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Everything posted by canbuffan34

  1. I just heard that Marino was picked up by the Rams. This is fun!
  2. All these self annointed "experts" from the various football magazines stating that we're going to end the season 4-12, 6-10! One of them even stated that the stinkin' fish would end up with a better record overall. Here's what I know for sure, 1) We have arguably (with the loss of NE's co-ordinators) the best coaching staff in the league. Having said that, if we here at TSW can figure out that the best way to bring along JPL slowly and build his confidence early on is by running the ball and not putting too much pressure on him, don't you think these coaches have? 2) Sam Wyche personally worked with Boomer and Montana! It's well documented that JPL has been working his A$$ off in camp and in the Film Room, in particular, the players like Moulds and Campbell have stated that he knows where everyone is supposed to be on every play! The only player that Bledsoe always knew the location of was Moulds! 3) So we lost Big Pat, big deal! Everyone else is back including Milloy and Vincent at the safety positions, anybody think that the completion to Wilford would've been made if both of these guys had of been in the EZ? The defence is potentially the best in the league this year! Period! 4) ST's, nuff said! 5) I view this year's team being a carbon copy of the Ravens squad a few years ago that won it all, a dominating defence... excellent ST's.. a punishing back.. and above all else a CARETAKER at QB! Not a playmaker. Remember Ray Lucas? Tried to be a playmaker, fell on his face. I billieve that Sam Wyche and Mike Mularkey will put this kid in the best possible situation to win, and we won't be finishing in the top 5 in the NFL for 3andouts this year, like we did last year which will allow our defence to be fresh and even more effective when they do hit the field! Bottom Line- Any naysayers about JPL taking over this team and leading them to the playoffs on his shoulders are RIGHT! He can't. The thing is he doesn't have to, he's not driving this bus... he's a passenger.
  3. My personal philosophy, for what its worth to you, is LIFE IS TOO SHORT NOT TO BE HAPPY! I will tell you that personally I was in a similar predicament just a year ago. Having worked my ass off for a company for 5 years being treated like garbage I searched every possible avenue of escape and now have after one year, a position where I'm valued, appreciated, and genuinely RESPECTED. It has relieved my anxieties of going to work and more importantly made my homelife better, I wish you luck whatever you decide!
  4. As far as RB's in the CFL, Robert Edwards plays for the Alouettes and John Avery plays for Argonauts. BTW, why I posted this list earlier without comment? I have to attribute to being half awake I guess!
  5. Maybe Fat Pat doesn't realize he's in the NFC now! Even if his new team does make it to the SB, they'll just get creamed by whatever AFC team emerges out of the battlefield of a more dominating conference!
  6. "because the division features more physically imposing running backs like Jerome Bettis and Jamal Lewis" I can picture Willis reading this and then in his best Jack Nicholson impression saying "Wait'll they get a load of me"
  7. My high school football coach was Harry Ball, also true! No-one made fun of him though, he was the size of Ted Washington!
  8. offense-Jim Kelly(we've had to suffer 10+ years of mediocrity at the QB position to truly realize how good he was) defense- Bruce Smith(nuff said) ST- Steve Tasker(still to this day I haven't seen a more versatile player in the NFL)
  9. Growing up about 1 hr. away from Ottawa, Canada I never was supposed to be anything but a hockey fan like all my friends at school, and if I was to follow football at all, I was surely to be a CFL fan not an NFL one! Well quite frankly, I never was like anyone else when it came to my likes and dislikes about sports, movies, etc. At the tender age of ten or eleven I can remember turning the channel to the global network (1 of 4 stations we had to choose from back then) and there before my eyes were the Buffalo Bills, the indescribable sights and sounds of the game, the hard running and fast pace of it all vs. the 2 downs and punt the ball away style of the CFL that I was used to had me immediately hooked. I couldn't tell you one single player back then or if they had a winning team that year, to me it didn't matter. It was around 1980 so I don't think they were very good! I just thank God that I was able to watch the arrival of Kelly, Reed, Thomas, Smith and co. I am disappointed to add that as I sit here at the age of 36, I've never been to Buffalo to watch a live game but know that I have cheered just as loudly and hurt just as deeply for this teams' successess and failures as you all have, and I will continue to do so each season, and when our beloved Bills finally do win the Superbowl as I know in my heart they will, I will get in my truck and drive to Orchard Park, NY and celebrate just as loudly and drunkenly as every poster and die-hard fan on this board! Go BILLS Go!
  10. So Travis could be a Jaguar next week!?! good article, thanks!
  11. Don't you recall the NFL Today interview with the Jets' players after that game? He's not jackass, he's "FastGuy" I think "jackass" is Dan Snyder for luring him away from the Jets for a zillion dollars and then releasing him 2 seasons later!
  12. Congratulations! That's quite a milestone. Do you have a job? I'm member #400 on here and haven't reached 300 posts yet! That's it! I'm quitting my job and will now be a full-time SW poster!
  13. I gotta think that Bethal Johnson is the frontrunner in that race, were you as pleasantly surprised as I was that our ST's unit became so good so fast? Man, St.Louis must be kickin' their ass that they let Bobby April go.
  14. Can't wait to see that little dwarf trying to run one back for a TD against our now dominating ST's coverage unit!
  15. Stats don't always tell the whole story! EM was injured, played under different OC's, PP was a big factor in there, and I gotta tell you after watching last year's games DB was throwing the ball to him so far over his head I don't think Wilt Chamberlain could have caught em'
  16. Does anyone know if this available on Bell Expressvu without having to buy the whole season package? I'd hate to have to shell out 200.00 when almost all the games this year will be on regular t.v. in my area anyway!? But I will if I thought I could watch all these preseason games. Any help appreciated!
  17. Don't get me wrong! I realize that he is going to struggle early on, but yeah! That would be so cool to see the look on the DC for Houston on opening day, fully expecting a run-first, vanilla offense... then Whammo! JPL starts throwin' quick timing passes over the middle, runs up to the line and throws another and another.. I would bust a gut!
  18. I worked all weekend but I just read MM's comments on Bills Daily saying that the hurry up offense is something that JPL does very well, I love hearing that because to me it sounds that he's really getting comfortable with the playbook and also because I sorely miss the excitement of watching a fast striking, competent offense take the field only to be replaced by a punishing defense that doesn't allow teams to even catch their breath until midway through the 3rd quarter! Man! I miss those early 90's.
  19. Exactly! The year we were ranked so high, we had brought in TKO, Big Sam, Posey, Milloy, etc. Beside the fact that it was GW's third year coaching the team, they must have overlooked Kevin Killdrive!
  20. I think that its because of those 4 straight losses in SB's that "winning it all" will mean that much more to me. I remember when Don Beebe was with GB and the year they won, Favre handed the ball to Beebe after the game and said to him, "You deserve this more than anyone." To me that's what it is all about, honoring a warrior for his efforts and dedication despite any shortcomings. Even Emmitt Smith said after our 2nd SB matchup that had he not been a Dallas Cowboy that day, he would have rooted for Buffalo to win that game! Do people make stupid comments to me about being a fan of a 4-time loser? Sure they do. Do I care? Hell NO! Anyone who truly is a Football FAN knows what these guys have to endure just to reach the playoffs, let alone win a title! You just enjoy watching your favorite team play the game for as long as they can into any particular season, their time will come as will ours! Having said that I hope the BILLS kick the Eagles' asses next time we play each other!
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