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Goin Breakdown

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Everything posted by Goin Breakdown

  1. Yeah. Everything you said makes sense to me. It's such a tough call and a big offseason to figure some of this out while not losing talent.
  2. Would an upgraded Oline be better than upgrading the WR room? I'm on the fence.
  3. To me the whole MVP thing is fans looking for something to be happy about when they're disappointed that their team didn't make the SB.
  4. I blame Edmonds for this win....er...wait did I do that right?
  5. He was critical of Josh a few times and I could only think of him with a butt in his face and thought "shut up man. You have no room to talk."
  6. I agree with everything you said. That was a DPI all day long.
  7. Of all games to make that comment.... what calls could he have complaint about?
  8. Im Not a big drinker at all. I had a tall boy for this game. Keep me steady. Glad I did
  9. I said the same thing to my son. I had a feeling we could not lose at that point.
  10. Same man. Im going to be a zombie staying up all night talking to you all haha. Go Bills.
  11. I was down on them in the third. I'll admit it. I am pessimistic to the core. Great win. I don't want to see them in the playoffs. Just being honest.
  12. I hate both our coordinators. Getting beat by Miami in our own house. Eff this call me negative or whatever but if things go this way the whole second half what else am I to say. No adjustments to what Miami is doing.
  13. So much for the cold advantage. Still winning but Miami has been scoring every drive since their failed first drive.
  14. I'm in the same boat but heading to NFL highlights. Bet we find out there.
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