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Everything posted by alg

  1. As a life-long Republican I can say unequivically that I have enjoyed the recent ascendence/domination of my party. Ironically, I can also say that too much success can be a dangerous thing. To paraphrase John Stuart Mill in On Liberty: The biggest problem with the suppression of an idea (for our purposes, because of the Dem's self-inflicted wound to the head) is not that the other idea may be the right one, per say, but because the conflict of ideas bring about a "livelier impression of the truth." To wit: Even as a stuanch classical Republican, I have several views that are not adequately reflected by my party. I do believe we need a better energy/environment policy, for example, but some of my other ideas are so radical that they are not even reflected in the other party: 1) to save health care we must end it (or at least the manner in which we now frame the issues) and 2) corporate looters should be hung from the neck until dead. (Capitalism cannot ultimately succeed in the absence of an even playing field, or in light of the current transendence of profit over ethics/morals.) As a Republican, however, I also know that such views cannot gain voice in my party. Where would we be now without some of the ideas that once were considered radical? Anyone remember the "tearing" Indian chief of the old highway anti-littering ad campains? Can you believe that once upon a time (in the 50's and 60's) that we would drive down an interstate and throw whole McDonald's bags and candy wrapers out of our car windows? Could you all imagine what kind of pig stye this country would look like if not for the environmentalists? (Those luney tunes that even I can't stand?) I used to despise my Boulder County (CO) government for being a bunch of left-wing business hating wackos until I moved to Houston for 3 years. I just moved back a few months ago, thank god, and can tell you I have a whole new appreciation for Boulder open space and building regulations. Free enterprise not a whole life make, my friends, and left to it's own devises, business would turn the entire world into one continuous and filthy strip mall. Such is Houston. So the bottom line is this: while I rejoice in my party's victories and control over Congress and the Presidency, I am hoping that the knuckleheads in the Democratic party can reform themselves well enough to offer legitimate (and most importantly, positive) ideas for this nation to debate and include. If they can return to their trademark cornerstones of protecting the working class, pearing over the shoulders of business, and put a muzzle on the politics of "hate" towards America and Americans, then they will indeed become relevant again. If they keep getting highjacked by the extreme left, they will continue on as nothing more then an irratent in U.S politics.
  2. After too many years of sports/workout injury issues Im now investigating BWT as well. If you have any particular knowlege I would appreciate you hooking me up with a good source or 3. At this stage Im thinking that a combintion of BWT and Olympic lifts would be optimum. Thoughts?
  3. Since when is Political Correctness a sign of free thinking? You are a parrot of the pacifist left. While your opinion constitutes a legitimate point of view, do not make the mistake in thinking that you are walking around without political baggage. You're not. As for Gen. Mathis, God bless him. When we make our military leaders an extension of politico-speak, our military, and subsequent defenses, are doomed to mediocrity. As a leader one must be ever conscious of the ramifications of words, but we must in turn be careful to take things out of context. A reporter has no business going into a miltary gathering and reporting such a comment without emphasising the context within which it was given. To do so is a cynical attempt to profit from sensationalism, at best, and at worst a projection of the reporter's own "point-of-view." Neither have any place in ethical news coverage.
  4. Great idea. Maybe McNair will decide not to retire this year as a result! Come on people. Next time someone swings that stupid-stick at you.......duck!
  5. I believe you are correct in most of these assertions, with the possible exception of LRH is god (though the 1 mil is probably a little high too.) I have read the very top document, and if such a thing was discused I imagine it was more like "we are god." This is not an uncommon statement within the New Age movement, per se, but the intentions are certainly of a different order. Im not sure about this, however. Its been a decade since I read it, and as I mentioned before, all the private collections have been confiscated, but I remember well a couple points that dwarf this in importance, or at lest in impact. Unfortunately, they are so foul, and the subject matter so sensitive and improbable, I prefer to keep them to myself. No one would really believe it, and probably the only thing it would accomplish is to have the Feds/courts rain pain down upon the head of SDS. Speaking of which: SDS, if you happen to chance upon this conversation, and start to get strange inquery's about any users, delete my account and forget that it ever existed. Do the same with this thread. Seriously. I don't mind fighting the good fight, but I prefer to know where its coming from, if you know what I mean.
