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Bob Lamb

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Everything posted by Bob Lamb

  1. They could not hire anyone. After Ma & Pa worked alone a couple of days - they said why? Ted's is shortening hours at some locations and closed the one on Union Road "temporarily":
  2. https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/sandiegouniontribune/obituary.aspx?n=henry-j-schmidt&pid=198744972
  3. That's exactly how it worked. The sideline SRO was right across from the vendors - made for a crush at intermissions. It was easy for me - being tall - I could see over anyone. There was a lot of position jockeying.
  4. I was in SRO - top of the oranges http://www.timwendel.com/buffalo__home_of_the_braves_65990.htm https://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Home-Braves-Tim-Wendel-ebook/dp/B088P7SD2Q/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=Buffalo+-+Home+of+the+Braves&qid=161 A statue for Randy Smith ? https://buffalonews.com/opinion/columnists/sean-kirst-randy-smith-was-monumental-his-friends-say-make-it-official/article_96267ee4-7384-11eb-941d-17e164d06ba3.html
  5. https://buffalonews.com/news/local/bn-chronicles-buffalo-in-the-70s-wgr-s-shane-brother-shane/article_ae4b9c00-3411-11eb-9c13-7b62115661f4.html?fbclid=IwAR0hjUL74Kk-lA_cDF7fzuc8VnkSMnw5thDWgtQIkDrXdjlqerANmCf-VYg
  6. My wife and daughter had theirs tested. I really did not care. My daughter bought me a test because she has a chronic health condition (which neither of her parents had) and wanted to see any links. My wife and I come from two entirely different gene pools. I had the test and there were no surprises. It was 23 and Me. Then I kept getting their e-mails about matches - I assume it was second cousins and I really did not care. No Harm - No Foul
  7. The Seneca Indian casinos have full betting now. 4 of the State casinos across the state have it also. Now that King Cuomo is looking at empty coffers, there will be a rush to pass legislation for on line betting. NY has been losing money to PA and NJ. Conn too ?
  8. I know I noticed when I still went to games - but the time outs are getting ridonkulous From Phil Mushnick's column in the NY Post How to make 2 minutes last forever: For a multitude of reasons, the NFL continues to make it easier to walk away and never return. Here’s one: Sunday’s first-half two-minute warning in Giants-Ravens began with 1:58 left on the clock. It next took 23 minutes to complete the half — 23 minutes to play 1:58, no stoppages to treat injuries or await replay challenges. Two timeouts called after the two-minute warning commercials break included five more minutes of commercials, two of them reruns from the previous commercial stoppage. Of course, with no one in the stadia, no PSL suckers had to suffer the elements during those 23 minutes of commercial breaks waste before the 12- to 15-minute halftime break.
  9. Alabama - Ohio State - over 75 ?? Cannot put a finger on that line ;(
  10. Bocce's - Too late to order though - cut off for the weekend is 2 PM Thursday
  11. Read his autobiography - this man was an American hero
  12. about one hour - some nifty history https://www.wnyheritage.org/content/the_buffalo_bills_now_then_webinar_december_11_2020/index.html
  13. Is China Already There? https://phys.org/news/2020-12-china-nuclear-powered-artificial-sun.html
  14. https://www.zoombuffalo.com/allen-diggs-20-sign/
  15. Saturday Morning https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2020/07/11/palace-of-auburn-hills-implosion-clears-way-for-redevelopment-project/
  16. If you missed the webinar and would like to view it - https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/4ed-AJX1rnFIHdLP4nyPS6oQN43JX6a81yhL_PtbxE5IlJbHXn_GMYDkr9UsPkJm Password: 8x&8*i!4 It runs about 1:10 with the Q&A Some fascinating facts unveiled
  17. Greg Tranter is a long time collector and authority on many different Buffalo sports and the Bills His first book is now available - a must for the Buffalo sports nut There is a free Webinar on Friday, June 12th at Noon - sponsored by the WNY Heritage magazine https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_uj0nVy8uQK-VuKnb6JR07w Information about the book here: https://www.wnyheritage.org/product/makers_moments_memorabilia/index.html
  18. Both War Memorial Stadium and All High Stadium behind Bennett High School were in The Natural. WMS also ran NASCAR events - Kyle Petty ran there. Bills players used to come back out onto the field after games and collect unopened beers that been thrown from the stands
  19. Christmas night at 8 PM. Game shown in it's entirety (and low def)
  20. The last time the Buffalo Bills controlled and fulfilled their own playoff destiny was on December 22nd, 1996. Jim Kelly threw two fourth quarter TD passes to overcome a 9-6 deficit and the Bills defeated the Chiefs 20-9 to earn a wild card playoff berth and eliminate the Chiefs from post season contention for the first time in seven seasons. What else was happening at that moment in time? The Baltimore Ravens completed their first season at 4-12 as the Browns franchise was suspended The Buffalo Sabres were 18-14-2 on their way to the playoffs Danny Wuerffel won the Heisman Trophy “The Dilbert Principle” (Scott Adams) was high on the best seller list Oakland Ca. school board declared “Ebonics” an official language The Dow Jones was hovering around 5,500 The movie, Jerry Maguire is released Nintendo releases Mario Kart 64 From the radio pop chart – Toni Braxton has us singing “Un-Break my Heart” Derel Jeter is the AL unanimous “Rookie of the Year”
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