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NorCal Aaron

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Everything posted by NorCal Aaron

  1. His wife is even more talented. I don't know what we'd have to give up though.
  2. My dream Bills lineup for the early 90s would have included Antoine or Clements to go along with Nate the 1st. Add Ted Washington in lieu of Jeff Wright and pair Henry Jones with Kurt 'I know nothing' Schulz in the backfield, and wanna bet they go 3 of 4 minimum?
  3. On the Raiders radio broadcast (Buffalo native and play by play man Greg Papa and ex-Bill and former Raider coach Tom Flores), they were wary of the Bills even after the long TD. Plus, Flores was disgusted when Higgins slowed down. They're a pretty solid crew.
  4. I watched the Chiefs/Raiders tilt, and both teams are pretty bad. That said, the McFadden kid can turn the corner so the Bills better be mindful of contain. Also, Fargus is a strong determined runner with a good burst, but he left the game with what looked like a non-contact groin injury, so I'm not sure of his status on Sunday.
  5. The North Star is the Bills bar in the city. What's your stake in the Phoenix, sir pimp-alot?
  6. Niners are complicit. They gave Mike Nolan, a defensive coach with no track record of developing young qbs and no front office experience, the keys to the castle. 4 offensive coordinators in 4 years, horrible ownership, and mostly 2rd rate offensive talent, sealed the deal.
  7. The Richmond (not the city) is a district in the Northwestern portion of SF.
  8. Our cheerleaders were stoned by half-time and mostly absent during the second half. More important than being athletic, they were pretty hot.
  9. Think more than 3 people actually buy it? Stick to stripping.
  10. She'd definitely qualify if porn were an olympic event.
  11. A colleague tried to make me one of her MonaVie pyramid scheme bitches. Her pitch was that people are lining up to shell out $30 a pop (twice a month) for the preventative cure-all. She has a storefront business that's doing well, and yet she's "making 12k a week for 10 hours of work" selling MV. She could never explain to me why she isn't selling the juice full time given that income 'potential'.
  12. We know Wendling can go 6 feet vertical, but can he leap from a swimming pool while brandishing ass antlers?
  13. I think the dap kings actually backed up Winehouse on one of her records. Sort like how Atlantic sent folks over to stax to get the booker T & mgs sound.
  14. Sweet. Didn't see this and didn't know they were back.
  15. If anyone has or can locate a copy 'Kim the Waitress' by the Green Pajamas, please PM. Not the crappy Material Issue version, Haven't heard the original in at least 15 years and have had no success in finding it.
  16. Viva Dicamillo! RIP the Alps! Anyone remember what Rainbow Blvd was originally called? My sis and I are flummoxed.
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