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Everything posted by Mynamemike

  1. Me no likey. They score 7 here and I’ll start getting a little concerned. Let’s go boys!
  2. They don’t like the defensive coordinator much either. Or the head coach, or the gm. Medical staffs pretty well liked tho
  3. Dion is like a lot of guys on this team. He ain’t the best, but he’s pretty damn good. It’s his attitude and heart that make him a special part of this team and community. Congrats shnowman
  4. Damn Josh isn’t going to see this? I’m not gonna B word and moan like everyone else about the turnovers or reckless play because it’s who Josh is. I’ve learned to accept it and I’ll ride or die with Josh and not act like some expert who is breaking down film and acting what plays to call. He’s gonna be aggressive and I’m gonna enjoy the ***** out of it. Thanks for the dose of reality though cupcake
  5. Absolutely that’s why getting him and Jordan Phillips back was almost as important imo as bringing on Von. Our D didn’t have any killers that bring that juice. Shaq and Phillips are dogs that get everyone including the crowd juiced up.
  6. My advice to Josh. Keep smiling and playing your game homie. Nobody carries their team week in and week out like Ja17 does. I put it on Dorsey to get our weapons involved in the running game and short passing game. after five years of Josh we know if there is shot to take Josh is gonna let it rip, it’s just who he is. I’m ride or die with JA17.
  7. I’m just happy we’re at a point as a franchise where we can complain about how terrible we are after a playoff win. On to the divisional round. It wasn’t pretty but I don’t care what anyone says, McDermott is the guy that will take us to the promise land. Maybe not this year but it’s going to happen.
  8. That Vikings offense has so many weapons. Hockensen trade was a great move
  9. Tag and trade him. Someone will give up at least a first for him. We paid the right linebacker when we resigned Milano.
  10. Ever since the Cinci game it feels like teams are getting extra chippy against us and we don’t handle it well mentally.
  11. Alright D let’s put the stake in them right here
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