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Everything posted by canbuffan34

  1. Sometimes its a good thing to be embarrassed like that, depending on how the team responds. The players, whether they say it in the media or not have to be feeling pretty good about themselves at 4-0. I remember watching a NFL films piece on the 95 49'ers. Steve Young said " We had just won three in a row when we went into Philly and got embarrassed 52-7, we had the attitude going into the game that we were going to win just by showing up." After the game he said something to the effect of not knowing what they were about but that he knew that wasn't it. I realize the situation is not exactly the same but if Jauron, Fewell and the players collectively come together and understand that they have no business relying on a second year QB to make or break their chances then this might just be a blessing in disguise going forward. Accountability is what I witnessed being the downfall of our team on Sun. When your starting QB goes down, if you're really a playoff team, you rally together and fight! You don't curl up in the fetal position and feel sorry for yourself.
  2. Exactly Dan, only I would compare it to trying to look away from a trainwreck, can't help but look!
  3. Excellent summation of stats! Here's one you forgot to mention Bills #1 on 3rd down defense (run or pass)
  4. Who cares if we are dogs going into this game? Here's what I think! Trent will do whatever he needs to in order to make sure that we win the game in the 4th quarter.
  5. Gotta love our depth this year! Although Roscoe is an amazing talent, all we have to do is put McKelvin on full time PR and Hardy sees more time at WR. What a luxury to have until Roscoe returns.
  6. Dr. Dank, you just nailed it! I saw that too. He was sitting beside Lee, seemingly seething inside about what was happening on the field. Then he suddenly leaped off the bench and started going down the offense's bench and started talking to each player, and did you see the look that both Lee and Butler? gave him? They smiled and you could see the pride in their faces, realizing that this guy has "it" and that he would lead them to the victory!
  7. OMG That's funny! 18/36 for 200+ yards and 2 td's from Jamarcus Russell? Does Madden realize that he only completed like 7 passes last week against KC!?!
  8. That would look AWESOME! You gotta do it, Marauder.
  9. The Chargers game will be a big test, granted. To really be considered a legit "force" in the east you have to beat the Pats* in their house, PERIOD!
  10. Excellent points, Cotton! I think when you combine this kid's intelligence with his football instincts, we are truly viewing our franchise QB. He seems to examine his own weaknesses and does everything to overcome them. For example, the knock on him was that he was oft injured, so he goes into the offseason and adds what? 15 lbs of muscle onto his frame. He was also quoted as saying that last year he felt that he took too many sacks (not placing any blame on his o-line, which the big men respect him for) and that he needs to help his line out by being more mobile while inside the pocket, which we witnessed in the TD to Royal against Seattle and again last week in the big pass to Lee. Absolutely love this guy! When he learns to adapt to passing in the bad weather, I truly BILLieve that this kid will be unstoppable!
  11. Gotta give it to you, Russell.... You pulled everybody in whether they want to admit it later or not. Of course you realize that you've set a dangerous precedent. Now everyone's "faker troll radar" will be on full alert going forward
  12. How's it goin' Raiduh troll? I have to ask you, are you seriously coming here trying to talk trash about your team? lol! The only question you have to ask yourself is " are the raiduhs going to be beat by only 20 points or could it reach as much as 30?" READ MY LIPS: Your team will be embarassed this sunday, and you'll be unheard from on this board on Monday (just like the Seahags and Jerrksonville trolls before you) Peace.
  13. I second that motion, GO BILLS! (God bless, Tim!)
  14. The blasphemy lies in not putting the asterisk after the word pats*
  15. While I do think the Bills will win it in the end, I think it will be close and that we will trail early.
  16. Did Turk, Perry and Bobby get any credit for his accomplishment?
  17. Not only do I think that the Bills will beat the Jag-offs, I think they will dominate this game in the trenches (both sides of the ball) I see the Jags getting up by a score early in the first quarter (home crowd, opener etc.) After that it will be all Buffalo. From my understanding the Sea-hags fielded a decent o-line last week and our front four/seven played in their backfield almost the whole game so I can't comprehend how anybody thinks that these clowns with all their changes to the line, can even compete with our blitz packages and pressure regardless of the heat!?!
  18. I realize that this post will be moved but I just wanted to take a moment to tell all of you on the anniversary of 9-11, that my thoughts and prayers are with any of you affected by this great tragedy in your history. Also a special message to those of you serving in the military, your bravery and dedication to your country is something that does not go unnoticed or unappreciated by those of us that are able to enjoy our rights and freedoms because of your selfless heart. You don't have to be an american citizen to understand this, just a citizen of humanity. God Bless, Kelly Johnston (canbuffan 34)
  19. That's nice to hear! I always like to know what actual coaches or former coaches think about our team vs. idiots like Marsha Faulk or others that seem to have their own agenda.
  20. Didn't the Bills org. figure out the secret to beating the heat (or at least manage it) several years ago down in Miami? I thought Rusty had the players drink Enflac or something to keep them hydrated and nourished in the heat.
  21. Hey SnR, I merely was stating that it seems more than just a coincidence that the pieces are falling into place for our team, thats not the same thing as suggesting that the "ghost" of a good man would somehow engineer a shooting you moron! To further illustrate my point, now Merriman is out just before we play the chargers when it was expected he would be in the game.
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