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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. Of course you can. But it seems absurd on it's face to say: "this closes the topic for me", while you continue to argue the topic (even after stating twice that you were done). I wouldn't wish that tragedy on my worst enemy. Its a pain I hope to never experience and I wish no-one ever had to. I do not think Luke Knox's family is visiting this forum to read peoples speculation.
  2. That’s actually very impressive. Someone could have won a lot of money just following his picks the last half decade.
  3. Or a cardiac issue. For example, my mother has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy which led me to do much research on the topic. It is a common cause of death in young competitive athletes.
  4. Then leave the thread and don’t come back into it. Wouldn’t that truly close the topic for you? Why must you argue with others in an effort to make them believe the same thing that you believe? This is my favorite response on message boards. ”My opinion has now been spoken and therefore the thread should be locked to all others” .
  5. You could put up a picture of Josh Allen sitting in a chair and the drunks will go nuts. So I guess I agree with you on that aspect. I highly doubt it happens. Feel free to quote me if i’m wrong.
  6. You have absolutely zero basis for this statement. Maybe 95% of the fans that YOU know. You certainly have not conducted a study or survey on the matter. https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/buffalo/news/2022/08/05/taxpayers-demand-more-community-input-into-new-bills-stadium Agreed. I think this is when it happens.
  7. I would be genuinely shocked if they did this. ”Hey you, 60’000 drunk fans, here is the rendering of the stadium that you’re going to have to pay 3x the amount per ticket to see your Buffalo Bills. Oh and the ones that didn’t want your public tax dollars to pay for it, please look away now. Ok, now let’s beat some Titans”. That’s how some fans would see it. I don’t think the Bills PR is that tone deaf.
  8. This part: As he enters his sixth season as head coach of the team, McDermott has to be feeling that pressure. He has to be wondering whether someone higher in the organization than him will wonder whether McDermott has taken the franchise as far as he can, if the can’t take them to the Super Bowl this year.
  9. I do see the difference. Barkley outplayed Keenum this pre-season. That’s a difference.
  10. Many times opportunities simply come down to people in front of you on the depth chart getting hurt. For example, Keenum was 3rd string in Houston and only played due to Schaub getting injured. Then he went to St. louis and was cut. Then he went back to Houston and only played because Fitzpatrick broke his leg. Then in Minnesota he only played because Sam Bradford got hurt. Noticing a trend?
  11. Barkley sample size is so small that all this actually tells you in reality is that Keenum has gotten opportunities that Barkley has not
  12. I doubt we see rendering without the deal in place.
  13. Pre-season Statistics Barkley: 34/45, 76%, 389 yards, 0 TD, 1 INT Keenum: 35/49, 71%, 314 yards, 1 TD, 3 INT
  14. He out played Keenum in 2 of 3 pre-season games, and tied him in the one game he didnt outplay him.
  15. It sure feels like (even if not true) that crime is rampant right now. It may simply be due to the quick access to news we have now, but scary.
  16. I didn’t realize a civil case could do that. I am admittedly no legal expert.
  17. That’s the part that is most confusing for me. If you are suing someone civilly, it is for money. The actions of the alleged victims attorney helped accelerate Araiza’s release from his source of income. I wonder if he fully thought this through.
  18. He was either guilty and he needed to be cut, OR he is innocent and his situation still had the possibility to derail or be a hindrance to a Super Bowl season Either way, I understand and respect the teams decision to move on. .
  19. Maybe, but he puts his hand down at certain points. Not sure where the mic would go. .
  20. That was great. And the male host looked like he was ready for a fight at any moment. He kept his fist up nearly the entire interview lol.
  21. There is a big difference between tempers flairing and striking someone with a hard object over the head. And someone who is NOT a teammate. Theyre saying the NFL defers to teams for practice punishments. Not that they CANT punish. They just don’t.
  22. That particular conversation was about statutory rape. Please try to follow the conversation if you’re going to input yourself into it.
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