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dollars 2 donuts

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Everything posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. And in sports today, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. It took my a couple years to warm up to him but i have loved this guy for years. This story just added to that.
  2. Yeah, and this concerns me. In other words, is there some way that it can be wrangled to allow some teams to sign individual contracts? I know it's a stretch and we are no wheres close to this, but can you imagine if the Cowboys can inch themselves that much closer to the New Yankees and the Bills can inch themselves that much closer to the Pittsburgh Pirates.
  3. Because, by his own words, if he really wanted to show his wares, and showcase himself for other teams, he'd show-up up. I am very much with you on guys not showing up, especially if there are issues concerning future employment. However, he was the one who said, "Just wait and see!!" ....Ooooookkkkk, Marshawn...where are you?
  4. Send on to the NFL Network, SH, they'll have it in one of their "Top 10" shows in less than a week.
  5. Interesting. Thanks, Stucky. Good Info. As far as the WR core, I agree with CarolinaBill on his picks almost exactly, while adding Roosevelt to the practice squad.
  6. PTR, are we involved in a trade with the Packers that you're not telling us about?
  7. Or at the very least, SJBF, a better football team. If he had done the same thing on a 9-7 or even playoff team, yeah, maybe he would have gotten more cred.
  8. I haven't read this whole thread yet, but has anyone suggested the idea that it might be in Cushing's best interest from a fan standpoint...to just plain give the award back?
  9. Very much yes on one, and wow on two. I did not that about Jackson. Yeah, if I were them I would be all over the phone to Buffalo if Lynch is available.
  10. If this happens I cannot guarantee anyone on this board that I am even going to keep my pants on. ...yeah, too much information, and i don't care.
  11. DD, For our family it was 49 years, up until the 2009 season. I love this team and I will neither scorn no criticize any season ticket holders. Personally, though, I'm just glad I wasn't a season ticket holder last year. The Sunday ticket has done well by me the last decade, especially last year. Go Bills.
  12. I would very much like to join in on the thanks and appreciation to those who keep this Board up and running. And please let us know if you need anything from us, the Members.
  13. In before this whole topic gets boring and becomes like beating a dead horse, regardless of your position. ...ohhhh, too late. jk, for those who, for some reason, are going to get offended.
  14. OK, I think I got up to speed on this.
  15. Please tell me you're joking. I don't even mind if it is a dis b/c I'm clueless, please tell me this isn't it. If it is just sarcasm, great, b/c I'm giggling over here louder, louder...now, I'm laughing.
  16. OK, my bad for not coming to the Wall for about a week; What the hell happened?!
  17. Stucky, he's one of the guys I always felt bad for. He did all the things you mentioned above and was dedicated, but damn, when the body gives out on you there is nothing you can do. Especially at such a young age. I never liked when people labeled him, and guys like him as busts. The body breaks and there is nothing you can do about it.
  18. That is the worst post I have ever read. I am not saying anything against you, Rfeynman, as a matter of fact, nicely done. It is just simply the content...honestly, it is enough to make me sick just thinking about it.
  19. Man, I'm sorry, but I am still bent about this. If this kid is who appears to be, that is he is going to step in and be the starter, then he should be better than the current bills at that position, and if he is better than the current bills at that positions he should be at least a 90, where I believe Lynch was rated last season.
  20. However, since getting to the Pros, it seems like his really good day seems to be "Sunday". Yeah, I am still worried about a potential 10 million dollar pain in the neck, that's why if we didn't go that route we at least get Adams as a stop-gap until our youngins get more experienced.
  21. Believe me, guys, I love the idea of Gaither or Adams as much as you do. However, the thing we always over look when it comes to situations like this is(although, lets be honest, we don't overlook it : A) will they even come here?; B) will we pay them to come here? It is kind of the reason why this team seems to carry a few too many ex-oakland raider journeymen.
  22. You are right, K Gun, but I think they do it with the first rounders or high draft picks just to throw a bone out there. Hell, Spike TV had the EA Sports preview just before the draft so there is some logic there.
  23. I'm with ya, Sawchuk, I mean the off season did not end on April 24th. The Bills can also hold onto Lynch for awhile (until he becomes a noticeable problem due to absenteeism). You are not going to get a lot for him but I think a 5th to 7th rounder would have been just too little.
  24. Alright, Baby Joe, I'll take that but Madden better do a better job of updating there rankings this season. I don't want to see him with 375 yards after 4 weeks (knock on wood) with that same 79 rating.
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