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Everything posted by TheCockSportif

  1. Great, great win. I knew it would be tight, but not this tight. That's what she said?
  2. Good to know that I'm still hip like all of the others, then. </sarcasm>
  3. GGILF is a thing now? Funny aside (maybe?). The company that I work for (internet security) grabs a lot of data from this implementation called Prometheus. Prometheus is often referred to as "Prom". Know what my company wanted to name/brand their custom "Prom" implementations? Promhub. The team who had this idea, which was immediately squashed by our US leadership, was in Europe. But still.
  4. Maybe that was the trade as proposed the first time? None of us know. Panthers: Hello Bills: Hi, this is Beanerbag Panthers: Oh, hai. It's an executive assistant. My name is Caprice. Bills: How about CMC for Cook and a fourth? Panthers: (laughter heard in background) I'm sorry, but the GM is indisposed of right now. CMC is a good player, but is not a silver bullet. There are OL issues. There are cap issues in the future. And he's been hurt a lot recently, at least coming into this season. I wouldn't be mad if he ended up here, but I don't think that he addresses the fundamental issues around the lack of running game.
  5. No, no. It's not CMC. It's Christian Wade. I know this to be true, because I read it here.
  6. And here along I got it all wrong. I thought that there was a strong MILF vibe here. Apparently not.
  7. I hear that it's gonna be rebranded as Cheryl Tiegs Stadium, and really, who wouldn't want to be inside of Cheryl Tiegs?
  8. I really don't enjoy The Harp, even given the raucous crowd and our community. The food is okay, drinks are drinks (though I mostly abstain these days), but the service is terrible, and it's overpriced. Plus it's a long drive from where we live up in Portland (ME), so generally not worth it given its gating factors. Not a bad option, to your point, IMO: https://www.bleacherbarboston.com/bills-backers/ . To each their own, naturally.
  9. To an extent I think that it's already been done. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armed_and_Dangerous_(1986_film)#:~:text=Armed and Dangerous is a,and around Los Angeles%2C California.
  10. Working as a security guard at a hazardous waste dump for a summer. I was 19, and entering my sophomore year of college. Who trusts a 19 year old with the security of anything? Fools, that's who. Highlights. The pathology of my colleagues was fascinating. Most of them thought they were real cops. We were making about $5/hr (it was 1990). The team supervisor did the same exact things day after day, hour after hour, minute after minute, second after second. The same supervisor walked with a limp; the true story is that the security guard detail used to carry guns -- until one day, during a windstorm, the door hit him in the holster, and since he kept his pistol cocked and with the safety off, the weapon discharged and he shot himself in the foot. One of the guys who fancied himself a cop bought an old NYS State Police car, installed an auxiliary light bar (in NYS it's yellow lights), and would drive like a maniac on 190. An actual NYS State Trooper stopped this fellow, during a brief chase, at about 100mph, then had a gun pointed at this fellow. This fellow produced his security guard badge, and asked for "professional courtesy" from the trooper. He got none, got laughed in his face, and ended up losing his license. The same guy crashed the security guard vehicle because he was with a hooker -- whose activities caused him a distraction while driving. Since people kept leaving food out, and we were in a rural area, lots of wildlife would surround the guard shack every night. Eventually my colleagues started trapping raccoons in the guard house, like a dozen of them, and there were raccoon prints everywhere. On that subject, one of the guards got bitten by a raccoon as they were putting their waste in the garbage can out back (said raccoon was in the can feasting on heaven knows what). At $5/hr, they were in debt for the shots they needed -- for ages. One of my colleagues dressed like Freddie Kreuger and hid in the bed of the security wagon. I'm just doing my rounds, letting the other guys do their raccoon charming in the guard house, when BANG. He starts hitting the back window of the wagon with a tire iron; I didn't even know he was there or who it was! I flip TF out, and gun it, sending us on a wild ride through the facility. The plant manager calls our main office, and we end up in a meeting with the security company owner. The guy is chewing us out, and I admitted that I didn't confront the attacker. The guy is screaming at me "WHY TF NOT?! YOU F CLOWN!" I calmly explained that I was only making $5/hr. He kind of rolled his eyes and told me not to make the same mistake again. Did I get fired? No. Did the other "officer" get fired? No. Crazy. Simply crazy.
  11. Viola's in Niagara Falls is a go to when I'm in town (parents still in Niagara County). The one on Military is kind of dumpy these days (food was fine, thankfully). Otherwise, John and Mary's.
  12. In general I find Max Webster to be unlistenable, but this song... just rocks. Geddy, in full Geddy form, delivers the goods. Fun fact: in her younger years, my godmother looked exactly like Geddy Lee. Did we secretly call her Aunt Geddy? You bet we did.
  13. It would seem so, and yeah, Vegas has got to keep it up.
  14. I mean, one would hope that they're trying to win this game...
  15. Want tape? This is tape. Can't wait until Sunday!
  16. Remember when the team went 2-14 twice? Remember the 1987 strike game(s)? God, this team. But, yeah. I dig the spirit of what you wrote, and I agree.
  17. I remember starting high school in the year that the team would go on to 2-14. And I remember Kelly coming in (he didn't want to play here), a bumpy start, a coaching change (yet another one!), the strike season, the "miracle" 1988 season, the letdown 1989 season (my first year of college), and the horrible baggage of this franchise. 90-91 was a gift where 1989 was a huge disappointment. Here's to hoping that this year it not another wide right; however, if this is 90-91 as our baseline, then I'll take it.
  18. I think that you are right, but should you have been a part of the Reich years, I think that the drop off between JA17 and other options is significant. Tyrod, to his credit, was not EJM or any of those guys. But he wasn't good enough. Heineke? Well... same. If JA17 goes down, and I hope that he doesn't (because this is turning out to be a special year potentially), this team is cooked.
  19. Should I sarcastically mention the dome? Because there was no dome, and Josh was off all game.
  20. I don't know how old you are, how much you saw of earlier Bills' squads (the 70s were brutal, as was a lot of the 80s), but this team is competitive, and I lived through their late 80s / total 90s performances. This is not the 90-91 squad as of yet, but the last two weeks have been really good.
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