  6. Your response reminded me of something. Isn't the Illuminati/Rothchild connection actually refering to the Knights Templer? Somehow I seem to have forgotten the connection between the Knights and the Masons. Just Time I guess. There are many many conspiracy theories surrounding the Knights Templer, but historicallly they seem to be an extrordinary group that fostered the birth of safe travel, banking - in short, all the precursors to the modern economy. They were also a most devout group who held property in common, and subjected themselves to an oath to uphold "Gods Work" that would make us moderns blush with inadaquacy. Im a little rusty on this, but I am a long way from disparaging such a group, based on what little knowledge I have on the subject. If Masons "desend" from the Templers, then I would regard that as to their credit.
  7. When you say Mason you mean Freemason, correct? I understand that their ceremony is wraped up in "mystery" but I have no idea what they are about. Are they a cult? Anyone want to elaborate? Before we go off on the word "cult" everyone should understand that even Christianity was considered a cult in its time. In many respects a cult is nothing but an indicator of newness or the small number of participants. My religious beliefs could be called cultish. The key here, I think, is: does a group "indoctrinate? Does it Manipulate? Or just say "here is some cool stuff. What do you think."
  8. Any attempt by anyone to manipulate a vulnerable person for their own gain is a supreme violation. That individuals do it, however, is in no way related to a "religion" that specializes. That very organization is "evil."
  9. Yep. To imagine there is a large group of Americans and others that think of this man as the "head" of their religion is beyond incomprehensable. He should not be mentioned in the same sentence with Relgion or God or Good except to note the irony. He is one of the true "bad" guys, with a regard for truth, beauty and goodness rivaled historicly only by monsters like Hitler and Stalin.
  10. Before TCOS convinced the courts to conduct a raid on their opposition (and to confiscate all their documents - world-wide) I read of many cases where individuals were horased, and a couple where they were possibly murdered. My friend's case is the most famous, but after finally settling and getting his money, he has "disapeared." Even now I suspect he lives in fear of these people.
  11. Only if you are openly against them. I think Im the only one here that would fall into that category. Everyone else is just "talking."
  12. I have worked with the founders of FactNet, an anti-cult organization that had the majority of efforts spent in exposing the truth about Scientology (TCOS.) As some of you may know, TCOS is an organization that charges members for "classes" to de-program them from certain influences. There is a pyramid of "conciousness" that members climb, ever gaining a greater and great level of "clear thinking." When you study their ideology you will soon discover that they are very much the science fiction brain child of Hubburt who once claimed that he could "invent" a religion. He was right. I have read the top secret, extra supperdupper top level, top secret Hubbard documents that members repudidely pay (after all classes and work are included) - if memory serves me - $400,000 semolians. Let me assure you, they have nothing in common with Christianity. They have nothing in common with any "real" religion on the face of the earth. I will go so far as to say that they should be considered an "abhomination" to Christianity, Mohamidism or ANY religion that believes in God. What they did in Buffalo is nothing compared to what they did to all of us - they sued and intimidated even the IRS to such a point that they gave TCOS tax-exempt status. If they can do that to the IRS, you do not want to mess with these people. Their philosophy is one of rooting out any contention, and using the courts to bleed and exhaust any opposition. I would not even now use my name in writing this post. In the time I worked in these matters , and with the encouragement of the others, I strictly remained annonymous. They find people and do bad things to them. My friend ultimately won an award of apprx $6-7,000,000 from TCOS for their decades-long effort to harrass him, and even to kill him. There are many well intentioned individuals - seekers - who wind up in this group. They prey on the vulnerable. They use a full court press to endoctrinate members of the Hollywood elite to use as a showcase, wining and dining them on fancy yhats and what not. But be not fooled. This is an evil organization at its core. Just do a little research on Hubburt and you will discover his association with the forces of darkness - real live, honest-to-god Satanists and practicioners of black magic like Aleister Crowley who wrote "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." I am ashamed and horrified that such a thing took place in my home town. But for now, I will busy myself in my control panel to make sure that there is no link to my real name and address.
