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Dancing Fool

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Everything posted by Dancing Fool

  1. The majority of folks seem to want to be rid of him immediately if for no other reason than he's been useless this season. Did you actually read the thread you are posting in?
  2. Vegas odds makers are really good at predicting the future ever since they were run by the mob. That said, there is no way they (the group that has been consistently skilled at knowing exactly what the future would bring since it was run by an organization that would expressly do illegal things) would be able to possibly cheat. Getting hit with a heavy dose of Poe's Law here.
  3. I appreciate this perspective. "The majority clearly disagrees with me... you are all spacy conspiracy theorists!" It is legitimately very helpful to understand where somebody like yourself is coming from. Thanks for the insight.
  4. Same reason I watch the Royal Rumble or a television show, because it is something to do that I can talk about with friends. Do you not watch movies or tv shows? They also have predetermined outcomes. What a peculiar question.
  5. Nonono, you misunderstand me entirely. The NFL WANTS officiating to work the way it does, or else they would change things. I have seen no word from on high at any point that officiating is an issue in the NFL. From the perspective of the league, things are progressing swimmingly. At a certain point if you disagree with the NFL about such a foundational practice, perhaps it is wise to recognize that your goals may not be in alignment with what the league wants. Perhaps the NFL is not in the business of providing the product you were under the impression they were providing. Or perhaps the refs just make a lot of mistakes that go unnoticed. *Shrug* Who is to say, really? On a completely unrelated note, does anyone have statistics on how consistently bookies profit from the NFL? Theoretically they are shooting for a 50/50 chance when they are placing odds, I wonder if they lose out as often as they win.
  6. Pretty confident that the results the NFL is getting with their referees is exactly what they are hoping to achieve. I would encourage you to just accept that the NFL has their reasons for not "fixing" your perceived issue and enjoying the product for what it is. After all, if the NFL felt that it was a problem, they would make dramatic changes. Year after year, they do not. One can speculate as to why the NFL disagrees with your assessment, but it may have to do with their classification as "sports entertainment", a designation shared most notably with the modern WWE.
  7. It served as a worthy time to go to bed last night when the announcers on the radio complained repeatedly about the refs screwing the Bills in ways that made absolutely no sense whatsoever. In a way it is really quite freeing. Sure, I would prefer if the Bills did well, but at this point it makes no sense to literally lose sleep hoping that the refs will let the Bills succeed when they are so ready to let their presence be felt to make sure that the correct outcome is reached.
  8. I'm sure one may be able to prove that it has been more successful in a historical sense. This does not mathematically prove that it is better. Often in games of strategy choosing "weaker" moves can be advantageous, unless you are playing what is essentially a "solved" game with no opportunity for randomness. Football is not that game.
  9. Governments feel the need to make examples of the folks who are caught, because 99% of the time folks speed nothing happens to them. If you think that this is an inefficient system, let me promise you that I agree.
  10. Rigged is such a harsh term. I prefer to think that the folks who set the odds for each game are just really lucky.
  11. I get that the act is certainly one that has historically been penalized. However, much like most actions that have unsportsmanlike conduct penalties called on them, I would not find such actions as egregious as the league standard seems to. The ref was shoving him around throughout the clip, to me it just looked like he was trying to disengage. Rules are rules, but I have a tough time wanting to eject a man who wanted the person getting handsy with him to lay off. *Shrug* He should have eaten a penalty for that since that is the standard... but I would never lose sleep over this not being called.
  12. I am not talking about the lawsuit so much as people's opinions of the events at hand. The responses throughout the early part of this thread have been largely centered around Terry's behavior, not the lack of attention by the NFL. I will admit that I have not read the most recent past few pages, so if the conversation has shifted after the first 20 pages in the thread I apologize once again. None of my opinions expressed change based on this new information.
  13. Did I claim that any tragic results have afflicted Terry? I just said that people who wholeheartedly believe accusations that are backed by nothing are not acting in a way that reflects justice. If you disagree with me argue with what I have said. *Edit* Whoops, I see now. I mean the impact on a larger scale, not this specific event. My mistake, poor wording on my part! I will leave my original reply just cuz. My apologies, I could have worded that better.
  14. Who cares about what the people who were there remember, there are accusations of racism afoot! We must execute those who have been labeled as guilty, and congratulate those who ferreted out this despicable act, even if the only place this evil occurred was in the recesses of their own mind! Seriously though, people who believe accusations without evidence are fighting against justice with the distorted view of being "good people". It is like they have no idea WHY the idea of innocent til proven guilty was implemented, and the results are... tragic.
  15. For many in this thread, the accusation seems to suffice. This is not a healthy situation.
  16. Such is the way of the world. People natively side with accusers no matter what the situation is. Even after evidence has proven allegations to be incorrect, many lose their lives due to liars who are only out for spite and profit. I have seen no hard evidence one way or the other, of course. As I have said before, if it is demonstrated to be true then there is no context that would make this acceptable. I just have seen too many innocents have their lives destroyed by manipulative scum to buy such accusations wholesale.
  17. If he wanted to bring down the NFL, why would he try to take down one of the owners of a NFL team? That seems straightforward enough, eh? It is easier to take down a beast by picking it apart than by doing it all at once.
  18. Is this a recorded statement? If so, he has no business being involved with the NFL. He should be driven out of the city and from the league before the day is over. If this statement was not being recorded, I have a hard time believing that a person so reliant on the efforts of black folks would be so dismissive of their perspectives. Lots of people make claims about others these days that end up not being substantiated. I will be curious to see if this one is or not.
  19. Well, it can't possibly get any worse than that for Allen going forward... right?
  20. Personally I have stopped investing emotionally in games that seem to be influenced by Las Vegas. This seems WAY more productive than looking for solutions for something that the NFL does not seem to view as a problem. Has the NFL indicated that they wish to change anything about how refs function? If they have not then I will presume that officiating is working as it is intended to.
  21. I agree that the NFL does not care. Conversely, I do not care that the NFL does not care. Quite frankly it is cathartic to discuss what so many of us have been thinking. Remember that we would not be here if we did not appreciate the Bills. It is not our fault that the NFL has been providing a dubious product.
  22. Seeking fairness in how rules are applied is always a laudable goal.
  23. I remembered when I first became confused about referees making miscalls in my sports entertainment. It really made me upset. Nowadays I recognize that such groups have more goals than a perfectly officiated match between professionals. Life makes a lot more sense nowadays than it did back then.
  24. It is because of this situation that I only watch Bills games with friends, and despite the closeness of the game I stopped watching after the 3rd quarter yesterday and just assumed the Bills would win. The NFL knows what it is doing, and assumes most folks are far too addicted to their product to quit. Therefore they will keep watering down the product, knowing that their monopoly on winter football ensures that enough watchers will be retained to maintain their profitability.
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