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Everything posted by TheCockSportif

  1. He was off, which is odd, but that's fine. They probably needed to talk about something about the Steelers, and sometimes you open your mouth, hoping that you make that critical catch of a piece of popcorn, only to realize that it's an edible of some sort.
  2. It's fine. Team effort coming up, and I can't wait for next week. Plus I don't bet on anything. Still, can't wait.
  3. Another thing that can't be overstated: the Bills felt that they were never losing this game, so they empowered new(er) players to make plays. And they did. This game, and I'm certain of it, was an audition for the KC game (and beyond). Put more looks on tape, and my how that changes another team's game planning.
  4. If RGIII jumps through a table, well, then he will never be signed for another NFL team again...
  5. If I was a Cards fan... I'd pick another team. Buffalo has a different pedigree, but Arizona, well...
  6. Again, Mayfield. I think that he's done. Not that I care, but still...
  7. Definitely. They lucked into a QB2 who is better than a fringe QB1.
  8. But given this division, maybe Pats in 2nd place? I dunno. Pats, including a horrible injury that involved an ambulance to a Detroit player, well, were playing Detroit.
  9. If people don't grow in the face of failure, myself (and probably many others) included, then why ***** bother with *anything*? JA17 has, even in the absence of a SB ring, my expectations of a Bills' QB, and by a long shot 'til this point.
  10. Yes, I was thinking this. Strangely, the Jets might show up this year?
  11. Again, maybe Elam isn't good, but this game gave the Bills the ability to assess what they had on the bench / newly-drafted folks. Not a good first game, but... depth was key in this game.
  12. Great on the job training, and hoping for better results as we go.
  13. He'll have any accent, including a Boston one, Fauci, etc., if he's cooked enough.
  14. That's sweet. Did anybody say hello to my angry, older cousin?
  15. He had a good run though, and I think that he's retiring on the spot.
  16. Exactly. Out of sheer curiosity, how many here watched the Reich years, including SBVXII? Not good, and should never be replicated. Don't fixate on QB2. It's not worth it when the big prize is in the sights.
  17. My only issue is that there is basically *zero* reality in the backup QB winning a SB for the Bills. Yeah, there were the Reich years, but most of the time the drop off between QB1 and QB2 is significant. Let's not assume that the Bills win a SB with Trubisky or Keenam or whatever else, okay?
  18. Not yet. But this is a new season, one where, I guess, we trade a couple of seconds for Trubisky, and like 3 1sts for Saquon.
  19. Carolina is absolutely terrible, and I don't feel for Mayfield either.
  20. He's gotta keep rolling, but that play built a ton of trust for more touches going forward.
  21. I think that this team needs to trade all of its picks for Trubinsky and Saquon, then, you know, just because.
  22. Yes indeed. I literally hated his earlier performances, but this one today? Maybe he's getting it? We all hope.
  23. No, dude. It's Trubinsky. Uh, I mean Trubisky. Or Barkley, or something.
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