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Everything posted by bills_fan

  1. This isn't about Miami - ND. Its about wanting to see Miami - ND where it counts, on the field.
  2. You guys are fuggin nuts. This chick is smokin hot!
  3. Let me tell ya, as an avid Cane fan, I wish that series was never cancelled. It was good for both teams and good for college football. Too bad the school pres wussed out. I'm not comparing schedules, and yeah, Miami isn't as good this year as they have been, but 18 NFL picks in 3 years will do that to you. I say hire Spurrier because his system WILL work in college. He'd have ND playing dominant football within 3 years. They'd be back competing for the national title. As a Cane fan, I do root for ND, I want to see the rematch of ND-Miami with the national title on the line. What a friggin game that would be. Every year I hope for that game, or at least a Miami-ND bowl matchup. I'm hoping it could happen this year.
  4. I think MM is already a better coach than Gregggggo ever will be. I had my doubts about MM, but with each flare up, and make no mistake about it there have been many this year for a rookie coach to deal with, he has handled himself with class, dignity and consistency. He seems to really have the respect of the players, something Greggggo never had, and admits when he is wrong. I really like him.
  5. I stand by my preseason prediction, Eagles over Pats.
  6. They should hire Spurrier, reschedule the Miami rivalry and make themselves relevant again.
  7. Oh, put it on the Underhill's bill.
  8. Well then how about.... 1- 51-3 2- The Greatest Comeback in History 3- Carlton Baily recoving Elway's fumble in the end zone to seal a 10-7 AFC title game win in 1992. 4- Jim Kelly running the ball in from the Miami 2 in 1992 to win the game on the last play. 5- Buffalo scoring 3 touchdowns in 1:45 against Denver in 1990. 6 - Buffalo scoring 17 points in less than 2:00 against the Raiders in 1990. 7- Smoking both Pittsburgh and Miami on the road in the 93 playoffs. 8- Flutie takes over in 98 and proceeds to go 10-3 as a starter to make the playoffs. 9- The 1988 AFC East championship after years of waiting. 10- Smoking Miami in the 90 playoffs as both Thurman and Kenny Davis gashed the Fin D for over 100 yards on the ground. So... point is.....fug off troll!! 5-
  9. Or, THIS is your uni... HOME http://www.sportsecyclopedia.com/nfl/buffa...uf1_185x250.jpg ROAD http://www.sportsecyclopedia.com/nfl/buffalo/OJ2000Buf.jpg I'd be the first in line to buy the new uni.
  10. I'm just excited to have some optimism with regards to this team for the first time since midway through the 2002 season. All right, so maybe it is feeding a starving man a bowl of rice instead of a steak, but hey food is food right.
  11. You know what they say about opinions.... Seriously, I guess its just a matter of personal taste. You like them, I think they look retarded. Too trendy of a design. Of course I also like classic unis like the Yankees, Red Sox, Tigers and Cardinals in baseball, and the New Jersey teams, Bears and Packers in football. So it is subjective.
  12. Now I may have to change it to third ugliest, behind Cincy and Seattle, which are both MUCH worse than ours. I just wish we went with the classy retro look, say from around 1973.
  13. That was started in the offseason. I was looking to make some kimmelweck rolls (with one of the posted recipes) and have beef on weck for Sunday's game and I can't find the recipes. Did we lose it when the server went down?
  14. Very, very difficult. We almost need to win out, at least vs. AFC teams, and I don't see that happening. Maybe a nice 9-7 season, which would position Buffalo as a playoff favorite next season.
  15. Maybe. But I'm not underestimating Dillon, he's good. But our run defense is one of the best in football. On McGahee....you'll see, just like the Jets and Miami saw.
  16. Except that I think we can stop DIllon without overcommiting guys in the box. Just with our base defense. No knock on Dillon there. Brady, however, will have his moments against our secondary. We just have to hope we keep the ball and tire out your D. The Pats won't stop Willis. I don't care if you put 8 men in the box. The Bills will run the ball. Then when the blitz is off, take advantage of your injured 2ndary.
  17. Got the same one. Click on my profile and you'll see it.
  18. Now thats going a little far. He has his limits but the guy was a good NFL running back, who played very hurt last year for a stevestojantty team. Fumbling hasn't been an issue since 2002, who cares who he is screwing off the field (as long as they're not related to me), and who cares what he does with his money. Suspect at blitz pickup, poor hand and vison I'll give you. But this guy is in the top half of capable NFL running backs. Is he a special talent, no. But could he fit well in an offense like Arizona's, sure.
  19. Henry is a very good NFL running back. But Willis is just a special talent. And I mean, special, as in OJ or Gale Sayers special. The Bills will deal Henry, probably to Arizona or some team in need of a proven NFL back for probably a 2nd round pick in the offseason, which is fine. I would wish Travis nothing but the best, he's been great for Buffalo, a good guy and team player. But by the end of next season, the buzz about McGahee will be that he is the #1 back in football. The Rams/Seattle...these other teams from the NFC West don't have a clue how tough our division is every year. I'm not suprised the Pats hammered the Rams, bunch of wussies. When they come to Buffalo in 2 weeks, I'm thinking that dome team will just turtle, like Arizona, especially if we have Lake Effect Snow.
  20. Interesting. 5 Wides will be tough for us to stop. Especially if Gray decides to try and bring the house on that one, which can only lead to big plays for NE. Still, if Vincent is healthy, we can at least contain the 5 wides with Milloy/Vincent/Clements/McGee/Reese. The last two aren't great, but not terrible either. Dillon, while good, doesn't scare me. Our front 4 +Fletcher will stop Dillon. Will Sam Adams and Pat Williams in the middle, backed up by London Fletcher, forget about inside running. Outside, we have Spikes & Posey at LB, with Schobel & Kelsey at DE. I'm not worried that Dillon will get outside on us. Our defensive speed is too much. No question you are correct. However, to throw all your exotic blizes at Bledsoe, you need to first stop the run. I think you guys miss Ted Washington too much to do this versus McGahee. Bottomline, if Willis gets 30+ carries, I think we'll win the game.
  21. C. Dillon 19 Rush 79 Yds 1 TD 1 FumL That's not exactly a pro bowl performance. Maybe not completely shut down, but certainly held in check.
  22. Williams may not be out, no test results yet. McGahee will get to the outside, and run in between the tackles. Miami and the Jest both have good LB's and McGahee gashed them. You won't be different. And even if you do catch up to him on the outside, he will break the tackle. In the Baltimore game, he broke two one-on-one tackles against Ray Lewis. Impressive. You are correct tho that the game rests on Drew and his ability to avoid mistakes. He has avoided them 3/4 weeks, I think he'll avoid them again.
  23. No question I'd watch every game anyway, even go to a few. I just would not be optimistic for this season anymore.
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