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Everything posted by Virgil

  1. When I look at this season, I see wins against the Colts, Miami (x@2) Titans, and Jets. None of those teams are worthy of extreme pride. Our best effort probably was against the Pats the second time. But that was a waste as it resulted in a loss and we couldn't carry it forward to the Chiefs. All teams lose on any given Sunday, but while we lost our upsets (Jags, Chiefs), we never got any our way. Now, with 5 meaningless games left, what are you hoping to see? For me, I'm just in tryout mode for Tyrod. We need to know if he can be the guy for the future. I think he can be. No matter what, he's looked better than anyone in a decade at the position. Other than that, I'm not sure why I'm watching. We already know what the max potential is for this D and our offensive players. We saw the D last year while Sammy and Shady have also had their games. So seriously, what's left to find out. And worse overall, we are only going to lose players this offseason while Rex and Roman will still be coaches here. He actually managed to not be any better this year than last with all of these acquisitions and I would argue that we are worse overall. Although the offense is slightly better, the defense is worse. Add in the debacle that is special teams, I think 9-7 or 8-8 is a huge step back based off of last years momentum. In any case, talk about whatever you want. There is still mathmatical hope, yadda yadda yadda. It's not even December yet and we are done. It's just pathetic. Going into the season, we hired a head coach with a losing record who just got fired. An offensive coordinator who was a joke in SanFran, let go the NFL's best Defensive Coordinator, and started a back-up QB. Sprinkle in Shady and Clay, I'm not sure why we expected differently. Good season guys. Now I can look forward to the draft and the bull **** Rex tries to sell us about why next year will be different.
  2. Playoffs out of reach before December starts. What's different this year exactly?
  3. 31 pages after a loss. Can't wait to see where this thread goes after today...
  4. Chiefs 21, Bills 13. The offseason begins and everyone Rex loses the community more each week as he talks about them coming together and fighting until it's over. We also lose because this is about the time that all of our hopes normally come crashing down.
  5. I don't care if Jim Kelly was qb'ing that game. We shouldn't have lost to that team. That's what I'm calling out
  6. Maybe I should clarify. I made the title this to show where we are at after 10 games. I like Tyrod and this isn't just about his this game ended. It's about where are as a whole team. Each game has its own individual excuses. Well, here we are at 5-5 and our offensive showing tonight is what we are
  7. Just no excuses for this. We were healthy on offense and couldn't get it done. Pats are not defensive world beaters. I'll give the wind some credit for the deep balls. But we looked lost on that last drive and the second overall was just sad offensively. 3 points in the first half? Sorry Roman, I know we dropped a TD, but you need to be better than this
  8. This has nothing to do with the Pats loss. I always had us losing both games. But we needed this game after the Jax debacle. Honestly, I was impressed with the Pats game for a bit. Our D did a great job in confusing Brady, knocking him down, and only giving up 20 points. In fact, McKelvin's fumble gave them free points. Shady catches the TD, Carpenter hits that FG. This is a different game. We lost due to poor execution and some weak playcalling in the 4th by Roman. I thought he did good up until half. Was okay in the 3rd, and then just wasn't prepared for the 4th. But either way, good game that showed improvement. Now, with that said, we are now in a position where there are only 2 spots for us to take. The Steelers will most likely grab one of them. They have Ben back and it just seems like it's theirs. That leaves one spot. For that spot, we have to beat all of our remaining AFC opponents. That means we have to win IN KC, home against the Texans and Jets. Right now, KC is on fire and Houston keeps finding a way. I'm going to call it now. We will lose at KC next week and that will be all she wrote. Besides all of that. The thing that really bothers me is that we are more talented than last year and we are only two losses away from guaranteeing the same record as last year or worse. 9-7 looks hard right now.
  9. You might as well name this thread "People I should block"
  10. I'm sorry. But you need to let these guys play. These are such Ticky Tack calls. I'm also finding it interesting how they aren't showing most of them on replay
  11. In two of my leagues, I saw two owners get less that 50 points that had him as their starter. These leagues average 150-200 points per game. It was brutal
  12. Why else would anyone ever care what the Bengals do? Let's me honest, as long as Lewis is the coach and Dalton is the Qb, they will continue to waste a spot in the playoffs
  13. Holy !@#$ing **** am I pissed off. I needed 20 total yards from Jeremy Hill and the Bengals were my survivor pick. Are you kidding me Cincinnati? At home! To the Texans! !@#$ you. !@#$ you and your soulless ginger quarterback.
  14. This is the obvious strategy that we all hoped we'd see in week 2 and then we saw the opposite. I'm afraid Rex will try to be cute again. I want to see Man coverage, Gilmore on Gronk, Darby on Amendola, and sending everyone not in coverage on the outside; while our front four push a wedge up the middle. I would maybe spy one person on the HB to watch the screen. Again, pry won't happen. And I we win, we have to score more than 24 points. Accept the Pats will score that many. You don't shut them down, you contain them
  15. I can never support the Pats to win. Ever! And they play the game on the field, not on the "law of averages". Win or lose, they will be ready. The Pats don't ever forget to "show up". Now, Edelman being out.....
  16. I watch Bills games with more emotion and attention that any other game in all of sports. When I watch anyone play the Pats, I get the same way. I just can't stand them. This Giants game was an emotional roller coaster. The NFL's golden boy Beckham dropping the td and the dropped INT when no one touched him was very Bills-esque. Just sickening.
  17. Seriously? !@#$ the Pats. I always want them to lose. They should have lost this game 3 times already. !@#$ing bull **** drops
  18. I think both teams took a quarter to figure things out, made adjustments at halftime, and we just took advantage more. We sometimes forget the other team is playing to win too. They made some good plays, we just made more. Good overall game and I liked the way we changed things up in the second half.
  19. McCoy, Rambo, Darby, K. Williams In that order
  20. We go best player available. If we are in a spot where one falls in our lap, we will take one. No matter what, we will take one somewhere, but I believe that all first round talent will be gone by our pick and we will not trade up unless TT gets hurt again this year
  21. Well, happy how the offenses grinded down the defense and pulled away at the end. Still nervous how easy it was to expose our defense at times, but still only 17 points
  22. For clarity, because to some it apparently wasn't. Them being healthy and coming off a bye will obviously be a big factor. I'm talking more about the fact that the Bills are the Bills are regardless of logic and how they should play, it's more about the overall futility of being a Bills fan
  23. Not because they have all of a sudden gotten healthier. Not because they are a magically better team that figured it out. Nope, because it's what they do. They will try to make us Bill-ieve again so that some can get back on the roller coaster. Admittedly, they win today and Thursday in good fashion, I may have a glimmer of hope
  24. Also, how the hell does Forrest and his kid not have AIDS?
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