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Everything posted by 716er

  1. We eradicated smallpox and cattle plague. Almost there with polio. Humans can do some amazing things.
  2. I recall a previous first lady who championed this as her cause and was mocked by her husband's political opponents mercilessly for it. The 16 oz. soda rule didn't go over too well with that crowd, either. What do you think should be done?
  3. This is the first I've heard this. After Googling I can't find anything to back up your claim. Do you have evidence of this officer kneeling on another's head for over 9 minutes?
  4. Nice - heard it on the radio. Thanks for the update!
  5. NYS opening up vaccines to adults 30+ April 6 LFG
  6. He will not be sentenced to death. The country will not burn.
  7. Nothing will penetrate the tin foil surrounding the dome of bills blitz.
  8. OP is hating on teachers and trying to dox one in the stimulus thread. Trying to get others to band with, I assume.
  9. Stop it, you do know it's the woke leftists with the agenda, right?
  10. Why wouldn't you rank per capita? https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/welfare-recipients-by-state Top 10 New Mexico (21,368 per 100k) West Virginia (17,388 per 100k) Louisiana (17,388 per 100k) Mississippi (14,849 per 100k) Alabama (14,568 per 100k) Oklahoma (14,525 per 100k) Illinois (14,153 per 100k) Rhode Island (13,904 per 100k) Pennsylvania (13,623 per 100k) Oregon (13,617 per 100k) Also finally - nice work, NYS
  11. Learn your/you're/you are and your petty insults might carry a bit more weight.
  12. If you don't see the BS here, you're likely complaining about the media in the other thread.
  13. Time of OP where Blitz claims Customers are trapped 1:09 PM Time of Wegmans Tweet that claims no customers are in the store 12:15 PM Talk about agenda driven narratives
  14. Disgusting 10 dead and THE MEDIA THE MEDIA THE MEDIA
  15. So Bills Blitz is "no reasonable person" per Sydney. What a shame
  16. RIP 10 deceased including one officer - the first one at the scene.
  17. Was the left triggered or is this stuff simply funny? The bloopers are the best part.
  18. Boy is the Nebraska governor a softy This is not the first time that Mr Ricketts has lashed out at the state's western neighbour, most notably against Colorado's legal marijuana industry. "If you legalise marijuana, you're gonna kill your kids," he said in a news conference last week, in response to a bill in the Nebraska legislature that would legalise medical cannabis there.
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