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Goin Breakdown

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Everything posted by Goin Breakdown

  1. I think the Bills won yesterday because they gave the jets the first game. Allen was very generous with a couple of turnovers (a few weeks ago) so to revive a couple in return was a nice way of giving back from the football gods. Plus I still haven't showered.
  2. Maybe our trainer should do a solid and tape him up. We don't ever have ankle issues. It'd be the gentleman thing to do, no?
  3. 3rd and long defense. You forgot how bad our defense is. knox sucks too can't catch. we are overpaying for an additional blocker. He's a bum.
  4. Im Not surprised one bit. Bills coaches out think themselves. For being a stats reliant team, they sure don't listen to them do they.
  5. Letting the little brother take car for a spin. Then Miami ran out of gas.
  6. If the Bills lose to Miami in the snow after losing to them in the heat ima lose my isht. Just win!!
  7. Ugh. I had forgotten about that play. I wish he wanted that more. It was there. Such a good pass. We need better weapons.
  8. Maybe a shootout like chargers Vs Raiders last year. Next weeks game makes me nervous.
  9. Our OC doesn't know how to use him....or anyone really
  10. Yeah for sure. I get it. He's still super young and I think it'd be a big mistake to not retain him. He's going to be the heart of the D as he grows.
  11. Tough game. Got the heart racing. Jets D is good. Glad we won. Go Bills
  12. I don't hate Edmonds. I'm actually very much in his corner. He's a super important part of our defense and we are not the same without him in there. Don't use the word Hate with me when all I'm saying is if he stood still he'd have the play. That being said Go Bills.
  13. I knew them going conservative in that last drive was going to bite them Them in the a&&
  14. All edmomds had to do was stand there. But he's jumping for a ball at its highest point lol
  15. Play calling is balls. We miss Debol for sure. Yeah we have a winning record but every play and every game looks like It's so hard for them.
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