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Everything posted by stevestojan

  1. Yeah, because I give a sh-- how much payout he gets. He should get an attny, if he wants to pay 33% of his settlement for the attny to fax a letter of rep, a handful of medical bills, and have his secratary call. BELIEVE me, as an adjuster, I MUCH prefer to deal with people who are attny rep'd. I would much rather deal with a lawyer than an emotional person who just went through an accident. I'm telling you, accident injury attny's are the most overpaid people on the planet. 33% of a settlement for approx. 30 minutes of real work. What a deal.
  2. I am a claims adjuster (for property damage and BI), so I may be somewhat of a credible source... although I am hungover. On the majority of my claims, the average number of phone calls I get from an attny is 2 (from the attny's paralegal in most cases). I get maybe 1 or 2 letters, depending on the nature of the claim. I also get them to fax me over any medical bills (this is the real "grunt" work of what they do for you. If you feel like you would be capable of doing this, which anyone is, don't get a lawyer. If you feel like paying an attny 33% of whatever your settlement is, go ahead and call William Mattar (after all, you were "hurt in a car")... In a case like yours, which is a minor claim (please don't take offense to that, I'm just saying in context to claims I deal with), having an attny will make no difference in the payout - it actually rarely does... your injuries are your injuries, and have a price to them.. If you think you can be capable of calling an adjuster once a week, faxing over some medical bills and financial papers (for loss of income claim), save your money. If for whatever reason you do get an attny, ask friends who have used ones, DO NOT go with a billboard attny, these guys are laughed at within insurance companies. Oh, and one more benefit of going it alone: You get to talk to your adjuster. Adjusters won't talk to people who are attny reppd. Being able to talk to the adjuster, and explain just how much pain and suffering you've had can affect the outcome more than Bill Mattar saying "Broken leg. our of work 3 weeks. Loss of consortium." Good luck. Hope ya feel better.
  3. Nice of you to refer to me so highly, but I assure you I am not a God, although many girls have told me I am God-like. Yeah, being me is pretty frigging sweet.
  4. By the way, I will be rooting for the Asians on this season of Survivor. (I would have call them Orientals, but I'm the new Polictically Correct stevestojan)
  5. as gross as she looks, she looks better than a fat chick. I go to work, day in and day out. Avoid the vending machine. Go to the gym after work. Eat a healthy lunch and dinner. Yet EVERY day the same 200+ pound women eat chicken fingers and french fries. It's !@#$ing disgusting. Fat women around the world: Control yourselves! Anorexia > Fat Chicks.
  6. So, McGahee is all of the sudden a ROOKIE? This isn't one 'freaking game into the PRESEASON'. It's two seasons plus one preseason game.
  7. If we can, for a second, go away from which of our Quarterbacks sucks the most, I think its time the Bills get back into the RB market. My fantasy draft is tomorrow, and it being 14 teams, and us all being from Buffalo, I'm sure he'll go in the first round. Also, in the draft guide I have, he is slated to go as the last player in the first round. How does this make an sense? The guy has made it this long on his reputation from college alone. He has been nothing but average, if that. He never breaks a run, and when he does, he gets caught from behind. Maybe the A-train is the answer....
  8. This is a great idea. If i got too drunk at the game, I could report myself and at least have a few cops support me as I walk back up those steep steps to the exit. Could really prevent drunk a**holes like myself from getting hurt.
  9. Back in 11th grade physics, we had this competition. However, the ONLY supplies we could use was two regular pieces of computer paper and two 2" pieces of Scotch tape.... I was, indeed, the only one who came up with a device that protected the egg. We had to drop the egg off of the top of a set of bleachers onto a wooden pallet. Anyway, all I did was roll the one piece of paper into a tube shape and used the tape to hold it. I then folded the other piece of paper accordian style. place this "spring-like" object in the bottom of the tube of paper, and egg on top. Folded the top of the tube to keep the egg from bouncing out. Dropped it, and it worked perfectly. I was shocked. That being said, with all the materials you can use, you should have NO problem with this.
  10. The only thing that I've understood in this thread were the words Crown and Royal.
  11. Take your pick for my reply to this thread: 1) We all know women can't drive. 2) How can a woman POSSIBLY attempt to compete in NASCAR? We all know only men know how to make 4000 left turns in a row. 3) How hard is it to apply mascara while going 200 MPH? 4) NASCAR? Who gives a sh--?
  12. I wonder what the word of the day will be!!!
  13. This is absolutly not the definition or meaning of a "no-fault" state. In fact, it is an overused term that refers to first party PIP/MedPay coverage. (meaning, regardless of who is at fault, you can use your medical coverage so you don't have to wait for the other company to accept liability). But, there is no state in the nation in which someone can TRULY rear-end someone else (meaning, we know that is what happened, or there is no dispute, or a police report confirms, or a witness saw it, or points of impact confirm it, or any number of things) where liability would be split 50/50. If that's what your agent and/or adjuster told you, you need to find a new agent and/or adjuster. "No-Fault" acutaully refers to the actually PIP coverage, meaning the victim is paid by their own insurance company for thier injuries (and possibly loss of income).
  14. Well, i don't think you're going to get screwed. I'm guessing you stated that because you don't have Collision? (because otherwise, you'd have no worries other than losing your deductible, when your insurance company tries to subrogate an old man with no money)... Anyway, if you have UMPD (uninsured motorist property damage) on your policy (and I don't work with NY, I am an adjuster for NJ, CT, RI, NH and ME -- so i don't know if it's optional in NY), you will be fine. So long as your insurance company can show that the at fault party has no insurance, AND you have the man's info (I know that UMPD doesn't apply to hit and run cases in NY), you can trigger your UMPD. Glad to hear the wife is OK... most important thing!
  15. in related news, the Buffalo Wings won their 2nd roller hockey game of the season.
  16. damnitt!! i hve 3 of 4.. the upper left one... where is it?!?!?!
  17. I turned on the TV, it was soccer, and I didn't change the channel. Not only that, but I am actually.... . ... . enjoying it... Damnit. I might as well go buy the Sex in The City Box DVD box set on my way to look for a Yoga class. Manhood was nice... while it lasted. Tell my balls I'll miss em.
  18. Except for the standing Buffalo Bils logo.
  19. Found another pic of the new logo New Sabres Logo
  20. When there was such a perfect design just ready to be picked up and adored by fans, why the !@#$ would you go with this sh--? Well, let's start getting used to it. Only 10 more years until we can hope they go back to the real "Blue and Gold" again.
  21. Apparently other teams think our current uniforms are SWEET.... ??? http://coloradoavalanche.com/Forum/viewtop...c6cef9f0421392b Also, one guy in that thread makes the best use of being able to post pics on a msg board I've ever seen.
  22. THOSE are phenominal... LOVE them. The old jersey's we all wanted with just a touch of "new"... perfect.
  23. OK... the one from yesterday, that turned out to be fake was sweet. I said nothing could be worse that what we have now. I was WAAAY off. This is god-awful. Looks like a water Buffalo that had a terrible accident with a lawn mower and lost all of its limbs.
  24. I agree. But I love woman. As a matter of fact, I like my woman how I like my coffee... ground up and in the freezer.
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