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Everything posted by alg

  1. Wow. Right-on on both. Can't believe someone would mirror my tast that completely. I actually like the Cure's version much more then the original. For the movies I would add Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
  2. It has already been mentioned that JP would be the top QB in this draft (and drafted between 1 and 5) which suggests the Bils made out very well. He also got a full year of study in the pro system. All in all, another brilliant TD move. As to the value of points, you failed to make one HUGE adjustment with your calculations. This years first was traded last year, meaning it is discounted to approx 2nd round value. You would not use the 850, but more like 470 used on last years 2nd. Dallas ended up with more points, but if you consider JPs relative value this year, and the fact that we got the 1st in an extremely deep and valuable draft, I would say that we made out like bandits. On paper of course - we need to see how all these guys play first.
  3. No argument from me. Screw 'em all. Remember the Mac/Sosa HR derby a few years back? I had arrived at a place of distain for MLB prior to that, but even I found that race entertaining. What does that look like now? MLB can drown in their own vomit for all I care....
  4. And to think the Bigs are going to let him break the HR record. Push everything under the rug so that America will continue to support a deteriorating league, and a corrupt drug-enhanced statistical inflation. These bozo's knew what was going on, but did nothing because the people paid to see these "great" players hit the ball out of the park in record numbers. A pox on MLB. I was a diehard Mets fan once apon a time, but FA and drugs have made of it something akin to the NHL. Actually thats not fair. The NHL only suffers from greed.
  5. No way man. I am a player and have seen just about every major group in the last 25 years, and Bo has more command of his voice and a stage presence that rivals or surpasses the pros. I garauntee you that, if you buy CDs on a regular basis, that Bo can out-sing half of them. The guy is for real.
  6. Hickock was the focus before he was killed, not Al. I was shocked, but the show has been terrific regardless.
  7. In the interest of full disclosure, I was a fervent Flute hater, but you must also make such distinctions for your sources: AJ Smith basicly built his career on the Flutie signing. It is what gave him notoriety, and was eventually a large part of what got him the the SD GM job. AJ has a dog in this hunt, wereas I have simply been able to forget.....unlike some here....
  8. Naw, it all started when the Browns hired Butch Davis and gave him control over the draft. Think about it. Brown, Warren, Couch? 3 VERY high picks, 3 VERY big busts. It is amazing Davis was employeed as long as he was. If TD had drafted that badly he would have quit out of fear of all the death threats.
  9. Sounds like the very definition of a RT. As implied by someone else in this thread, MM and TD are cooking up some changes on offense. The only thing this could relate to is the OL as we already know our starting skill positions. All this talk about Shelton may be us shopping for a RT (too expensive at guard.) That sure would make me feel better - for some strange reason.
  10. No its not. That's where I seem to disagree with the rest of you. Putting Shelton at LT is a big step backwards. Spin it anyway you want, but Denny Green is nobody's fool. Servicable LTs with low salaries are not floating around on the waiver wire, or being traded for 2nd or 3rd round picks. Not even in this day of salary cap purges. This is not about Travis, its about the regressing of the OL. I don't care if it is supposedly our best deal. That thought should have all of you just as concerned as I am.
  11. For the life of me I cannot understand why people are excited about this trade possibility. Shelton is a career underachiever who will replace Jennings? Aren't we always complaining about line play and the need to upgrade? This is a step backwards folks... TH is a proven and successful player. Shelton? How often do you all see a reasonably priced LT get cut or traded on the cheap? There can be no doubt that our line, if he is earmarked for LT, will take a big step in the wrong direction. The only hope I have if this trade goes thru is if the brain trust have determined that MW is ready for LT, and Shelton plays RT.
  12. Funny, that is how I always saw him. Someone else's franchise player. Or mistake. He just never seemed to represent the Bills to me. It would have been like having Marino come in after the fins cut him. Losman is already more a Bill to me, and he has never even started a game. No offense ment to Marino in my comparison, BTW.
  13. Amen brother. Fortunately for me, even MY wife thinks this show is too much. Thank god.
  14. The day he sucker-punched a SF DB at the end of the game and ran for the tunnel was the day Peerless Price became my least favorite Bill of all time.
