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NorCal Aaron

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Everything posted by NorCal Aaron

  1. Hansen was part of a gang tackle and fell/landed on Rice's head - Schulz may have been part of it.
  2. Phil Hansen knocked him out of the game with a concussion on a downfield tackle. Kelso was absolutely brutal. Bounces off Odessa Turner like a pinball on the first score, then gets toyed with by John Taylor as Taylor raced to the goal line. Bills played a man down every year he was on the squad. Henry Jones was a very good player. Great instincts and athleticism. Shonte can only aspire to be as good as Jones, who even as a less than premium safety with an excellent supporting, was miles ahead at the same juncture of their careers. Anyone notice how rangy Talley was? Geez what hustle.
  3. What I find more notable is that Patrick Chung is the second Chung the Pats have drafted. Do they own the franchise on Chinese American players?
  4. Trading one compulsion for another. He was on local radio a while back giving training 'advice'. Nice enough guy, but to every question was the same sort of answer: Q: I have chondromalacia patella, what would suggest I do to start building my basic fitness? Dean: 'You got to go for it' Q: I'm recovering from a torn meniscus how much road work should I start with: Dean: 'You really have to teach your body who's boss' Q: I'm 50 and a bit overweight, how do I ease into running? Dean: 'Its mind over matter'
  5. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?.../s160854D77.DTL
  6. I would zone out on the couch when my wife watched the show, then I noticed Sarah. That girl is absolutely scorching, plus Adam Baldwin is always fun as the tough guy.
  7. Madden hasn't had anything insightful to say in 20 years. All schtick. Professor Emeritus at the Harry Neale sports broadcasting school.
  8. That 64 team looks awesome. Passing and routes are sharp, and a lot of speed. And can you believe it, lineman with wheels and the ability to mash. I'm too young to remember that era, but I remember my father telling me that team was the best in all of football. Nothing in that film disputes it. NFL homers can stuff it.
  9. Hope Shonte plays a solid cover 2 in his cell. They have mad 'ball' skills in the slammer.
  10. Its unwatchable. At least Eliza will always have Faith and Brigham Young.
  11. More Minka is never a bad thing.
  12. Nate blew out each knee during successive off-seasons after he joined the Hawks (playing b-ball I think). You can't exactly say he failed on the field post-Bills, more like he failed to get on the field. Biscuit, Wolford, Patton, Williams and Winfield (lesser degree Bruce, Ziegler, Parker, Schulz) all have done/did fine.
  13. I like the guy and I like the potential pay-off for the 1 year deal. But if he just shuts up and goes about his business, there's nothing to talk about. Quit feeding the B word.
  14. If Gillouli is around, everyone will be leaning one way or the other.
  15. Never thought too highly of Kerrigan, Kwan, Yamaguchi types. Purely Stevie Nicks on ice. 'Graceful' seems to be the buzzword for skaters who have no explosion. Give me the fireplugs and firecrackers.
  16. I don't know anything about Zuckerberg, but here are a select group of people who have both the ideas and the vision. A revolving cast may be the means to execute, but purely as hired help. Folks with vision are like the bleach blonde with bolt-ons, everybody wants a piece, few can have it, and even less can do much with it.
  17. Haven't read it. I'm sure they realized they would need to develop a business infrastructure - Schmidt is the nominal face but he isn't "the decider". Google is similar to Oracle (where there have been a bunch of chiefs over the years - many exceptionally capable- but only Ellison is king).
  18. Larry and Sergei brought in a CEO to placate investors and add the veneer of maturity. Their CEO was considered pretty mediocre at his past posts as a VP in the Valley. According to a gal he was dating (I know hearsay but well placed hearsay), Larry and Sergei rule the roost and the CEO dude is largely a figurehead.
  19. There was a B-Ball player for the Sonics a while back who had 7 kids by 6 women. I never thought he would relinquish the crown - though for the life of me I can't remember his name.
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