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Everything posted by Ralonzo

  1. Hey I resemble that remark. This game, I dunno. Could be a Bills blowout, a Rams blowout, or a nail biter. This causes loss of sleep. Hence this post. That said, who has really blown the Bills out in the past year... that Eagles game, and the cause was not stopping the run. Not sure that’s the Rams identity. It’s starting to feel like Allen gives them a chance in any game - who else can pressure a defense to all points of the field the way he does? Deep, intermediate, outside the hashes... and if you back off he just runs for it. You can’t stop it all and as he continues to identify where the weakness is the offense should get more and more efficient. The PPG the last couple weeks don’t reflect the amount of long, sustained drives. The yards do though. Tough to see the O getting stymied to the point where it’d get out of hand.
  2. You gotta be pretty far Outside of Football to not know about the trade...
  3. I haven't had the Yamazaki 12 or the Macallan 18, just the Oban 14. These webcasting gigs must pay well to have all that on hand. Thought I saw something where Allen's efficiency actually goes up under pressure or off-platform.
  4. I don't think Allen has had a maximally efficient game yet, something like what Fitz is doing now, getting the most out of his talent and his chances. He's gone from firing on 1-2 cylinders as a rookie and showing those flashes, to 3-4 cylinders last year to 5-6 cylinders these first 2 weeks (out of 8 - a real engine). He's still getting in tune. The points on the scoreboard don't always match up to the eye test/stat line of the QB performance. Both of those 2020 games really should have been put well in hand by halftime. That said, I've been waiting for the next 2019 Week 4 level clunker, and it hasn't come yet. And even that was a game that could have been won. Remarked in the Fins-Jags thread that with Minshew it never felt like he could drag his team back into the game. Allen is the exact opposite of that, he can gack series for a quarter or two but he's liable to go off for 2 or 3 quick strike drives at any point when the rhythm and play calling gets in sync.
  5. Thanks. Nate Pyrite's predictions are so seldom correct, I was hoping it was something like that.
  6. I thought it was the Seahawks who dominate at garbage time.
  7. Only if you watched the game. The stat line is so much better than his performance - watching it I never felt like he would get his team back into it.
  8. He was worth every bit of the draft capital they expended on him
  9. I can see why Conley dropped off the Jags top 3 WR depth. Dropped, I say. Edit: "Brady polished his helmet" does the FCC know about this ad?
  10. Where do all these friggin punters come from, where the Bills can't get one?
  11. Are they running option with a senior citizen? Do they want Tua in there that bad?
  12. I played Cole tonight at WR with Parker since I needed to make the decision today. I still have the option of dropping Thielen into my flex spot over Jarick McKinnon but I like that play with the SF situation with Mostert likely out. It's weird hearing the name Josh Allen getting called out in this game.
  13. Minshew missed a chunk on that 3rd down as well, had second level behind Shenault coming wide open.
  14. Taking a flyer with Chark out, and starting Keelan Cole over Adam Thielen.
  15. Whoa, you really hornswoggled me, you sprightly swervedriver!
  16. Now having watched it... on those highlights, Darryl Williams just dominated, abused and otherwise beat the living hell out of Ogbah.
  17. The first 10 seconds freaked me out. "Wait, they're gonna talk about Josh Allen for an hour with... Josh Allen?" Dude's a ringer.
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