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Everything posted by Ralonzo

  1. I think Bills will and should stick with Bass. You have to stick with those young specialty players and develop them, like the Bojorquez who has completely blasted all of his punt today.
  2. Harrison Phillips been making Darnold uncomfortable on several occasions
  3. #97 almost crapped himself when they actually finally jet sweeper to McKittrick
  4. To paraphrase Monty Python: The reversal of the the reversal of the reversal, has been reversed.
  5. Ref conference on how to give the ball to the Jets coming up.
  6. So when you drop a couple jars of ragu on your job, your career as a stockboy should be over too. Right?
  7. DoG after a kickoff “That’s brutal” most everything in green has been brutal
  8. Allen taking a shot because he thought it was an offside?
  9. in other words same as last year, but can they stop at one is the question?
  10. Do the Jets have any LB left? Could be time for some business decisions
  11. arrange your crystals rebalance your chakras focus your chi then drink heavily
  12. Kay Adams loves her some Josh Allen for her Fantasy Must Play today. So much so that she referred to Josh Jacobs as Josh Allen as well.
  13. Seems like every game day last year was like recyclable day, windy and making a mess
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