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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. Lol. Try again. https://buffalo-news.securesubscribers.com/?source=microg&gad=1#7Day&gclid=Cj0KCQjw756lBhDMARIsAEI0AgmUx8pKvHj788isQvYAL6-LG7bhOcV3w_QNCQNzXZ_HOgYhgZ4LC2oaAtgaEALw_wcB It absolutely does. This isn’t opinion - it’s fact. Technology doesn’t change the increased price of ink, paper, vehicles, salaries, etc.
  2. Oh, okay. Continue on with your "Local Media is desperately trying to stay alive. F em!" thread.
  3. I'm not defending the newspaper. I don't subscribe and I won't. I am simply telling you that they are not increasing prices because they think it's fun to take more of your paycheck. They are increasing prices because they are trying to stay alive. If they don't increase prices, they will be unable to fulfill their accounts payable and payroll and they will go out of business and there be no local newspaper. That may be fine with you, but don't b-word when all you have left is national pundits commenting on the Bills instead of your local media team. What in the world makes you think their cost of production didnt rise? They absolutely did skyrocket. Printer ink has gone through the roof. When looking at newspaper ink, which is primarily soy oil or a distillate of petroleum (oil), you can see the rise in price: Then there is the cost of paying people to write for the paper. Do you think the writers still want to be paid what they made in 1990? Or do you think their salaries rose with inflation too? Then there is the cost of paper itself, which has risen drastically: So we have: 1 - Ink - skyrocketed 2 - Paper - skyrocketed 3 - Writer Salary - went with inflation This doesnt even count the cost of rent (which has also skyrocketed), new machines (they dont last forever), etc.
  4. They should be charging less, while vehicles, gas, paper, ink, salaries, etc have all increased 3x? Now who doesn’t understand basic economics?
  5. You're misreading something, I think. Print + Digital for 7-day delivery is $26. Link.
  6. Pontificating on "basic economics" while not understanding inflation is a bit ironic. The Buffalo News cost $12 per month ($3.05 per week) in 1990. The OP said they are increasing to $28 per month in 2023. If you plug $12 into an inflation calculator and compute the increase from 1990 to 2023... It is $28. They are essential charging the exact same as they did in 1990. Price has only followed inflation.
  7. By the 2nd quarter the radio broadcast would devolve into a “Deli Meat draft” where he is arguing the merits of Turkey over Roast Beef.
  8. It’s not worth it to me either. Just don’t B word when it’s gone completely. You should tell your local wine shop to pass on the credit card cost to the consumer and offer a reduced rate for cash. Lots of businesses are doing it now.
  9. If people aren’t going to pay for local press, don’t complain when all you have left is Skip Bayless types. They aren’t raising the price because they want a new sports car. They’re doing it because they are barely staying afloat.
  10. You and I have corrected so many people on their nonsense takes that at this point they are very bitter.
  11. Same. It is incredible that Murph sat next to Van for so many years and didn't pick up on many of the things that made Van great. He wast just incredible. Murph is just... terrible.
  12. Royale is arguing that Jauron was a great coach in 2001. It’s pretty funny. Just for that 1 year though. Then he was terrible again.
  13. So you can’t be sure that a singular season of a good record by a coach without a franchise QB is due to his coaching?
  14. This is the best excuse yet. Downright hilarious. This is akin to: Journalist: How many people have you murdered? Interviewee: Many. I have murdered many people. Homers: Well of course he had to answer that way! How dare that journalist ask a question in such a way that forces the interviewee to respond in that way!!! .
  15. He may be a bit on the spectrum. It's common in our circles. Feel free to have him email me at danielr@universityprofessors.org
  16. Yes, I knew you were setting up a strawman. You tried to distort my statement by implying that my argument was centered around "McDermott could never achieve more than 8 wins without a franchise argument." I saw through your feeble attempt (as I often do) and promptly responded by acknowledging that lesser coaches can occasionally stumble upon a better-than-average season due to luck. I even provided an example of Dick Jauron in 2001. You were outwitted and outsmarted. Deal with it. Yes, this is common. You have fallen prey to the Dunning-Kruger effect. Fools often believe themselves to be smarter than experts.
  17. Yep. And the homers lapped it up like thirsty pups.
  18. I never stated this. You're getting lost in your own semantics. I said this current team is not winning more than 8 games without Allen. You attempted to twist my words and create a strawman argument. An unfortunate problem for you as I am significantly smarter than you.
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