  13. This assertion sounds rather unlikely to me. Actually, it sounds ridiculous. If the Bills had issues with JPs stature and throwing ability, like the supposed expert says, he would not have been the object of our desire. Say what you will about TD, he is not a flaming idiot, nor is Modrak and M&M for that matter. Yes, JPs injury may have set him back in his throwing motion, but to label him a "bust" in everything but name is boarderline outragious. It sounds like your NFL "insider" has his own agenda - the most likely being that he was of the same mind as all the other "lemmings" out there who wrote JP off because he was a "head-case" and not the fiery competitor the Bills brass believe him to be. In any event, such insights as yours and Buftex's are greatly appreciated. It is all too infrequent these days to find actual football info on here.
  14. This is fascinating. It really means that we need to give old Scotty a break. He was a great (and clutch) kicker for the Bills until wide-right.
  15. I read The Hobbit and the LOTR trilogy 3-4 times in my 20s. I even owned, read and studied the history and language of the Elves in that time, though I cannot remember the name of the book. Over the last 4 years my wife and I have purchased the extended version of the previous year's movie and watched it, and all previous versions dutifly. In all my life I have never seen a movie live up to the promise of a work of fine literature. Movie makers have ruined everything from Dickens to Tolstoy. Until now. Jackson created a masterpiece - and one I never thought I would see done in my lifetime. I was almost as depressed when it was concluded as I was when finishing the books - out of the sarrow of saying "goodbye." While this work is truly wonderful, it should be remembered that to "do justice" is not to actually exceed the original (written) work. Tolkien's world of wonder may not be outdone in a thousand years. The movies are also not without their issues, many pointed out here. To me, however, the greatest blunder is the one of ommision: Jackson should have made The Hobbit first. Just as it should be read first by anyone contemplating the undertaking. We all have our unique likes and dislikes, but to those individuals who found the books or movies "boring" I say WTF? To each their own....
  16. Yeah, you would have to consider Harrison 1.b in that equation.
  17. I am in agreement with you in that his career should be viewed in hindsight. As to the before and after stats, you should also consider that coaches grow as well. As to Kosar, he was at the end of his career, and who knows if the OL was as well coached then as now. I used to hear every year how they needed to improve their line, but Brady stands unscathed the majority of time. My disagreement is not with people who say Brady is a "great" (or good) QB, it is with those who wish to annoint him and lay palm leaves down for him as he walks by...
  18. I would like your poll better if it said "above average." Brady is a good QB, not an average one.
  19. I think you have articulated nicely the frustration many of us here feel today. Apparently a guy can't be a great player without somehow being the all-time best.
  20. Brady deserves a great deal of credit for his and the Pats success. But as the name of this thread implies, it is to those who over-work his tool that grate on many of us.
  21. Manning IS the system. Chump. Really, why do people have to call someone names to make a point. Does it have to do with a lack of gray matter?
  22. How about the one where Manning threw 3 TDs in the last few minutes of the game to win it? I think that qualifies as a perfect example, though I will have to rely on someone else's memory as to the details.
  23. Bingo! There are plenty of guys in the NFL that can succeed in NE's quality system: McNabb Manning C-pep Green Pennington (maybe just like Brady) Farve Garcia McNair Carr If Brady and all these guys were coming out in a new draft tomorrow, Brady would go ahead of Green. The rest would be picked higher. Please people, just get over this friggin cult-of-personality love fest thingy. Especially over a dang Patriot.
  24. Ok, I'll give you inconsistant. "Sucks" is a relative term, of course.
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