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dollars 2 donuts

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Everything posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. You, me and a few others. I didn't hate the Lynch pick b/c Peterson and Willis were gone but I would have loved this guy as our ILB for the next 10 years.
  2. I Agree. Metz, I would love McKelvin to start, as well, but Florence has just plain out played him. It doesn't mean McKelvin has problems, just that Florence has showed up.
  3. Man, that article and this thread were all sorts of win. Thanks, BB!
  4. Yes, it is free and there are some damn fine things being done on the PS3 lately. Throw in the fact that their exclusives seem to be a little better and some previous exclusives are coming to it (Mass Effect 2 in January 2011) and that could sway his decision. If this were 18 months ago it would be a no-brainer, but not anymore. I think Sony has really gotten back into the game after lagging behind for a bit. Peace to TSW Brothers!
  5. Nick, I don't want to start a flame war with uncle flap. His points are valid, however, the one thing I will disagree agree with him on is with respect to graphics; they are not way better on the PS3. They should have been and they will be, but they are about equal right now. I think you may start to see a separation in coming years as the PS3 is more graphically advanced and developers get a better handle on it. I have both a PS3 and 360, and they are both great pieces of tech, with multimedia capabilities. However, I break it down this way; if multiplayer is very important to you, go with the 360 b/c their online service is just plain better, but keep in mind it will cost about $50 a year, but if blu-ray movies are you thing, along with gaming, definitely get the PS3 - it is a great gaming device and STILL a great blu-rau player. Good Luck!
  6. 10. London Fletcher - who even as of this morning on NFL Radio is considered the heart of the Redskins, even over McNabb.
  7. Schein and Tucker were giving the Bills some pretty good props when I was listening to them at around 10 am this morning. They cautioned that one preseason does not a season make, BUT they said Bills fans have something to be excited about and the likes of Spiller and even Edwards improved play will have a positive affect on the team.
  8. I have loved ones who have suffered from migraines and honestly it seems almost paralyzing. I hope they can help him. I like this kid.
  9. Chas, how happy were you then? I mean when he pulled that pass down (in my memory) I still get a chill and still remember what it was like to be a fan of a winning ball club, and that was 30 years ago. ...ahhh, memories. The bad does stink, and it has been going on for awhile, but damn if the good doesn't stay with you forever.
  10. Actually, there was a Bill Simpson, former DB for the Rams that Knox picked up that helped us win the Playoff game against the jets in 1981 by intercepting a pass at the goal line. I think he was #45 and had red hair and a beard.
  11. Well, we might as well let the hits keep coming: The Bills could save a ton of money on traveling expenses if they would just play their home games at the Ralph.
  12. You know what you guys, on a side note and hypothetically, if the Bills (lets say new owner John Doe) wanted to build a new, 275 million dollar stadium I bet the NFL would tell us to go shove it. How dare we, in this day age have the audacity to build a new home for an NFL franchise for anything less than half a billion dollars for 10 games a year. Yeah, thinking about the Jets, Giants, and Cowboys got me thinking that way, as well as the Bucs and Jacksonville. Is all this opulence really necessary for every team around the league? At some point bigger and better just have to give in to enough is enough. ...just sayin.
  13. It really doesn't seem that bad what he said. I'll be honest, I would imagine it would be kind of frustrating to be in one place for almost 10 years and never make the playoffs. If memory serves me I believe Larry Centers played for 3 different teams through the first 10/11 years of his career (including Buffalo) and had never experienced even a winning season before winning a Super Bowl with New England. So, yeah, its kind of nice when guys are good and hang around a long time in this league get SOMETHING out of it from a team standpoint. EDIT: I know my comment isn't directly related to the OPs point, I'm just stating, when you see a team so bad for so long, even other guys around the league think that, man, that sucks.
  14. His coaches rushed him into the starting position in his first season, he should have never been on the field that early. ...if he brings his hot cheerleader girlfriend, I'm all for it. Note: Not a great movie by any stretch, but if you haven't seen The Replacements at least twice you have no business being on this board.
  15. OK, come in a little closer, I don't want the Bills to hear this: Even if they raised ticket prices by 10% (not $10, 10%) I still don't think it would have any effect on dissuading agood majority of season ticket holders; and If this team goes 8-8, I seriously think season ticket sales for 2011 hit the 60,000 mark. Yes, the lowest price ticket in the league, but man, Bills fans are a dedicated bunch.
  16. In a very small defense of people; the internet and the Sunday Ticket have made it really easy to be a fan of a team other than one hometown team.
  17. Yes, you can't throw the baby out with the bathwater and Levitre is one great big baby...wait...well, you know what I mean. Wood's injury only delayed his progress, but it would have been great to see them at the same point for the start of their second season. I'm not worried, though, Wood will catch up.
  18. yeah, I third this behind reddog and dpberr. NFL Radio over the weekend was saying we should go after Sage. Slightly more games played than Trent (32-30), a little more veteran quality, and a little cooler under pressure.
  19. No fellow Zip shall be insulted without me rising to his defense. ahem...even Jason Taylor. FEAR THE ROO, BOYS! FEAR THE ROO!
  20. Amen, brother, my thoughts, too. That's why, even if we have a losing season, if we can jump up and bite a couple of these better teams in the a** and make their fans whine and complain and give bad excuses on how and why they lost to the Bills...well, at least it will give me some pleasure. Go Bills! $2D (yes, I've decided to start stealing from PTR )
  21. BufJ, I would have thought so, too, with Wire, but from what a friend of mine is telling me they really like him, I believe down in Atlanta...team leader and such.
  22. I love it eball...not as much as I love your avatar, but I still love it.
  23. Good article. I really liked Fewell, but hated the 4-3, and honestly, I didn't think he was ready to be a head coach. EDIT: I should say not ready to be a head coach for a team that is in the state that the Bills are in. I very much could see him taking over the Giants in a year or two.
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