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Everything posted by 716er

  1. They're sad because their favorite meme said libs would still be screaming losers in 2021.
  2. Very true - I have yet to see an Independent support this move.
  3. A thread about cancel culture An example of one saying cancel culture is cited The thread has lost it's mind. Bravo.
  4. Maybe you should text him, then. Or send a private PM. You're posting on a message board where anyone can respond to any post.
  5. Oh - my bad. I read the term "horse" and understood it to mean "horse."
  6. You must have missed the thousand page QANON thread the mods deleted.
  7. Failed my drug test and didn't get the job - ugh friggin cancel culture
  8. Very weird that people come here to post they are watching Tucker.. every day.
  9. Like this? https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/551735-trump-supporter-admits-to-voter-fraud-after-casting-dead-mothers Local investigators said they began investigating when rumors began circulating about a ballot being illegally cast on social media. A complaint was eventually filed to the Delaware County Board of Elections, the Inquirer reported, and a task force was able to find evidence of a possible crime. Bartman was arrested in December and was one of three Pennsylvania men accused of committing fraud to vote for Trump. The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that the other two criminal cases are still pending.
  10. How did Trump's voter fraud commission do? They were looking, allowed to, and supported by the president. Disbanded because they didn't find a thing.
  11. 20 dead including 9 children Awful situation
  12. That would be supporting the lie. The 2020 election was the most secure in US history.
  13. Hope you don't dog whistle while you work, Doc.
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