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Everything posted by vtnatefootball11

  1. Very interesting... I suspect there is more under the surface here. He happens to "tweak" his knee in practice at the same time trade rumors are floating around about him. It is well documented in other threads that analysts are saying he is not putting his body on the line in games, film shows him avoiding big hits etc. Could be entirely coincidental, but I feel like he is out the door in NE. Silent battle going on between him and Belichik right now.
  2. The teams are mentioned in the article (BAL, NE, DEN a couple others I believe) but it appears the success stories are more anecdotal. It was apparently very helpful for Tucker of Baltimore and McManus of Denver. I know there are limits on the amount of coaches but why the Bills haven't already hired a specific consultant for Bass is beyond me. Like you said, how could it possibly hurt? We are talking a very small expenditure salary wise so money can't be the issue.
  3. https://www.si.com/nfl/2020/09/18/nfl-kicking-coaches-50000-dollar-fix I did not take the article seriously at first but it actually makes a lot of sense, especially for the Bills with Bass being a rookie. Apparently, only 4-5 teams in the NFL have a designated kicking coach or consultant. The point of the article is that unlike any other position, if kickers/punters have a bad kick, there is no one on the staff that they can actually sit down with in game and intimately discuss mechanics/techniques, what may be off and help get their head right. Special teams coordinators typically don't have a kicking background. Could be helpful for the Bills. Thoughts?
  4. Yeah just one so far on the 2020 draft. I'm sure the release/filming schedule got delayed with COVID of course but I haven't seen anything about it announced.
  5. Anyone know when the next Embedded episode is airing? I can't find any information on the 2020 series schedule?
  6. Thanks for proving my point. Instead of offering anything of substance, you just blanketly say that one of the best arm talents in NCAA history is going to be out of the league in four years, with or without injury.... hmmmm yeah ok. You're a joke. I love my Bills but just because a rival team drafts a player doesn't mean I all of abandon clear analysis/eye test. I hate to say it, but Tua is going to be a stud. His chances of being a pro bowler within 4 year far outweigh the changes of him being out of the league.
  7. You clearly don't have the slightest clue as to what you're talking about. As long as his left arm doesn't break the guy is going to be picking people apart from the pocket like Brees. Please do the a modicum of research next time before embarrassing yourself. I went to Clemson and quite frankly can't stand Alabama but your ignorant, unintelligent comment is just too much I can't let it slide.
  8. You clearly have not done your research on Tua (and maybe even know nothing about him?). Yes his arm talent is off the charts, especially his accuracy, but so are his intangibles. Look what people who know him say about his work ethic and, professionalism. Even opposing college coaches and players talk about what a great person he is. He is the epitome of what you want in a franchise quarterback on and off the field. Well spoken, incredibly nice guy from a loving family, never been in trouble, his teammates have the upmost respect for him, etc. He does need to continue to progress with his reads, but what college quarterback doesn't? Oh and his ability rally teammates when things are down? How about coming into the game for an Alabama team that was getting their but kicked in the national championship against UGA at halftime as a true Freshman entirely cold without playing the whole year and leading them back to win with arm? Is that enough of an indicator for you?
  9. I'm sorry but you guys are off on this and yes Chris Simms is an idiot. I watch a ton of college football as well. I went to Clemson so I am no Alabama fan, and I am always wary of overhyping a player with great support cast, particularly with that program, but Tua is an absolute scary good NFL prospect. This is not an Alabama MLB with 3 NFL worthy DL in front of him clearing the way where you can't quite tell from the film. This is a quarterback making jaw dropping throws on a consistent basis. I acknowledge the injury risk, but his arm talent is undeniable and already better than 90% of current NFL Qbs. I have never seen a QB with his touch/accuracy/timing at the college level and he has way more arm strength than Tebow/Leinart. He can sit in the pocket and pick you apart and also keep plays alive like Russel Wilson. His throws on the run are unbelievable. The only guy I can compare his arm talent to is Drew Brees. I'm scared as heck as to what he might do in Miami the next ten years if they can even partially right the ship on their rebuild with the rest of their roster. In my mind he is single handedly the biggest threat the Bills face in the AFCE.
  10. This is the exact point. Everyone understands that they already have their primary guys under contract, that does not mean they will be able to keep all the guys they have signed moving forward if they pay Dak In fact, they for sure will not. Each of their cap hit increases over the next few years. Dallas better win it all in the next two years or they are looking at a total and lengthy rebuild. I would not be putting my chips in Dak's basket but I hope they do.
  11. That's fair, but the point here is that type of QB worth that kind of money, when the entire rest of your roster is now hamstrung. They have to be ELITE talent to carry your team moving forward when you can no longer afford the great Oline and other supporting case that the Cowboys have on offense. Dak won't be able to do that.
  12. Deshaun Watson is objectively, way more talented than Dak. Watch the film, DeShaun carries his team. Dak is a solid QB who does a great job managing the gameplan with a fantastic supporting cast.
  13. This report was fake. Leonard Williams has not agreed to any deal. https://www.yardbarker.com/nfl/articles/report_of_leonard_williams_signing_extension_with_giants_was_false/s1_127_31513007
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