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dollars 2 donuts

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Everything posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. Man, do I feel stupid. I did not even know we could do that with DirecTV, and I've had it for 8 years, and the HD box for 2.
  2. Don't, Dave, seriously, don't. Don't go there, because I was one of those whinny little b******* all those years ago that would have loved for us to be in the Central division - wherein the furthest city away from us, driving wise, is still closer than our closest opponent in the East - wherein Baltimore would have been a natural fit in the East, as we would in the central - wherein all the teams are at the pretty much same pay scale - WHEREIN BILL PARCELS WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN LINKED TO EVERY OTHER AFC EAST FRANCHISE EXCEPT FOR US!!! SO DON'T GO THERE OR I...WILL...LOSE IT!!!!!!!!! Peace, Bills brethren and sisteren.
  3. Yes, because after the great success of the Peerless Price deal Atlanta can't wait to get their hands on another Buffalo receiver.
  4. I happened to catch this last night, as well. Considering Vincent Smith (i believe that's who it was) is a Buffalo native, I am not going to jump all over him for his opinion of Buffalo or Buffalonians. BUT, it was a little insulting, not as much his comments directly about racial issues in this city, but how it is better in other cities, as he mentioned Atlanta...? (yes)...and from his comments you can assume he also includes TOs other cities: Dallas, San Fran, and Philly due to Smith's comments that the racial component would be WORSE in Buffalo than in TOs prior stops. Come on, Vincent. Come on.
  5. Right on, Chandler. Look, I can imagine how tricky it will be for him and if he doesn't catch on it may slightly jeopardize his career. HOWEVER, I believe he is in the 3rd year of a five year deal, and if he shows up this year and even improves greatly next year, this guy can walk into One Bills Drive after his 4th year and say, "Let's start talking long term; I'm thinking 6 years, 60 million dollars sounds about right." ...and considering this conversation is taking place in January/February 2011, he might just get it.
  6. I know they adjusted the ratings this year, where most teams seem to be a little lower than they were in previous years, AND I know it is mostly based on the aggregate of ratings but DAAAAMMMNNNNNN I would be pissed if I were a Dolphin fan. ...Last year's AFC East Division champions with an overall rating of 77?! The third place Jets at 78, and the last place Bills at 76? Man I can hear the complaining from South Beach now. EDIT: I like the Chargers team, in general, but...really?...they're 11 points better than us (88). ?...A team we beat who we finished one game behind?
  7. Magox The thread officially ends due to Bills fan logic being spot on. Yeah, it would be nice, but it is just not going to happen.
  8. Pitta, this is not a knock on you, hell this isn't a knock on anybody, but, as long as you know the plays and you have a smart center (which we do), whether you have 35 seconds in between plays to digest it, or 15, it really doesn't make a difference to you as an offense lineman, and it DOES put even a good defense on its heels a little bit. Holy crap was that a poorly punctuated sentence?! I've never thought that there was great risk for any team to run the no huddle - line wise. All you really need for it are play makers and a smart QB/C combo. Smart QB: Edwards - Stanford - check Smart C: Hangartner - 47 on the wonderlic - check Play makers: Evans, Owens, Lynch, Jackson, on third downs Reed - check
  9. Ok, this was brilliant and so I am giving it its "propers" because no one else did.
  10. San Jose, I have nothing more concrete here. I just always heard that he was generally unruly with the staff, creaming at them rudely, and such. Edit: a better word might be abrasive.
  11. First, love Bobby J. Second, damn, you're right. Third, I think Cookie wants to be paid to be involved. Fourth, I think this, among other reasons, is why Ralph won't allow it. However, I could (and hopefully) be wrong.
  12. I...need...foot...ball...right...f'ng...NOW!! You are right, we are all chomping at the bit and we need somebody, somewhere to start playing or practicing...yesterday!!!
  13. I know there were issues with him and Ralph Wilson and I know this is a "duh" post. Dammit, though, it just swelled up in me to post it. What would some of these years have been like? Sorry I don't have more, I'm just venting. Peace to all Bills' brothers and sisters.
  14. Very fair points, JA. On a side note, I really do wonder sometimes what may have happened if Cribbs had stuck around in Buffalo from 80-88. Seriously, I don't know. Could he have been at least "great" or would he have petered out by 85-86? It's a shame we (and he) never got a chance to find out.
  15. I'm sorry, at one point did I say take Thurm off the wall and put Cribbs up there? I was wrong on the stat, yes, but your other stuff is pretty much minutia for a comparison I wasn't referencing...nice job, though, seriously, cause that is good information in showing how great Thurm was, and very worthy of the Wall and the Hall. I said I don't think he will go on the wall, but, in the middle years of this franchise's 50 year history he was a very special back.
  16. Well said, buftex. I doubt he will go on the Wall, as well, and I was mad at him when he left and the way he left, but if this guy had stayed AND if we had a stable organization during that time he would have given us more great moments and numbers. Just to breakdown from the link provided early in this thread: In the 54 games of his REAL career in Buffalo (not after the USFL) from 80-83 Cribbs scored 35 TDs (20 run, 15 pass) and had 5600 plus yards in offense for us - about 105 yards per game (75 run, 30 pass), and caught 162 passes, twice eclipsing the 50 reception mark for a season, which I am quite sure Thurmal didn't even do in his first 4 years. And, some still believe that there was a lingering question of whether the Bills intentionally limited his use during the last part of a season so as to avoid paying him his performance bonuses; but take that for what it is worth.
  17. That's the thing that does it for me which a lot of times the "Nationals" leave out of the debate. However, to play the diplomat in this argument I'll just say Bruce is the best 3-4 DE of all time and Reggie is the best 4-3 DE.
  18. I agree completely, billsfan89. I think the additional 100s of millions of dollars are just an excuse to charge people through the roof on their 8-10 football dates a year. Holy peanuts, the new Texas Stadium? Are you kidding me?
  19. San Antonio loves... LOVES Football. They want it very badly and it is a good football town.
  20. I always have to mention this when the Bucs game comes up: In their 33 year history this will be the first regular season game the Bucs have ever played in Buffalo. Just FYI.
  21. I honestly can agree with this, but I don't deem that so horrible given the circumstances. 3-13, though, is complete ineptitude. I don't think this team is going to tie for the worst record in 24 years.
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