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Everything posted by Nuncha

  1. Ferguson was a solid QB for the Bills. His only downfall - he threw a bunch of interceptions. When he threw one it affected him the rest of the game. All he lacked was a short memory.
  2. Not much different than last season here - we just waited until after game 2 to cut our starting QB.
  3. If I recall correctly, there were NO punts in that 49'ers game. That must be a pretty rare thing....
  4. After Reed, number 83 has been worn by Dave Moore, Lee Evans, and Ruvell Martin. TE Dave Moore wore it from 2002 and 2003 WR Lee Evans wore it from 2004 thru 2010. WR Ruvell Martin 2011 till ??
  5. Kirk "the rock" Chambers - he had so much love on this board.
  6. I dont think this team is much better then last year - same O-line problems which will get much worse as soon as one of the starters goes down. RB/QB - same WR - very young group without Evans - the inexperience will show at times The D-line is better, the LB's will be better IF and only IF Merriman and Barnett are healthy. Secondary - same special teams - same I'll go out on a limb and say they will win 2 more games then last year 6-10. They won't start 0-8 this year though......
  7. I need some of whatever it is you are smoking........
  8. Hey - TE is available - Maybe they will sign him...LOL
  9. The ONLY thing they had in common was the number.
  10. You are missing the point - We beat them ONE TIME out of the last 16 tries - Milloy's info helped ONE time and it has been nothing but losses since.
  11. Nope - He cost the Bills millions, I'm sure the Jets didn't pay him much......
  12. There's a shocker! He lasted what 24 hours on the roster? LOL!
  13. Yea - too bad his "great information" led to what 15 consecutive losses since......
  14. And that was the last time we did - 2003....LOL! His valuable information helped us beat them once the past 8 years.
  15. The mistakes have been cleared out - but who has filled the gaping holes after 10 years of horrid drafting? Do they have them filled now? That remains to be seen.
  16. The Bills have struck out consistently between 2000 and 2010 - probably a real good reason why they haven't beat the Patriots since 2003.
  17. Fred Jackson is still trying to prove himself to this coaching staff. It's really mind boggling....
  18. If Edwards is the worst Bill EVER - where would you rank Maybin? He is the WORST Bill/Number 1 pick in the history of the franchise.
  19. The concussions he sustained (especially the one in Arizona) made him a timid worthless QB. He was more aggressive throwig the ball as a rookie then he is today. Stick a fork in him - the guy is done. I agree waste of time talking about him.
  20. I believe the last NFL roster JP LOSTMAN was on was Da Raiders - strange coincidence?? LOL!
  21. Why have a kickoff - only time there will be returns is if it is really windy. Just put it at the 20.
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