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NorCal Aaron

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Everything posted by NorCal Aaron

  1. I didn't think it was possible to agree with anything you say, but amen brother.
  2. Hold your fire. Jenkins focuses on tennis, baseball and golf - he's a spank. When Ira Miller retired from the Chronicle a few years ago, San Francisco lost its only football writer (outside of Glenn Dickey, the fellow who wrote yesterdays article - who was ousted from the Chron), one with a historical basis for opinion.
  3. You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me?
  4. Isaac Bruce was solid last year as well - he has to be about a hundred by now.
  5. I have no idea if Alex Smith will ever pan out as an NFL quarterback, but the Mike Nolan and Niners completely destroyed the guy's development. I'd give a child soldier from Sierra Leone a better chance of survival than Smith had with the Niners. He'll probably be a cap casualty and an intriguing prospect at a reduced price if his injuries are healed.
  6. The Bills never should have let Mike Lodish go either. An integral part of Broncos Super Bowl success.
  7. Good article about Gruden: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?.../SPOR15CDM2.DTL
  8. There are no hippies in Ess EF. They're all in Marin and or growing in Humboldt. The trustfund babes standing outside the Gap on Haight are a just a mirage.
  9. Holmgren is a San Francisco native and is building a house in the area. He'd never go to Buffalo.
  10. I seriously doubt that Nate hangs out in San Francisco that often, if at all. Nate lives south of San Jose, about 60 miles from the SF, much closer to Niners hq in Santa Clara. I doubt many of the 9ers or Giants actually live in SF. They tend to buy McMansions in the burbs south of the city. SF has its share of hot women, but it is not really a big late-night party town.
  11. No worries. If you're ever in the area let me know.
  12. I'll check in out and put something in (San Francisco for the record). Speaking of sons of the Cataract City. Where's the Dean?
  13. Represent! The Falls is always home to me. Whenever I'm there it feels like I'm inextricably connected with NF earth. But what the f%ck have they done to that place! My aunt lives on 4th and the decay crept up past Main St. Good Jesus, those once beautiful houses look like Dresden after WWII. As my people there are getting up in age, it occurred to me last time I was home in May that I may soon have no reason to return. It totally bums me out.
  14. Irish/Mexican blends are sensational. That ADA from Law and Order is another one thats delic.
  15. The Niners under the Yorks have been positively Pop Warner. They ruined Alex Smith and are on track with Davis. He's an impressive athlete who needs a change at a lower salary.
  16. I have the audio for this game somewhere on my tower. George Ratterman is on the color.
  17. Great find. Walsh was ahead of his time (nods to Sid Gillman).
  18. I don't know if she's famous, but she stirs uplift in my fault zone: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt...Den-us%26sa%3DX
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