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dollars 2 donuts

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Everything posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. That is a story I have heard way too much over the years and it is disturbing. I don't care how drunk you get, that is not funny at all. On the other side of a sorry like that, though, I had a friend who got thrown out of the game for public urination in the stands, the problem was though that he didn't do it. This is the type of guy who picks up wrappers at a stadium so as not to leave a mess behind, and doesn't like drinking during the game b/c he thinks it effects the experience. The real culprits fingered him, and he was by himself at the time, so no one to back him up. Talk about being made, he didn't return to the stadium for almost a decade.
  2. Please don't shoot me about this, but last year our DBs were ranked second and picked off a number of passes, but: 1. Couldn't we have been ranked #2 partially due to how bad we were against the run; 2. Honest question - how good were we really as far as coverage with our DBs; 3. Finally, it could just be that the individual statistics for our starters just doesn't add up in Madden. Man-o-man is it tough being a fan of this game and of the Bills...Years spent waiting for them to be mediocre. The only glory years were Madden 05/ ESPN NFL 2k5 - you may not have liked the REAL team, but in the game you had rated players like Bledsoe, Moulds, Price, Henry, Willis M., Pat Williams, Sam Adams, Antoine Winfield, Nate Clements, Fletcher, from a gaming standpoint they were loaded.
  3. I'll second RJ on this. I'll take Strock off the bench any day of the week, but especially Sunday.
  4. sigh nothing there. Additionally, many on the board ordered from top market at DH gate...which doesn't exist there anymore.
  5. Thank you, B-a-H! I greatly appreciate it my friend. So much so that if you don't like me abbreviating you name as I have now done in two threads, i will stop doing it.
  6. Woop, there it is. http://maddennfl.easports.com/news.action?...RatingsReleased
  7. Bagel is my best man, and just for that...he doesn't get one. ...You do look like Talley a little bit, though. Thanks guys!
  8. I found one of the DH Gate threads. I am going to go through that looking for some opinions. However, still, any other opinions are welcome. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?...replica+jerseys
  9. JR, I am kicking myself right now. There were so many of these threads a few months ago and I am not sure I tagged one, or saved one of the links. I really hope some of the board members who ordered through those sites make it in here.
  10. BB, I plan on putting their names of each of the jerseys and their dates of birth. If the companies can't do that, I'm going to do legendary bills, but have no two be the same. I thought I saved the links to the popular jersey distributors previously listed here, but I can't find it and my search has been unsuccessful, please I still need peoples opinions on their satisfaction with their purhase. BUT, your suggestion is not bad, my friend. Not bad at all.
  11. I am getting married in two weeks and I have been stressing over what to get my groomsmen for awhile, until it hit me to get them replica Bills' jerseys. I know the jerseys wouldn't be done by the 31st, but I still think this is what I should get them. I'll probably be ordering 8-10 of them in various sizes. Quality is important, but good price wouldn't be bad, either. Over the last couple of years I know our board has been big on the ordering of jerseys. Any recommendations that you guys can make with respect to a reputable seller would be greatly, greatly appreciated. Thank you very much in advance.
  12. If you are that messed up I'm not sure you do realize what you r doing to your family, and if you do, you probably sink lower. Look at Art Schlister.
  13. They suck. I am not trying to be a jerk and I am really not trying to ruin your thread B-at-H, but honestly, those were the first two words that came to mind. FUTURE: always hopeful
  14. AND, CT, i don't care that were are believed to be one of the worst teams in the league; if u are a defensive coordinate in this league and u see this kid on the field, your privates start to itch and u get pretty dang nervous.
  15. If I've said once then I've said it...well, at least once: this kid is ridiculous. He is some sort of football freak of nature that should be taken somewhere and study by the likes of Gatorade and Bill Polian. ...but after he retires as a bill.
  16. Ya know what, I'm going to agree with this one. I could be wrong, but isn't he the only former Bills coach ever to leave and win a major championship, college or otherwise?
  17. I cried during my first Bills game. Not b/c they lost or how they played, but I couldn't understand what was going on and why all those people were there. Mind you it was 1975 and I was only 6 years old, and my only previous memory of the Bills was OJ going over 2,000 yards, but I knew I was safe with my dad, and that was comforting. My father was a season ticket holder from game one in 1960 and over 48 years I believe he only missed a handful of games. For the greater part of 33 years I went to games with my father and we bickered and cheered all the way. On our way home after the the home finale against the Giants in 2007, we did our normal post game commentary including the fact that we thought the Giants were "going places" during the post season. As we drew close to home for some reason I jokingly mentioned to him that you never know, that could be his last Bills game. ...It was. He died of Leukemia less than 4 months later. I'll never, EVER forget the memories my father and I shared together watching football and how they were a common bond for us when we couldn't agree on so many other things. Even in a family of 7, it was just he and I when it came to the Bills. ...I do so wish they would have won the Super Bowl just once while he was here. Until they do, though, I know he will always be right there with me, cheering (or jeering) them on. Go Bills.
  18. Yeah, try being a Bills fan and an EA Madden fan and then having guys want you to join their league AS the Bills. ...it stinks.
  19. Man, you got that right, PTR! I'll stop now. People around here have a tendency of getting too upset when you are pro-Roosevelt.
  20. It is one of those things that is frozen in my mind: I was at law school and about to go out to dinner with a couple of friends of mine. We went to a pizza place, man I literally can still remember the pizza even though I can't remember what I had for lunch a week ago...then we came back to my place and watched everything unfold.
  21. Are you serious, HB51? Hell, then I'm not complaining. I'm in for a 9th straight year.
  22. Truly and finally find out whether he really wants to retire (as has been rumored on this board going back a couple of years) or would be willing to be traded. Send him down home to Texas and get a 3rd or 4th rounder for him; considering the limited value teams would put on him if he is imminently close to retirement in the next couple of years.
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