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Dancing Fool

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Everything posted by Dancing Fool

  1. I appreciate that one no longer has to wonder as to whether or not there are outside influences impacting the results of the games. It makes me less likely to watch the NFL, but honestly I appreciate that as well.
  2. Great attitude. Our current system is not perfect, but it is comfortable. Why try to be more accurate? People will whine anyways, and then things will be changed in ways that are unfamiliar. Since purists would need to adjust, stagnation is best!
  3. How dare people discuss the accomplishments of a recently passed Buffalo Bill on this Buffalo Bills forum! Inconceivable!
  4. Wow, how generous of the Bills! It is nice to see such charity amongst teams!
  5. It is a truly fascinating quality humans possess, they can grow to tolerate almost anything, no matter how objectionable it may be perceived as. I agree entirely with your perspectives. Damn the perspectives of the common man who is paying for such things, let the corporations who are profiting make all the decisions. The peons will mostly learn to adapt, and if some do not all the better, there are less seats for their ilk in this new stadium anyways.
  6. I thought that the equivalent to the NCAA for other sports was the NCAA. Are you unable to see a functional difference between college ball and minor leagues?
  7. There are certainly many areas that are worse off than America when it comes to restricting how their citizens act, but let me tell you that much of the individual rights championed in documents such as the bill of rights serve more as hype building tools than anything that is actually effectively in practice these days. Perhaps the country is more civilized than it once was. It has sacrificed much to get here.
  8. That is not enough! Every player must have messages of love emblazoned on their helmets. NEW ONES. BETTER ONES.
  9. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kansas-city-chiefs-parade-shooting-police-update/ Two of three involved were juveniles, it is now being reported. As to the meta conversation occurring in this thread... well... I can't imagine any comment I would give would convince anyone to change their preconceived notions so I will just let everyone have fun continuing to share their truth with the world.
  10. I can feel Hasek glaring at this post from Czechoslovaki.
  11. With enough liquor, ANYTHING can be forgotten. It may not be easy, but it may be the best option for such circumstances.
  12. Let us be real here. Conspiracy theories are absolutely ridiculous, and anyone who believes in them should be mocked. When have humans ever worked together to achieve a goal without broadcasting their intentions to all? The very idea of such a notion is not only bizarre, but outright laughable. Anyone who believes such insane "theories" should be locked out of public discussion for the good of all involved.
  13. Oh goodness, no. I watch the Bills, not the NFL. Football is not generally a very entertaining sport. I hope everyone who is viewing enjoys their time with Taylor!
  14. Silly? I thought it was disgusting. Well whatever you said it was popular, and in the long run that is what really matters. <3
  15. To play devils advocate here... why is it disgusting that a fan of a team would want an ineffective member of said team to retire? No harm was wished, just a clean break.
  16. I appreciate how the fans did nothing wrong so you imagine a negative scenario and say how uncool your fantasy is.
  17. I like how well this demonstrates the power of stickied threads. ... On topic, at least that wasn't picked.
  18. Billdos and D batteries are the proper cores to any real snowball in Orchard Park for any traditional fan of the team. Show those refs what happens to folks who throw bs flags!
  19. Don't forget to load them up with batteries! Time for an old school Buffalo performance!
  20. This is the biggest cluster***** I have seen in ages. Never can I remember a more fun football game.
  21. Do you not follow the conspiracies? He died last year and the current Hamlin is a AI-generated lookalike projected on the field as needed to keep up the charade. It is why his play has seemed so unremarkable since returning, because his current form has no physical reality. Him being the 12th person on the field was a gimmick to draw attention from this. Wake up sheeple!!1!1
  22. Should be? I would prefer that to be the case, sure, but businesses only need to make concessions when there is legitimate competition in a field, and unless you live in the area you have nowhere else to turn to watch Buffalo Football. In the eyes of the Peacock making the game be 65% commercials instead of 80% is a huge concession! Aren't you glad that you get this great service provided to you for "free" with your subscription?
  23. Do not forget that the Bills have been bet on heavily this week, it seems it would be very bad for Vegas if the Bills were to have a commanding win. Here's hoping that after the game I look as foolish as my name implies for bringing such matters unrelated to the product on the field in to play. The match with Philly does not need to be one-upped. *edit* lol
  24. Right and wrong are so subjective. Has the NFL announced any changes to the officiating? Has there been any talks in the league about any perceived problems with how the games are being called? If not, I would assert that the NFL feels the refs are calling the games precisely as they should be.
  25. *Reads your post* *Looks at start date on thread* *Re-reads your post* Huh. Well you do seem rather confident, so who am I to disagree?
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