bigger Longer and Uncut. It is a funny movie, that has one or two too many songs. Meanwhile the television show has a lot of great moments. The movie is not their best work, which is why I question it being on this list. You could be right though, it might be a nod to it's overall success, but that still does not justify it being listed here.
  14. What a scene. Such a good guy, I wish him the best.
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