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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. It's called framing an argument. McDermott supporters have run out of runway with their original arguments due to another disastrous playoffs so they must now frame the argument as a "Stick with McDermott and at least win the regular season" or "LOSE FOREVERRRR". It's not like a team could fire a successful coach (Pederson in Philly) and then immediately hire a coach that takes them to the Super Bowl (oh wait, Sirianni in Phily). That would be impossible. What data supports that McDermott is a good in-game strategist?
  2. Not the type of independent variables that you are speaking of. Like my evidence in the first post, Auto Regressive models literally use past values and past prediction errors to predict future values. It's the entire purpose. For example, in an autoregressive model, the estimate for a variable's value at a given time point 't' is derived from an amalgamation of its preceding values—designated as ('t-1', 't-2') and so forth. Despite their temporal antecedence, these values serve as the model's surrogate "independent variables", even though they are, in fact, antecedent observations of the very variable being forecasted. They are not a completely separate independent variable like you are talking about (weather, injuries, whatever). Really an time series data model, like recurrent neural neworks. They are specifically designed to "remember" patterns over time, without excuses, which makes them great for univariate time series forecasting.
  3. Everything stat has external factors. But we (as humans) tend to only bring up those external factors when it suits us. For example, why do we even mention INT totals for bad QB's? Weather, game plan, tipped passes, etc all are factors that could change this statistic. Another example is test scores. We use standardized test scores to measure the performance of a student? After all, external factors such as socio-economic status, parental education levels, language barriers, quality of teaching, and even the student's health and nutrition can significantly affect these scores. That persons not dumb, they're just unhealthy! And why blame weight gain on poor eating habits? Numerous other factors like metabolism, genetics, mental health, medications, and socioeconomic status also play a huge role. That person's not fat, they're just poor! We can "external factor" our way out of every statistic to ever exist if we wanted to.
  4. Haha, my diet is FAR from healthy. I just prefer to eat junk food that tastes good.
  5. You can just stay logged into your "Tuel" account. No need to flip back and forth. The current newspaper printing presses were built in the 1990's. The Buffalo News printing press is using a 90's era machine that was installed after Y2K. Thats part of the reason theyre moving the printing to Cleveland - the press is old! They still employ press-men and engravers! That's how old the tech is. If you walk into the Buffalo news warehouse you will see a large metal structure that pushes the paper over rollers and imprints before combining. These machines have been in place for over 20 years. They're not new. Production is not significantly cheaper now because it's the same machines we used back then! Add on top of that: - Ink prices went up due to inflation. - Rent went up due to inflation. - Truck prices went up due to inflation. - Gas prices went up due to inflation. - Salaries went up due to inflation. The process is not automated either. Workers in the plate room control a machine that burns pages onto aluminum plates. The plates have a special coating that is sensitive to light. They undergo a chemical bath. Afterward, the plates are bent to fit the press and are then attached to the presses and pressed onto newsprint using a combination of water and ink (which is typically soy or oil derivatives). These ARE less workers, but it's because newspapers in general have declined in readership thus necessitating less workers. Less revenue = less people you can pay.
  6. Oh I've noticed. They throw temper tantrums like Genny cream ale folks as well.
  7. Yes. Correct. Due to inflation which has caused wages, ink, paper, etc all to climb. You're unwillingness to accept facts doesn't change that. Ignoring empirical data doesnt change that. Newspapers and its derivatives were not immune from inflation for the past 40 years. .
  8. Making a mistake doesn’t make you a fool. But refusing to admit your mistakes, shows how foolish you are.
  9. haha I just thought the same thing. That was a brutal drop. Doesn’t get much easier.
  10. Watching this game again, it is so clear to see that this team was toast well before the Bengals playoff game. The defense looks like absolute crap. Puts into perspective how lame the Hamlin, Pegula, etc excuses are.
  11. The snowball-at-the-face-of-every-Dolphins-player game. ‘Twas a beautiful sight.
  12. Sounds like you are a good chef. Some people don't seem to know the difference between good food and slop.
  13. What is everyone's fascination with this Applebee's quality restaurant?
  14. I do my best to only debate with those who possess a comparable level of intellect (or at least within a handful of levels) to mine. Therefore I do not entertain Limeade anymore. He simply doesn't have the cognitive capacity. CPI represents the prices of all goods and services purchased for consumption by households. And yes, as you pointed out, CPI underestimating inflation furthers my points. If you see a higher price, dont accept it. Find a better offer. Not hard to find.
  15. Lol. Try again. https://buffalo-news.securesubscribers.com/?source=microg&gad=1#7Day&gclid=Cj0KCQjw756lBhDMARIsAEI0AgmUx8pKvHj788isQvYAL6-LG7bhOcV3w_QNCQNzXZ_HOgYhgZ4LC2oaAtgaEALw_wcB It absolutely does. This isn’t opinion - it’s fact. Technology doesn’t change the increased price of ink, paper, vehicles, salaries, etc.
  16. Oh, okay. Continue on with your "Local Media is desperately trying to stay alive. F em!" thread.
  17. I'm not defending the newspaper. I don't subscribe and I won't. I am simply telling you that they are not increasing prices because they think it's fun to take more of your paycheck. They are increasing prices because they are trying to stay alive. If they don't increase prices, they will be unable to fulfill their accounts payable and payroll and they will go out of business and there be no local newspaper. That may be fine with you, but don't b-word when all you have left is national pundits commenting on the Bills instead of your local media team. What in the world makes you think their cost of production didnt rise? They absolutely did skyrocket. Printer ink has gone through the roof. When looking at newspaper ink, which is primarily soy oil or a distillate of petroleum (oil), you can see the rise in price: Then there is the cost of paying people to write for the paper. Do you think the writers still want to be paid what they made in 1990? Or do you think their salaries rose with inflation too? Then there is the cost of paper itself, which has risen drastically: So we have: 1 - Ink - skyrocketed 2 - Paper - skyrocketed 3 - Writer Salary - went with inflation This doesnt even count the cost of rent (which has also skyrocketed), new machines (they dont last forever), etc.
  18. They should be charging less, while vehicles, gas, paper, ink, salaries, etc have all increased 3x? Now who doesn’t understand basic economics?
  19. You're misreading something, I think. Print + Digital for 7-day delivery is $26. Link.
  20. Pontificating on "basic economics" while not understanding inflation is a bit ironic. The Buffalo News cost $12 per month ($3.05 per week) in 1990. The OP said they are increasing to $28 per month in 2023. If you plug $12 into an inflation calculator and compute the increase from 1990 to 2023... It is $28. They are essential charging the exact same as they did in 1990. Price has only followed inflation.
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