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Everything posted by bills_fan

  1. I'm not sure about the Jest. They have 4 very difficult games coming up... JETS- 8-3 Houston Possible L, but a W b/c at home @Pittsburgh Definite L Seattle Possible L, Seattle is not as bad as they were yesterday New England Definite L @St. Louis Definite L Thats 10-6 if they win vs. Seattle, but if Seattle wins, then 9-7. I'm much more concerned about the Ravens. Do you guys honestly think Baltimore will lose to Cinci??? I think the Ravens get one slot for sure at 10-6, Denver collapses and we fight with the Jest for the other one.
  2. But would they match a President/GM title for Pioli like Cleveland may offer? Thats a tough one to match.
  3. What I'd like to know is whetehr Peter King spits or swallows after a session with Brady??? http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2004/writ...b.te/index.html On second thought, I don't want to know.
  4. Yes, I would consider it a successful season given the fact that we would have ended the year 10-2. Chalk up the Jax & Oak games to a new coaching staff/system etc., and you have the foundation for a terrific 05 season. You just have to hit the ground running.
  5. This is true. So if you're going to be there when the pool is open, go for the hard rock and spring for the cabana. Very cool scene. If not, I'd agree with whoever said the Mirage.
  6. 29, Hard Rock. Stayed there 2 years ago for a BP and had a fantastic time.
  7. There is another problem. The county budget must account for state and federal mandated programs, as well as local services. Now, according to Giambra, state and federal mandated programs accounted for 88% of the county budget. Thats absolutely obscene. Remove federal from the equation, and state mandated programs account for 80% of our budget. Now, the majority of the 80% is medicaid. Medicaid has been pushed from the state level to the county level. NYS has some of the most ridiculous medicaid laws in the USA. For example, a person must simply cross state lines to be eligible for medicaid. Secondly, as an example, an individual on medicaid may get their eyes checked 5x's/ year, which medicaid will cover. Now, both examples are completely ridiculous. Why NYS could not enact a residency requirement for medicaid recipients? Say two years? That would actually cut the cost of medicaid in NYS by 1/4, as the system will be unable to be taken advantage of by transient individuals. Secondly, cut medicaid services. Do people really their eyes checked 5x per year, absolutely not. Once is sufficient. There are many other examples of ridiculous cost overruns, such as I have just mentioned. However, if medicaid was reformed (and there are many good aspects to the program, but too many ridiculous portions of it), the state would save an astronomical amount of money. That would allow for a budget that focuses more on local services (snowplow, zoo, housing etc.). It appears that Giambra is telling the truth here. Personally, I think he should take a stand and tell Albany to shove it. But, what he is doing regarding forcing the issue with the "red" and "blue" budgets is actually a good thing, and hopefully, can lead to changes.
  8. Welcome to Mitch Frerotte II in the red zone.
  9. If the Bills & Drew beat Seattle, I, for one, will start to get really excited regarding playoff possibilities with 4 straight winnable games.
  10. MIck & YOOOOO, thanks for the breakdowns. It appears we need to root for NE & Pitt to roll (maybe Denver as well). That way, we fight it out with the Jest, Bal, SD and JAX.
  11. Actually, after the Bledsoe int, the D gave up the quick TD and I thought I saw our D totally demoralized, like here we go again. I said to my buddy, well, we might as well start drinking heavily if we don't score here. Then DB led the O down the field for a TD (albeit helped by STL penalties), and I saw some life. The D held serve and then the O scores again, 14-10. The flea flicker on 3rd and 19 was the 2nd biggest play call of the year (just behind running Willis 4th and 1 from the Jet 12). Balls the size of church bells to make that call, a fumble, pick, sack and the Rams score right before halftime and we're done. As it was, that play pumped up the whole team and I can only imagine what was said in the locker room, its our game in the 2nd half.
