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Everything posted by stevestojan

  1. You're like Paul Giamatti in the movie Sideways, aren't you???
  2. Sadly, that took me a second. I re-read the post thinking I made a typo. I really gotta quit drinking so much See if you can solve this puzzle: AS_HOLE
  3. Unreal. This team just plain out doesn't deserve to make the playoffs. Our defensive it borderline horrendous
  4. I'm gonna grab a bottle this weekend. learning already!
  5. and that is the type of wine? like merlot or chardonnay, etc??
  6. What kind of wine is that??? I don't want to sound like a moron when i go to the wine store and try to pronounce that... I will just ask where are the "this type of wine" and then i'll look for that one.
  7. Thanks for starting this thread Pete. Everyone else, this is the message I sent to Pete asking about wine. Any input would be great. Hey Pete, I was never a big wine drinker until I met my fiance. She loves wine, bit only drinks Chardonnay. Her sister drinks Red wine. We actually just bought my fiance a wine fridge, which is nice. I'm looking to get more into wine, but honestly have NO CLUE where to start. When I hear some people talking about wine, its almost like they are talking about rocket science mixed with their religion. Its insane. I would like to become more educated about wine, but never want to be someone who says "I can taste hints of blah blah blah in this glass". I like sweeter red wine. I don't want to spend $30 a bottle, but can afford better than a $5 bottle. Where do I start? Any good books that are easy, quick reads that you recommend? Thanks!
  8. Holy crap. I wasn't confused until I asked about extensions. JPGS changing to Excel files?
  9. Quick question... are the most common file types the same between systems? Are picture files .gif, .jpg, etc the same on a Mac Videos .avi, .mpg, etc? Documents .txt, .doc, etc? Thanks
  10. Campbell? We had him this season. He didn't do sh--.
  11. The fiance takes 1 class a semester as GEICO generally only promotes those with a degree or who are actively pursuing. So, I can legitimately get the $100 off. I know GEICO offers discounts for all sorts of things (my verizon bill, for example). Not sure about Apple, but I think the student discount was my best bet. I'll let everyone know how I like the MacBook when I get it Tuesday!
  12. What issues did you have with openoffice on the Mac?
  13. He's watchable. But I am not one of those people that will laugh at ANYTHING he says because he's Dane Cook.... and there are ALOT of people like that. Pablo Francisco, Nick Swardson... THOSE are some funny guys
  14. You're company is requiring the use of Macs and making you buy them? Is your company located in communist Stalingrad?
  15. Not proud, I've just seen it all before. I wasn't bragging, i was simply stating that this has become a horrible pattern with this team.
  16. I looked at the refurbs, and the price is $250 less for the same computer. I read some stories where people have had bad experiences. To me, its not worth it, especially since I can save $100 on retail as my fiance is enrolled in a couple classes for school so i can use that discount. I want a mac for a few reasons. 1) I know the programs i use 99% of the time are compatible. 2) I love tinkering around with new crap 3) They are more expensive, however have an incredible resale value. My 5 year old laptop that I'm on right now wouldn't get me $150 on craigslist. I paid over $1100 for it.
  17. My very unpopular opinion: Lindy Ruff is a fantastic coach when he has fantastic talent on the team. A truly good coach can make the playoffs without a team of overachievers. We have enough talent (barely) to make the playoffs). We lack in execution (god I never thought I'd use the "execution" line, but it's true.)
  18. You'd also add about 5 years to your lifespan. The funny part was, ALOT of people left with ~5 minutes left. With our history as of late, who in their right mind would do that? By the way, Boston one today... Maybe next year.
  19. What are your biggest frustrations? Its just odd to hear someone who doesn't "LOVE" their Mac. The main programs I use are Firefox, Openoffice, and iTunes. Those three (obviously iTunes) work on a Mac. Just wonering what you don't like. I may just get another Dell. The one thing that I don't like about Dell is it takes the better part of 3 weeks to get it built and delivered. That's unacceptable in my eyes.
  20. He just swore again!! Stop the presses! But he did just yell "god damnit!" after missing the green on his tee shot by about 10 yards to the right... ON A PAR 4.
  21. I forget who it was, but you were saying you were thinking you were regretting it. Any better now? I need to get a new laptop right away and am considering the switch. Thanks
  22. In Buffalo??? You can buy a small town and afford to pay JP Losman to clean it once a week.
  23. Up 3-1 with 3 minutes left I said to my friend "this game is going to OT". I didn't predict the loss necessarily but man is this team bad.
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