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Everything posted by Back2Buff

  1. Problem I have with Mo, I don't think he was qualified so I have a way shorter leash with him. I don't have past success to get confidence that this isn't the start of something bad. Also, I think people are being to light on him. There were a ton of players still around, including most of the top players (Vantrease, Marks, Patterson, Riggins).
  2. It’s really sad to see this fall apart so quickly. Looking like a horrible hire. It’s getting embarrassing again. This sucks.
  3. This was the injury report for that game: A.J. Brown, wide receiver (hamstring) Julio Jones, wide receiver (hamstring) Bud Dupree, linebacker (knee) Caleb Farley, cornerback (shoulder) Larrell Murchison, defensive lineman (elbow) Brett Kern, punter (groin) I remember when the Bills played last season with that many injuries, it wasn't pretty. You can't compare that game to what they will send out this Monday.
  4. I more worried about this game than the Chiefs game. This Titans team has the ability to be really good, almost unstoppable on offense. I don't like them getting their two WR back. Henry will forever make me nervous. I also hate MNF.
  5. Looks like Beasley is finally understanding the harsh reality to him that this team can run without him. He is above nobody. Get in line, or this team will just move on.
  6. This team is full of coaching issues and none of them have anything to do with being on the job short term. So many simple errors over and over again. Not a good start to career for Mo
  7. You realize that higher ticket prices and PSLs would bring in a different type of fan (probably not a guy like yourself). The fans that are willingly to pay more for a ticket and PSL, will be the people that want to go to restaurants and have clients fly in for the game. The Bills catering to the current type of fan, but with higher prices, will result in a lot of empty seats.
  8. This is exactly why someone should have been drafted to replace Milano, something a lot of people said before he re-signed in Buffalo. The guy continues to constantly get hurt. Now we can go all year with an excuse for him, even when he comes back in 2 or so weeks. Another terrible contract, they starting to add up. Rinse and repeat every year with Milano. It's comical at this point, like Will Fuller being out again.
  9. To me it's downtown stadium, or move the team. Investing 1.4 billion into OP is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. You want to have PSLs and higher ticket prices, the stadium better be near hotels and restaurants.
  10. I'm not too confident they are actually good. They should have absolutely killed that Houston team. The game was close into the 3rd.
  11. This team ain't winning much with Vantrease at QB. They have a gem in Q Williams, yet Vantrease will continually hold him back.
  12. Why did this guy purposely walk into the kitchen, if he couldn't take the heat? So he is allowed to say whatever his views are, but when people disagree, he cries. Trade him to Houston for Roberts, and let McKenzie get off the returns so he can play the slot. Mckenzie would add much more than Beasley.
  13. Anyone following these social media posts trying to link him to other murders happening? The social media aspect of this case has gone too far. It's become annoying at this point. Every other video on tik tok is someone sitting in their room thinking they are some FBI detective. I was interested in following what is happening, now I have zero idea the status of anything. The real info has become clouded. The media is a blessing and a curse.
  14. Everything that I was worried about after the first game is becoming an issue. I have a bad feeling UB is about to enter a long period of bad football. The coaching has been awful. I will continue to beat the Myers running QB offense drum. You can't continue with the offense they are playing now. Where was Riggins on Sat?
  15. He's been the worst player on the defense this year. Glad this team decided to invest in Milano. This D could be so much better with a good MLB.
  16. Mcdermott's obsession with Hughes, will continue to hold back Epenesa. Really a shame. Hughes looks awful too, which makes it even worse.
  17. I know last week at that time, the traffic in front of stadium was a gridlock. Not sure if you arrived at 10:30 last week, if you would have made it into the game on time. I know people that were there at 9:30, and didn't get to parking till almost noon.
  18. Anyone questioning athletes trying unique things to extend a career needs to read about the TB12 method. That guy sure seems to keep going.
  19. I find it funny that people will bring up traffic issues like there isn't huge traffic issues on game days in OP. Traffic shouldn't be a deterrent to a downtown stadium. Its a BS excuse.
  20. Then what do you think those marks on his neck are?
  21. I noticed this during the final preseason game, but Allen had a bunch of cupping therapy marks around on his neck, specifically on the right side of his neck. This cupping therapy is usually used as pain relief from muscle issues. These first two games, there seems to be an issues with the power Allen is throwing with. Lots of throws seem to be almost short, or lack the power to get to the open player before the defender is getting there. There also seems to be a theme where he is avoiding the right side of the field. I wonder if there is something going on with the right side of his neck. Here is a picture from the preseason game where you can see the mark.
  22. Clearly the family is hiding him. My guess is that the family arranged some boat to take him to an island. Cuba does not extradite to the US
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