  12. But, the thing is, if someone said to you before the season that the Bills would be 9-6, going into the Pitts game, would you have taken it? I would have. If we finish 10-6 and no playoffs, I'm really not going to be too upset about our team and season, because I think we'll be ready to hit the ground running next year.
  13. The season boils down to this week. If we beat Seattle, I like our chances of winning the 4 after that. That would make us 9-6 playing Pitt at home. The whole damn year comes down to winning this week at Seattle. I KNOW we are better than Seattle, we just need to focus and not turtle on the road. Play loose and relaxed, just like we do at home. Lets Go Bills.
  14. Fuggin Miserable, Patience....We Gave You 4 friggin years TD??? Patience my ass!! From the Q & A... Bob A. (Buffalo, NY): Over the four years you have been here, the coaching has gone from bad to worse. Coach Mularkey looks lost on the sidelines. The team makes the same mistakes week after week. The players look unprepared, unfocused, and undisciplined. Would you consider bringing in a new head coach with experience? TD: We are very encouraged by coach Mularkey and the job that he is doing. Contrary to your opinion, from someone who sees it on a day-to-day basis, our team is very well prepared and focused. We did not play well last night and New England did. Our hats are off to the Patriots, but we feel that we have an outstanding coach in Mike Mularkey who has put together a quality staff. We need to give them our support and our patience so that they have the opportunity to get their program in place.
  15. No Steve Tasker!! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  16. Hey, what do you say if we all pitch in and hire Marv to address the Bills prior to Sunday's game. He could stand in the parking lot addressing the team before the game. Then we go out, play like gangbusters, and make Teflon Tom look stupid for not giving him a shot this offseason. http://www.marvlevy.net/marv/contact.html
  17. ICE - Now ya pissed me off. My statement is the stupidest ever. What do you call the ridiculous stevestojan that your sorry ass has been posting for the last few years. You posted last week, during the whole NJ Sue incident, that you stopped posting here for a while because people failed to treat other posters with respect. Well, come on down. Our first contestant on HYPOCRITES R US is ICE, that sorry excuse for a stand up guy. I posted my opinion, you disagreed. You want to have an intelligent conversation about WR's and dealing EM for a high 1st round pick??? Fine, tell me how we can get the best college WR for him. I'll listen. But instead you resort to ridiculous name calling. I could sink to your pathetic level, you uneducated, unemployed redneck SOB, but I won't. Ya want to apologize, I'll listen. Otherwise, you can go piss up a flagpole for all I give a fug.
  18. Bobby Shaw, Evans, a retread....no way man, no comparison to a true # 1 WR, which Moulds is. EM scares the crap out of D-Coordinators b/c of his size strength and speed in a way Lee Evans will never do, because he's 5'11". No knock on Evans, he can be very good, but never a true #1 WR. A #1 WR takes all kinds of pressure off of an O, much like a true shutdown corner does to a D. The #1 has to be double covered, leaving one-on-one or soft zones against the other WRs. The D can't stack the LOS as much to stop the running game. Sorry, this O without EM will regress to even worse levels than it is now, no matter who the QB is.
  19. Let me add to that, if you think our passing game is bad now, stevestojan, I can't even imagine it without Moulds. He is consistently double covered and is the best player on the team. It wouldn't matter if we had Unitas, Kelly or Elway himself back there at QB, without Moulds, our passing game is toast. Then so is our running game because we'll see 9 man fronts.
  20. JHJ - Very well put. I couldn't agree with your position more. To the person who said it was a "bad decision," wrong. Civillians were given time to leave Fallujah, most of them did. If this Iraqi was a civillian he should have left with the rest of them. The Marine was simply doing his job. Every mosque, hospital and dead body conceals a weapons cache or a booby trap. Our job, or rather our Marines job (Thank God for them), is to clear out Fallujah from all terrorists. The particular Marine was simply doing his job. On a side note, NBC ought to be ashamed of itself. That tape should have been destroyed.
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