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Goin Breakdown

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Everything posted by Goin Breakdown

  1. I'm in the same boat but heading to NFL highlights. Bet we find out there.
  2. I see what your saying for sure. Go Bills!!! Haha for sure not trying to sound like them. Lol. I did look it up because I remember being at that game and it was tough to watch. They ran over 200 yards. Basically this is my defense mechanism being a little pessimistic. .
  3. So to be careful with how I say things, I'll say. The patriots ran pretty well enough against the Bills and they won the game. Feel free to look up specifics as I don't know them off hand. They won in a bad weather game and the Bills didn't. That makes it seem to me that we can't get cocky and assume dominance. I'd love that though. Go bills
  4. Good I'm glad it's over. I'm hoping to draft a good WR this year and would've surprised if one day we find out the Bills traded for a WR. Maybe an Brown or Adam's type thing. Who knows.
  5. I just can't get last years Pats game out of my head. Yea they play in cold weather too, but the Bills were bad. They couldn't stop the run even when they knew it was a running play. I know this is a different year and the past doesn't determine the future BUT I can't get all puffed up like this is going to be an automatic win because the Bills were "built for this". It's going to be a tough game no matter what the weather.
  6. He'll play. The guy could lose an arm and he'd be out there.
  7. Yeah idk. He then went on to say he hope the fish get frostbite. I'm confused. Maybe he just doesn't like the city. To each his own i guess.
  8. Just curious. Ive never heard a Bills fan hating on Buffalo. Are you a fan of another team chatting in here? Just asking.
  9. the same team that puts their opponents in the direct Sun as an advantage should have zero say in moving any game to comfort their a$$3$. I hate the team But I just can't see them doing that.
  10. Ok you've read to much into that. Fold like paper. Mike white, paper is white....nevermind. My bad he's a tough dude. Clean hit
  11. Ohh yeah!!??? Well Dawson Knox took off his shirt during practice outside in buffalo so nahnah
  12. Well that does it. We're screwed. He threw a ball in the backyard while snowing once and felt comfortable.
  13. Everyone will now know Buffalo sucks at 3rd and 4th and long. Ohh wait this has been happening in the playoffs for a couple years now. Maybe the news will reach out front office
  14. IF and BIG if he can still do it, Beas was always in the right spot to move the chains. Never had YAC yards but you can't argue that he was a great outlet when needed. We are missing that part of the game right now. Not saying he's going to be the answer, but really who is? Buffalo is desperate. Im it going to make fun of it. Worst that can happen is it doesn't work. Well it's apparently not working with whatever the bills are doing now either. Buffalo is always in 3rd and long. That means there's been issues getting those first and second down yards. Idk. Worth a try. (If In fact he's here to play and not just "sell a house or get wings". Go Bills
  15. I'd welcome this if he were in physical game shape to play. Kinda wish he was never run out of town in the first place.
  16. Honestly wouldn't surprise me. Get the band back together.
  17. Cool. Still not a good day no matter how ya shake it. Allen's numbers would be better if we had caught more. Many of those were on the money.
  18. What this tells me is that Frazier has a gambling problem. Just doesn't know when to call it quits. "The next hand will be a winner"
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