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Everything posted by Blainorama5

  1. Interesting. And surprising. But the relatively low attempts kinda skews that list.
  2. All Bills players must now live in a hermetically sealed bubble until game day.
  3. Don't think the weather will a be a factor at all on Sunday. GOOD!! Now no one can complain.... lol who am I kidding?
  4. Just going by what I saw here. Take it for what it's worth....
  5. "Excuse me Mr. Referee ... were you aware you sucked today? How do you plan to not suck next week? No answer? I see.... Thank you!"
  6. Havn't you heard? The robots are coming to subjugate us all! 😉
  7. I'd say he's "hungrier" than Sanders as well - who's clearly more towards the end of his career.
  8. Fair enough, but from the sound of it, it's not like he was likely logging a ton of time during practice at that spot. The QUALITY of his play sounds more like being a rookie to me.
  9. Looks like the Browns will get to see if the Raiders can defend the run....
  10. "I voted for Kumerow" <--- There's one in every crowd! 😉 Yeah, I think he's got like 3 inches and at least 20+ lbs on Sanders! He does a good job shielding defenders from the ball.
  11. Wasn't Davis dealing with some lingering injuries to start the season? But in general, I agree - as much as I like what Sanders' experience can do, Gabe is just a solid WR who will only continue to get better with MORE starting reps!
  12. Whenever Emmanuel Sanders gets healthy again - should Gabe stay in as the starter? Obviously it's never a good thing to lose your spot based on injury .... but clearly Gabe is playing lights out right now and is probably fresher due to less playing time this season. Is Davis our secret weapon for a late season push??
  13. Given the position switch he had to make a few hours before the game, I'm kinda amazed at how much grief he's getting. Switching from one end to the other AIN'T easy with little to no practice time - and Carolina doesn't have a bad D-line at all. Yes, the taunting penalty was stupid and obviously any o-line penalty always hurts, but I like this kid's attitude a LOT. He's going to be good for the Bills for years imo.
  14. Nah. it's all hype. 😉 Hope he goes off on his 100th game!!!!
  15. ... from the WR who's in line for a lot more passes from Josh this week! Well played Gabe.
  16. I want to believe you... I really do. But the whole 1930s Ethiopian debacle really has me questioning things.... 🤔
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