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Everything posted by canbuffan34

  1. It seems to me that he began to think too much! When he first burst onto the field all wide-eyed and excited about playing in the NFL he caught everything thrown even close to him... as time wore on he appeared hesitant and tentative in catching the ball and even running routes! I have that game you speak of and if you look closer you will notice that none of the db's for the vikes were even covering him! I watched 3 consecutive plays where he was 10-15 yards downfield and when he caught the ball the nearest viking defenseman was 7-8 yards away.
  2. Add to that the fact Vinny beat out Drew in every possible QB rating except for TD passes last season.
  3. Ha! Ha! sorry guys, my computer went nuts on me. I wasn't trying to reiterate my point THAT strongly.
  4. The big question is how will MM and co. utilize his talents? I know we all hope that they don't try throwing the whole playbook at him at once. Remember Ray Lucas? He basically lost games for the fish by trying to do too much on his own instead of relying on solid defensive play and running the ball with Pricky Williams! And he had already been a starter for the Jets! I think that this upcoming season has alot more to do with the offensive coaching staff than with Losman. Do you think that we'll finally see some power running, smashmouth football? We've only been promised it for 4 years now!?!
  5. Right! There's another example of what I meant, we lose Hollis and then pick up Lindell! I'm with you on giving this Nugent kid a look before we go out and try to sign Vinatieri or any other FA kicker! It's a kicker... for fu*k's sakes! You want to find a good Buffalo weather kicker! You do what INDY and KC did, you scout the CFL and offer the best kicker they have in their league the lowest amount of money the NFL pays and its still going to be more than what he's making right now!
  6. Those guys you mentioned are all high quality veterans, yes! I said "emergence" of young players. Didn't you find it to be a nice refreshing change that we had some young kids on this team ie: Evans, McGahee, and McGee have some success knowing that other teams in the league were possibly envious of our team instead of thinking "our guy is getting old and slow, we'll just give him to Buffalo"
  7. I gotta disagree with you here! I'm so sick and tired of successful teams' making us the laughing stock of the NFL by dumping their washed-up, second rate players on us I could puke!! Ex: Drew, Sam Gash, Larry Centers, Dave Moore.... shall I go on?!? We started to have success this year due to the emergence of 2 players.... Lee Evans and Willis McGahee, period!!
  8. How ironic is that? We make a last minute trade with Dallas to acquire our potentially "QB of the future" from them and we may be sending our QB of the past to them the following year!! I love it! If Drew does sign with the Cowboys, do you think that'll be a little bit of payback for those 2 Superbowl losses?
  9. 1) I am not a DREW hater! I hated him when he was with the Pats, but not as a Bill. It would go against my being a DIE-HARD fan of this team if I hated our QB. 2) Maybe I saw him take so many sacks it just seemed like 400+, looking back on it now are you sure it wasn't 500? 3) Only 3 years? Really? I guess it just seemed alot longer.... Y'know "time flies when you're having fun" and the opposite holds true!!
  10. I should have been clearer, you're right... Drew was sacked 414 times in his 4 years in Buffalo ie: on average he was sacked 100 times a year. Feel better?
  11. Ha! Ha! I agree... Just supporting my new QB!! To qoute that guy on SEINFELD, "gotta support the team."
  12. I think that issue should mostly take care of itself in the form of a superstar, future HOF'er in Willis McGahee!!
  13. Man! You either hate the Steelers with a passion or you're figuring on Big Ben to have one helluva sophomore slump!?! I hope you're right though, I can't stand c*ckless-burger for his comments made in the Pitts game last year. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  14. Hopefully we won't have to see that cannon of an arm too early on... what I'd like to see is handoff to WM on 1st and 2nd down and then look for short passes on 3rd and 2,3 and if nothing's downfield REALLY early... run and SLIDE for the 1st!!!
  15. I think if Bledsoe does start for another team, he shows some success early on but then reverts back to his same ol' pat! pat! doh!!
  16. You said it! No more statue in the pocket... and 100 sacks/ year.... finally!!
  17. I agree with you! It's bad enough we as Bills fans have to endure taking crap from fans of other teams but then have to listen to negative crap from posters on our own site, that's too much! I for one am excited to see what this kid has! And one thing I know for sure is that it will be a refreshing change to see a Bills QB actually scramble out of the pocket and make something happen!!
  18. I for one don't see DB taking any team to the playoffs, ever! But I will say that after hearing his parting comments that we all should stop bashing the guy!! He is obviously one of the real "good guys" in sports today and he deserves better. Good luck Drew!!
  19. I think it was the game against San Fran that I saw JP scramble out of the pocket and take off running downfield to pick up a first down... I thought he was going to run out of bounds or slide feet first but then he lowers his head and smacks the defender right in the mouth!! I love that We're up on these guys 31-0 and here's this kid dishing it out! Reminded me of our guy, Jimbo early on in his career Finally some heart and toughness!! Can't you just picture this guy throwing his helmet and steam coming out of his ears after throwing a pick... imploring the defence, "just get me back in there guys! I gotta make up for that last series" I say screw being nice and I want to see some Buffalo Bills swagger again!! The analysts say that JP is too "cocky and overconfident" I say right on!! That's what they said about Jim early on in his career too. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  20. I agree. It sounds like JP killed this guy's dog or something! I mean, jeesh! C'mon give the kid a break already, regardless of what this writer says I don't see MM taking much crap from any player on this team being a former player himself... and if anyone can turn this kid around I think it's Sam Wyche!!
  21. I think the way to go is for the scouting staff to check out the CFL for their top free agent guys, Mike Vanderjagt began his career in Toronto and an emerging kicker for the Chefs.. Lawrence Tynes started for the Ottawa Renegades!! Besides, these guys get paid nothing and are begging just to get in the NFL!! Most of them are cold weather kickers already and would be a perfect fit in Buffalo!! ( canadian perspective EH!)
  22. I can honestly say that I am a true Buffalo Bills fan! Growing up in a small town about 1 hour away from Ottawa, Canada all we had as kids is hockey and more hockey to watch on t.v. Well I never played hockey, and quite frankly never liked it much. I remember one fateful Sunday turning the channel and seeing a young Daryll Talley just crush some running back in the backfield and from that moment on I was hooked! The sights and sounds of the game, the speed at which it was played had me mesmerized and continue to do so for some nearly 20 years. I'm at a point now where I watch each and every Bills televised game, I also tape them all so I can watch them in the dreaded offseason. If I have to work, I get my wife to tape them for me and she even tapes out the commercials for me! She understands that this is not just a casual interest that I have for Bills football but an outright twisted sickness!! The only cure for this ailment that I have self-inflicted upon myself is ...... A Bill's Super Bowl Championship! Then maybe, just maybe... I'll be able to lead a normal productive life!! Ha! Ha!
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