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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. Thanks for the explanation. It was my fault. You wrote "East club PSL is $20k/seat" and my brain read it as "Each club PSL is $20k/seat". Aka, I thought you were saying all the clubs had a PSL of $20k/seat. I should have kept reading.
  2. We had 9 home games last year (8 in Buffalo) and 8 homes games this year. So it’s equal. https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/buffalo/news/2024/02/15/bills-season-ticket-prices-increase#:~:text=Bills announce season ticket prices to inc
  3. Not sure why you would find that so hard to believe, unless you haven’t been following ticket prices for a decade. The Bills themselves announced that their tickets were 20% below the league average in 2021. This was BEFORE a 22% increase in prices within the stadium. Just in the past 18 months the Bills have increased tickets by 22%. They went up 12% last offseason (which got us to 15.9% below league average) and they’re going up 10% this offseason (which I think will get us to around 12% below league average). I think your mind is stuck in the mid 2000’s when we were far below league average. The Pegula’s have steadily increased ticket prices. The bargain is gone. We are almost at league average and the new stadium will put us well above league average. https://dolphinstalk.com/2023/12/which-nfl-team-had-the-most-expensive-tickets-in-2023/
  4. Sorry, I thought that was obvious. Its original retail prices (by the team). I wouldn’t post resale prices because that wouldn’t make sense in this context.
  5. It was average ticket prices - each team vs the league average. Ps:
  6. It’s a fact that many fans miss when they make the argument of “We are just catching up to the average ticket sale price”. Not really. We are only 15.9% less than the average NFL tickets. And I believe I read ticket prices are increasing another 10% this year, so that discrepancy is likely going to get smaller. We are not just catching up to the rest of the league - we are almost there. And the new stadium ticket pricing will not just catch us up, it will put us into the top 5/10 for ticket pricing is my hypothesis.
  7. No you are typically allowed to sell you re-sell your PSL. Oftentimes for significantly less than you purchased it for.
  8. So all we need is for the Bills to win 2 Super Bowls? Sign me up for that. Joking aside, that article is from 2017. Of course a PSL will rise in value directly after that. Giants PSL’s are now down significantly as well. You can pick up a PSL for as low as $400 right now.
  9. $40k in an account earning 8~ish% interest over those same 10 years is close to $100k. The smart play here is to let others pay the absurd retail price, and then purchase it from them in a few years for pennies on the dollar. The Jets sold PSL’s for as high as $25,000. Those same PSL’s are selling for $4,500 now. https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/business/meadowlands-matters/2017/02/24/jets-psls-have-proved-bad-investments/98361042/
  10. Not a chance that is true. Bills tickets were only 15.9% cheaper than the league average in 2023. We have seen reports of ticket prices for the new stadium being 70% to 100% higher than the current prices. The new stadium pricing will be top 10 in the NFL without a doubt.
  11. This doesn’t compute. Building a brand new 8,000 square foot house in Buffalo, doesn’t mean that this new house has equal market value to the same large home in California. Or Chicago. Or NYC. etc. Bringing the Bills ticket pricing up to national averages only makes sense if they’re also building the stadium in one of those larger cities that demand such exorbitant ticket prices. But they’re not. They’re charging big city prices, without the big city. The big city prices make sense in those cities because *everything* is more expensive there. It would be akin to being told the apartments in Lackawanna are now $7.5k per month, because the landlord says the previous rent was undervalued compared to Manhattan and LA.
  12. I still don’t understand this. I understand they don’t want the pricing to get out, but why don’t they want us to see the stadium!?!?
  13. As soon as they said “the club areas will have a roof covering, radiant heating and indoor food”… I would told them blankly, “that’s exactly what we have at 50 year old stadium right now”.
  14. They picked a really poor picture for his introduction article. Nothing in PSE seems to have any vetting process.
  15. Agreed on short term but more like 18 months.
  16. We already are through taxes. Look forward to reading your notes. Were you impressed with the 3d view?
  17. “Please refrain from sharing what you see, so the full timeshare presentation effect will be in place in for everyone”. “Bring your wallet”.
  18. Yeah its a wonderful town. We actually chose it because it reminded us of Key West.
  19. They must not be allowing you to take pictures or video. I would assume we would get leaks by now if they were allowing it.
  20. I have a home in Dunedin and am there for part of there, if either you or Kwai want to meet up. There is a Bills bar there called Buffalo Charlies.
  21. - The Steelers were 7-3 when Pickett started and finished the game last season. He had wins over playoff teams such as Baltimore, Cleveland and the Rams. He threw for over 200 yards in 60% of his games. - They were 0-3 with Trubisky starting. All of those losses came against non-playoff teams. He threw for over 200 yards in 0% of his games.
  22. It's a lot to ask for. No wonder Allen keeps making comments like "who knows what will happen" and "I can't control that" when speaking of his future with the Bills. And we all know that if a reporter asked Allen if he will be here next year, he would definitely respond "I dont know".
  23. Right about what? How do you know what he left minicamp about? We were never given any answers.
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