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Everything posted by TheCockSportif

  1. Yeah, I remember that series. Really good series, a near mishap with children (bat-people) standing in the baseline / near home plate, really good pitching, Bonds raking that year, etc. It was also that year that I asked myself if the Red Sox would ever make it. 2003 was another heartbreaker, but 2004 more than delivered the goods. 2005 was the miraculous ChiSox squad.
  2. The housing issues are happening everywhere, and in places that you would not expect. We live in Portland, Maine. 12 years ago, when we bought ours, houses would be on the market for months. Now they are on the market for a day! Now even a 1,000 sq ft house is going for 500k (it would've been 190k 10 years ago) as a sale price, and so long as it's in a great location, there'll be a bidding war so that it hits 600k, at least. This is a city of 65k people, and a metro area of 500k. Outside of the populated areas of the state, Maine is massively poor, and with a terrible industrial base. And yet, here we are. Oh, and property values have had a cascading effect on the rental market, which is also through the roof.
  3. So you say that it's a "family act"?
  4. I hate birds. I have very few hateful items, and that includes American Nazis, but I really, really hate birds.
  5. I'm meh about McD, and I said it a few times leading into the offseason. On one hand, he's not a clown (Gregggg, Mularkey, Chan, etc), but maybe he's not good enough. It's a quandary, because we've all seen this play out, multiply, over myriad Bills' seasons. This season is king, and I can't wait for it to play out.
  6. Red Sox. So pleased. However, it's Bills or bust for me at this point in life / in this point of this franchise.
  7. @VirgilI can totally help you with a workable diet and exercise plan. As a 100lb "loser", and yeah, I'm somewhat picky with food / have a horrible shellfish allergy, I can help. Just let me know what you want.
  8. Indeed, my 401k is also fine, and 10 years from now (60), retirement is feasible. I will keep working until they wheel me out feet first, but at some point the guardrails of corporate structure, at this point it's 27 years for me, wear on you.
  9. Correct. As a Sales Engineer, two years ago, these people (my customers) thought that they were dead. And they were so wrong!
  10. Sadness. He was so great, and unapologetically funny. Watch The Aristocrats some time on YouTube. He was also amazing in Beverly Hills Cop II.
  11. I think that if you are Burt Reynolds, he who is casting for a pornographic film, then it's probably fine. Otherwise, no.
  12. This is not snark on my part. Look at Craigslist, and find what you want to use for exercise. That's what I've done during my 100lb loss journey, and could not be more glad.
  13. I always liked Ted's the best, but... Louie's was so awesome, but for different reasons. Late night diner. You play a show at The Continental, and you end up there. You drink coffee and eat chili dogs at 3am. Sometimes you would alternate between that back bar (name forgotten) before you went to Louie's. Regardless, Louie's was so very, very great. Thrilled on its return. Can't wait to eat there (are they open now?), upon my return to WNY, in May 2022.
  14. So, the internet gets shutdown in the scenario that you propose. Without the internet, crypto is really nothing. Help me understand how this upcoming "storm" will put you in a better position. And, with this, this thread really deserves a spot in PPP. Just sayin'.
  15. I believe the classic response was, "thank you. I just had it stuffed."
  16. We started stocking certain foods around July 2020, when our chest freezer finally arrived. Then a local market just went out of business, and we picked up a ton of neat stuff, and at a 20%+ discount. Otherwise, no. It's just good to have food around, and here's to hoping that the 30-person+ parties resume at our home this summer. Lots of ribs to smoke. LOTS.
  17. So true, and on both counts. Airplane was a classic, as was Animal House. Awesome response! True sentiment, for real(z). Awesome quotes and references, too! Such a great movie. Great call! This, like Die Hard, has become a family classic at the holidays. I hated it on first screening, but I started loving it about 20 years ago. Stripes! Yes!
  18. I admit that I just belly laughed over this; well done. Fight Club, ne the Oscars, right? So true. And read something a few years ago that John Cusack hated the "cut" of the film. I can't imagine that another cut would be high art. What did he think he was appearing in? Faust?
  19. If I go to Canada (in the near term), it'll be to eat at Swiss Chalet, and to bring home multiple bottles of that pretty killer BBQ/hot sauce. I had said sauce at my cousin's house right before the pandemic (Oct 2019), and I'd forgotten how good it was and/or how Swiss Chalet was a go-to restaurant for my family and I for years.
  20. I searched a little bit back here, and I couldn't find a thread (unless it happened many, many pages ago) about favorite quotable movies and favorite quotes. I saw Kent (Real Genius) in the "punchable faces" thread, and that got me to thinking. So many movies aren't good in the technical nor cinematic sense of that art form. And yet they're wildly entertaining, regularly watched, stand the test of time, and are infinitely quotable. Here are a few of mine. What are yours? Real Genius, 1985 - So I guess it goes from God, to Jerry, to you... to the cleaners. Right, Kent? - Ice is nice! - What's that? A penis stretcher. I file it under "H" for toys. - Aren't you the one who designed the satellite that's raining debris all over Europe? - Why are you just standing there? You're laborers. You should be laboring. That's what you get for not having an education. - Your mother sews license plates into your underpants? How do you sit? - Kent, stop touching yourself! - IT *IS* GOD! - Better Off Dead (1985? 1986?) - Man, that's a real shame when folks be throwing away a perfectly good white boy like that. - This is pure snow. Do you know what the street value of this mountain is? - The K-12, dude. You make a gnarly run like that, and girls will go sterile just looking at you. - I think you mean tentacles. Tentacles. There's a big difference. - Gee, Ricky. I'm sorry that your mom blew up. Guess it'll be a while before she can eat spicy food. - French fries. French dressing. And to drink? Peru. Top Gun (too many to list) Die Hard (same)
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