  15. I have been in the position of having someone point a gun or a knife at me. You do not do that sh&t unless you are prepared for the repercussions. Personally, I get real quite, and real serious. And real friggin mean. Those things happened a long time ago, but the memory is quit vivid. I had been in many fights when a teen, few by my own instigation. One night some guy "forced" me to fight him for bumping into him. Even after profusely apologizing to him. We went outside behind the Amherst skating rink, and he proceeds to pull a knife and wave it in my face. Let me tell you, the only thing I thought about in that moment was to inflict sever pain on the sombitch. I had never been a dirty fighter to that point in my life, but this guy broke ALL the rules. There was nothing that was not fair game at that point, and I eventually planted him head-first into the concrete. Sorry, I get mad just thinking about it. And the gun? That's another story, but I think you get my point. Never, I mean NEVER talk about having a gun. The only time that should be an issue is if you have to use it. It is not to be used to bluff, it is not to be used to intimidate. It has one purpose only. To kill someone if they are going to kill you. If you treat it otherwise, then you set yourself up to be the one taking the long goodbye. And ESPECIALLY with your wife there. You may be able to take care of yourself, but they can not only harm the little women, they can take away any advantage you have by using her against you. I appreciate that you were dealt with improperly. Perhaps a funny comeback could disarm them - the mood that is. Or maybe like me, you quietly look the guy in the eye and convey the concept that you will not be fu@ked with. What ever your personal style, it should not include any explicit or indirect threats. You are, or should be, about making sure you and your wife leave without difficulty. To say what you did left you open, and possibly, a bigger target then when you went into the store in the first place.
  16. My wife is currently feeding the cats Wellness, and its highly recommended by the pet store we frequent. Unfortunately, she does not listen well when I explain to hear that it is at best 3-4 on the list. It just doesn't have the quality of some of the ingrediants found in other brands. ....Sigh... Well, I guess the fact the cats like half of them is the bigger factor.
  17. Canidae is a fine food. I fed the cats Felidae for a time, though I found some better. After almost losing a cat 2 years ago to vets and drugs, I did a considerable amount of research on food and health. Good food is the best thing you can do for your animals. Dogs and cats should be living to 20-30 years of age, but too many are gone by 10-14. Why? Even the so called premium foods are bogus. Its true of animals as it is with humans. They need natural diets with hormone-free meats and as much organic ingrediants as you can find. And you will be surprised to discover that that the prices of such "super premium" foods are about the same as the so called premium ones. The kidney deseases, the diabetis - all this stuff is promoted or caused by lousy food. Food is our pet's greatest killer. Raw is best, and generally dogs are pretty agreeable to it. Cats are another thing all together. But whatever great food you buy, not only will your animals live healthier lives, they will live substantially longer as well.
  18. IIRC, tagging refers to hackers who exploit wireless networks. They literally tag the outside of a house to let others know they can gain access to the BB network. Kind of what the homeless will do if they find a friendly establishment. I have never seen acts or results of such things, and even after being told about it, found it mindboggling that anyone would waste any amount of time doing it. But there it is...
  19. Can't argue with you there. Payton was certainly a complete player.
  20. Well, perhaps a bit overstated. Don't forget, however, it was OJ that helped create the "respect" for OLmen. Without OJ, the Bills were nothing to right home about either. Shoot, 2 of his first 3-4 years in the league he had a rookie QB -Shaw and Fergy. Joe was nothing but a cartaker until later in the 70s. So yes, I exagerate a touch or 3, but Im only trying to make the point that, if we remove (current) popularity contests from the equation, OJ was the best RB of my lifetime.
  21. I still believe OJ is #2. Smith shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence. Same for Payton. They were contemporaries and Walter didn't compare. Much of his accolades come from being a far superior human being. Sanders? The man led the league in minus yardage carries. Flashy and great for sure, but he did not have OJs amazing combination. Compared to OJ, Smith and Payton were plow horses and Sanders a scat back. The guy who really should be considered his challenger, after Brown, was Campbell. Wow. I have never in my lifetime seen a more amazing RB then OJ. He had size, he had world class speed, and the man had the moves to leave defenders on their fannies grasping air. I never saw Brown play (highlights only) but bow to the stats and records of his accomplishments. As a Bills fan with some homerism tendencies, however, I have never seen a better player, period. Not just RBs.
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