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Everything posted by Nuncha

  1. These are the guys that keep this team stuck in neutral. Evans is too easily eliminated week after week after week. Whitner...talks a good game but can't cover and gets burned way too easily. I agree....its time to move on..maybe not right now but definately after the season.
  2. I sure as hell won't spend $300 bucks next season for NFL suday ticket to watch this garbage. Having the TV on to watch this crap is a waste of electricity.
  3. They need to DUMP LYNCH. The sooner the better. Take whatever you can get. He won't help this team win.
  4. This defense is as bad as the 84 and 85 teams that won 2 games. No Dline, no LB's. The secondary is average. If they cut Whitner the secondary might be slightly above average.
  5. 1984 and 1985. I remember I taking the logos off of my Bills coat during one of those two seasons. I wouldn't wear it otherwise..haha! Back to back 2-14 seasons were pathetic.
  6. And Byrd is due for an interception or 2.
  7. Kelsay, the 24 million dollar man will cover Tomlinson. LOL!
  8. LOL! Agree with you 100%. This organization let SEVERAL good players walk away over the past ten years....Then they throw the bank at a worthess aging bum who was average (at best) as a DE, and SUCKS even more as a LB. Way to go guys.
  9. It should be changed to the "POUT" song...lol!
  10. Paying Kelsay 6 million a season over the next four years makes no sense at all. What has he done to earn this extension? The guys SUCKS as a LB! He wouldn't smell the starting lineup on the other 31 teams in the league. Maybin will probably be next to sign an extension... LOL! How friggin SAD!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. The thought of them "thinking" of giving Kelsay an extension makes me want to vomit. The guy stinks as a LB.
  12. I certainly hope they aren't planning on going after someone like Kevin Kolb.......It would remind me too much of how they thought Rob Johnson was a starting QB....Rob had a good game starting due to injury, we gave up too many picks for him, he came to Buffalo and stunk. Kolb has a few good games as a starter, but I'm not sure the guy is a starting NFL QB. He may not be any better than Fitz. I have a feeling something is in the works....
  13. This was the right move...addition by subtraction. I think it would have made more sense if they had another QB prior to cutting him, but who knows what is in the works.
  14. You are correct, Incognito is a guard.. However, they could have kept him at guard, moved Andy Levitre to LT (which he played some last season and did a good job), and put Bell at RT. Letting Incognito go wasn't very smart.
  15. Roscoe's performance is further proof that Jauron was a BAD head coach. How many games was he inactive last year? DUHHHHHHHHHHH!
  16. Brohm.. LOL! The answer at QB isn't on the roster.
  17. I am positive we are playing for the #1 overall pick in next years draft. I am also positive that whoever they pick number 1 will be the next BUST of the century. This franchise is stuck in REVERSE with the pedal to the floor. Pathetic. Oh yea, one more positive. I am positive they will be 0-5 at the bye.
  18. Brady will outplay Sanchez. Pats win this one easy.
  19. The call had nothing to do with the refs - they followed the rule as it is written and made the correct call - incomplete pass.
  20. Dang, I never realized Namath sucked so bad....His stats are horrible.
  21. I highly doubt that this coaching staff will lose if the opposing team passes for 27 yards...Only a Dickless Jauron coached team is capable of that pathetic feat.
  22. We will beat the Patriots this year....wishful thinking.... )
  23. I agree. He would be a good depth addition to a very young O-Line.
  24. What are you basing these grades on? The past coaching staff/philosophy and 4 meaningless pre-season games. Wait a few weeks to see how they perform and stop acting like you know more than an NFL front office and coaching staff. Saying they have the worst QB situation is purley based on past history - an a s s hole head coach, an injury riddled O-line, and an offensive coordinator fit for a high school team. I'm sure you took this into account when you considered your "grades". Give me a break.
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