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Everything posted by stevestojan

  1. I like it. Clearly done to make some cap room for something else here. Darcy, don't let us down!
  2. Defensive End. Varsity. Freshman? What have you been feeding that kid? Raw steak? Congrats!
  3. Close match. Peters taking his own helmet off gives him the edge in my eyes
  4. Nothing. But for someone who has a Bills logo tattooed into their skin, comments like that are plenty reason to hate.
  5. If someone promises to post video of it burning, I'll pay for shipping.
  6. Free to someone who will do something creative with it and post a picture. Size XL.
  7. Funny, I have about 20 minutes of Tivo'd footage that says otherwise.
  8. "That's when we took a little force to him.... " Understatement of the century...
  9. I'll be in the Allen/Elmwood area... this will be a playoff atmosphere. Go Amerks!!
  10. The biggest thing I'm taking away from this is what a punch of pussies the Senators are. HOW do you watch your goaltender (golden gloves or not) get punched 6 times in the head and just stand back and watch? I'm guessing tonight will just be a hockey match, but someone may want to chain Peters up.
  11. Is it gay that I got chills watching that? In the last two games, Peters has moved waaaaaay up in my book . . .
  12. Buffalo was bush-league to start targeting stars so blatantly after what was almost certainly a CLEAN hit. The only case you could make for it would be interference. Clean hit.And Ruff sent out the goons. Bush league. This is their thread about the game... I started ya at page 8, where they first saw the Drury hit... Enjoy: http://hfboards.com/showthread.php?t=348452&page=8
  13. I have a Toyota Tacoma. I'm 6'6 and its a small truck, but I have PLENTY of leg room, etc. It's surprisingly roomy. I love how it rides and (knock on wood) hasn't given me any problems (currently 40,000 miles on it). That being said, it's no work truck, but I would recommend at least looking at its big brother, the Toyota Tundra.
  14. OUCH! I hate ripping on anyone on this awesome team, but that was funny. But losing both of them now??? To that I say: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:
  15. Here's a website about dust mites. You'll start showering in the morning. http://ehso.com/ehshome/dustmites.php A typical used mattress may have anywhere from 100,000 to 10 million mites inside. (Ten percent of the weight of a two year old pillow can be composed of dead mites and their droppings.) Mites prefer warm, moist surroundings such as the inside of a mattress when someone is on it. A favorite food is dander (both human and animal skin flakes). Humans shed about 1/5 ounce of dander (dead skin) each week. That, and how the HELL would I function at work without a shower in the morning? And when do you put on your deodorant? At night? or wait till the next morning? Don't tell me both, because that would just make a caked on mess. Just take a shower in the morning. Your co-workers will love you for it.
  16. Bingo! The show WAS great. It was one of the best shows ever, in my opinion. But when they decided to CONTINUALLY add more to the puzzle and never go back and put even a couple pieces together, I feel most people (myself included) saw the ridiculousness of this show. When I realized the producers clearly don't even have the "answer" that everyone is looking for (meaning, they are still writing the story as they go along) I got sick of it - and I think ALOT of others did too. There are interesting things that came up in the first few episodes that have NEVER been brought back up. It would take 10 more seasons to answer all the questions, and tie up all the loose ends to this show. And if the time change was to compete with American Idol, that's ridiculous for a couple reasons. A truly strong show wouldn't need to do that, and second it would make more sense to change the DAY, so people who go to bed early could still catch it. YAWN.
  17. Funny enough, that's due to work. Recently became a supervisor at work ("When I grow up, I want to claw my way to middle management!") and who knew it would come with so many hours Anyway, dog is good. Getting bored with the truck and am looking at a Grand Cherokee.
  18. Hey, if it weren't for the damn global warming, it would only be 2°F.
  19. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...y/National/home Scientists have alerted British Columbia's emergency-planning department to the possibility of a catastrophic earthquake striking the province's southwest coast next week. While the probability of a quake is still low, rapid strides in earthquake detection have given federal scientists with the Pacific Geoscience Centre on Vancouver Island greater confidence in their ability to predict when and where one will occur. Garry Rogers, a seismologist at the centre, compared the current earthquake odds to the dangers of driving a car. “Everyone drives their car every day, and the probability of getting in a car accident is small,” Dr. Rogers said. But during rush hour, the probability of getting into an accident is much higher. “Well, Vancouver Island is now driving in rush hour.”
  20. Feedback? How is the speed? Is it worth it for the $45 or so a month? I am shopping for a new smartphone and was looking for one with wi-fi but if EVDO is decent, it would clearly be better than wi-fi as not hotspot is needed. Thanks!
  21. PROFIT SHARING! Sorry, I'm a bit excited about that as it is just weeks away for me! $$$
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