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Everything posted by alg

  1. Outstanding, I really want to be wrong about this. One possible, and big, Gotcha in this is if there is a 3 way tie. Skip step 1, Bills go home.
  2. Seems to me that division tie breakers are irrelevant when it comes to determining wild cards. Head to head, yes, but conference records come in 2nd if I recall. Sorry to pop the bubble guys, I like your senarios better ....
  3. Agreed. And despite recent trends, not everyone is comfortable with cheating.
  4. Sounds to me like the parent has the agenda. One that does not include God in the training of the child. Perhaps Mr Williams is just teaching "lost" history. The one being relagated to oblivion by the secular humanists that want God removed from our culture. If you think this country and world have problems now, wait till it is unfashionable to believe in God. Oh wait, it already is! Thank God many of us manage to ignore it...
  5. The man asked for it. The day after the election he came out and basiclly pounded his chest in challenge to his same party President. Not smart politics. The senate republicans had a right, and that very moment, to lay a serious smackdown on him.
  6. I am one of those that have not had military service, and I can appreciate what you are saying. I missed the Vietnam War draft by 2 years, and could not bring myself to give up a summer for bootcamp in the early 80's since I had a mortgage to pay. In a way I wish they would institute a draft where you had a choice of civil or military service - we all miss something as people and as a nation w/o having participated. We also can better judge the cost of war when such a decision has to be made. In my defense (since I am pro Iraq war) I was in many fights growing up, been attacked with a swithblade, and had someone point a gun at my head at short range. Growing up in Buffalo was tougher then you think.
  7. That's a no-brainer. You MUST have Piests backup.
  8. You know, I had the exact same idea yesterday. It sounds crazy, and I think Clinton is scum, but that would go a long way at disolving the political discord in this country.
  9. Its one think to shoot a fleeing enemy, its another to claim you are a hero for doing so.
  10. From the author of "How to Make Friends and Influ......" Is it possible that real life circumstances can sometimes blur the lines of what is right and wrong? Not if you don't think very deeply. Would you shoot a prisoner if he was about to blow you or a fellow soldier up? No? You would blame the President or the closest Republican you could point a finger at? Im sure you are aware of the fact that a booby-trapped insurgent blew up a U.S. soldier the day before, right? When he tried to aid a wounded advesary? If such proved to be the provocation here, would you retract you beligerantly partisan and pacifistic comments above? Not likely, Im sure. "War bad, hate Republicans, hate Bush, give peace a chance, blah blah blah." Dude, somethings are worth dying for. Some things are even worth killing for.
  11. A South African friend of mine, explaining the volital way Germans and other Euopeans 'debate' issues stated that their rules a very different then ours. It is nothing for them to call you all manner of swine to make a point (I had seen this 1st hand.) For them to take the gloves off means to me that our recent polarization will look downright civil in comparison. Are they in Iraq? or am I thinking of Belgium? In any event, it looks like we may have some more, and highly motivated company in kicking some butt. That is if there is anyone left when they're done with each other...
  12. Lets put it this way. As a Republican, I am much more comfortable with Ashcroft as AG then Wolfie as SoD. He would be less devisive IMO. That should tell you something... Personally, I think Colin Powell had been kind of a waste as SoS. If Rummy leaves, how about Powell returning to his former, and successful stomping grounds?
  13. Judas, when Mary anointed Jesus with the very expensive oils, said (to paraphrase) "we could have feed many poor with the price of this oil." And Jesus said? "The poor will be with us always, but I will be here for only a little while." Was Jesus insensitive to the poor with this answer? You know of course that he was not. Then why such an statement? Because man invariably confuses the issues of spirit with material states of being. Jesus was here to lead us to the 'kingdom of heaven' - to feed our soul's - not our bellies. That he or we would do such things is an extension of spirit born compassion, but such issues were and are secondary to the status of a man's spirit. The left continues to fail to see the significant differences between materialism and the kingdom of heaven. Giving money to the poor is somehow more Jesusonian then leading men to live and have better lives. An honest mistake, but a mistake all the same.
  14. Yeah, and the Rocky Mountains. Im in Boulder County, and although it qualifies as its own Blue state, it is staying here with the rest of Colorado. BTW, Wall Street would be its own Red state...
  15. Jesus is not in Washington trying to torture you or anyone else. Nor is the religious right trying to attack or eliminate everyone elses religious convictions. They're just sick of everyone p&ssing on theirs. I too resented Christianity when I was younger. Then I discovered, with much effort, that true religion - a personal relationship with God - has absolutely nothing to do with the things that many seem to hate. It has everything to do, however, with making the people of this country better, and, eventually, fostering a better world to come.
  16. Miller retired from the senate, right? Is he beyond enticing into GW's cabinet? One his several expected openings? We need more men like this in government, regardless of party.
  17. Im saying that the amazing turnout of rural, western Ohioans made it possible to take the state. The right mobilized in record numbers and made it happen for the Republicans up and down the board. And BTW, I consider this a good thing.
  18. It is this incessant and near universal whine of the left that inspires many of us to go the other way. Keep up the good work, you and like minded people will keep a republican in the presidency for years to come.
  19. But let us not forget the all important (now only important) predictor of presidential results - the winner of Missouri. They have ALWAYS voted for the winner.
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