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Everything posted by TheCockSportif

  1. I thought that most RBs were a dime a dozen?! Wowza
  2. I have these Drew Bledsoe to Buffalo (circa 2002) vibes around this one. Can the Falcons go .500 and/or above with Cousins? Possibly. Gonna win a SB with him? Likely no.
  3. My father in law, while drunk, has repeatedly admitted his admiration of the genre known as yodeling. It's a much longer story and is probably not on point for this thread.
  4. Phantogram. Wife and I saw them open for QOTSA in August 2023. I totally missed the boat on this band. It's gorgeous, like all of the outrageous "shoegaze" stuff that inspired me as a listener and a player in the 1980s and 1990s.
  5. This team seems broken. To their credit, they don't seem like the worst of the lot that I've witnessed over the past decade, but...
  6. I think that you may have written the script! HAHA I hope that's not the case, but could be. The Suzie frien-emy thing has always been fascinating to me. "Porno Gil" The episode with Suzie and her counterfeit NFL sweaters. It's so much (and also hilarious)!
  7. Maybe there's overlap here, but... The Mac (Apple) SB commercial remains a favorite. My mother (RIP), who hated all rock 'n' roll and/or any kind of loud music -- would sing along with "Relax" by Frankie goes to Hollywood. I'm pretty sure that she was (willfully) blind to what the song was about. Actually, having grown up in a conservative household, the light didn't go on with me about that tune until I was probably mid-20s. I guffawed when it did. Mom sang along with "Relax"? HAHA. The 14 Rock Cowgirl. Joe Theissman's leg. Ugh. So ugly. Since I'd been doing well in school, dad let me watch that game (usually not allowed to stay up late). And that happened. The original Top Gun. Classic. Rambo I & II? Yes, please. Geraldo and Al Capone's vault? The Bear's Super Bowl Shuffle (hated it). ZZ Top doing ZZ Top things. Their beards and classic cars remain a favorite. Where's the Beef? The odd Honda scooter commercial with Grace Jones and (was it?) Adam Ant? Devo (one of my favorite bands ever; I used to hide their tapes in the crawlspace so that they would not be confiscated). Richard Simmons. The 20-minute workout. Maybe it was a regional thing. At first my mother thought that they were sluts, but once we told her that they were from Toronto -- she thought that the show was fine (she always felt that people from Canada were abnormally nice, which is somewhat true) so long as my sister and I lost weight as a result of the aerobics. As an early teen, I was not in it for the aerobics. Madonna. A classmate of mine once changed the vertical display on the TV and tracking on the VCR to see if he could look up Madonna's shirt in the "Lucky Star" video. Otherwise, I can't stand Madonna. Risky Business is hilarious and remains a favorite. Plus, Rebecca DeMornay... *growl* Frankie Say Relax. I saved this t-shirt and wore it on laundry day -- until it reached full nip slippage... in 1998. Ocean Pacific. So much more. What a trip down memory lane!
  8. MLB. Red Sox. In fact, it was my first major league game -- back in 1995. They suck once again, and probably always will, now that ownership doesn't want to spend anymore, and now that they are spending again consistently do so foolishly. I can't quibble with 4 championships in my lifetime, so here I am, but again, they suck. The Boston Bisons were my gateway drug to baseball; having grown up in the region I became obsessed as a teen when they built "Pilot Field". NBA. I enjoy watching games, but I don't have a team.
  9. My wife and I have been enjoying this last season (2 seasons prior w John Hamm were hilarious) and remarked just last night that Richard Lewis looked like hell. Ugh, the death. In the end, I somehow think that series will end the same as Seinfeld -- with Larry in jail for 1 year.
  10. That's what happens when someone shoves 5 savoy cabbages into your bag hole.
  11. Clifford Franklin and a gallon of wood glue would be WR2, for sure.
  12. Just throwing this out there, but JA17 isn't the problem. Best QB I've seen with this team in the 45+ years that I've been following them. Yeah, he's ***** at times, but Kelly was also majorly ***** at times. JA17 is a stud. It's the coach. Maybe he learns while he has a viable QB. Or maybe he does not. Here's to a productive 2024-2025 season.
  13. On the edge of my seat, well, a few weeks later. How did it turn out?
  14. Gabe needs some of this. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FBigMack_4%2Fstatus%2F1583130116044910592&psig=AOvVaw0Cr_ySSznekDrycWagYhOE&ust=1702936373515000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CBEQjRxqFwoTCIjHvM26l4MDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE
  15. Outside of my (tragic) shellfish allergy, The Process in and of itself has given me multiple bouts of intestinal distress.
  16. Absolutely. But so let it be written; so let it be done. The Pegula clan made this bed, so... Sooner or later they'll get the message that the product on the field isn't good enough. They had me hooked from 2019 until the end of last season, but at the same time you get the feeling that somebody put this team's gear into reverse then hit the gas pedal -- and on top of that I am having a hard time seeing that they'll be able to course correct anytime soon, and not without a huge change. Allen's output has been really good for the most part, but without him the Bills would probably end up trending more like the Sabres.
  17. Not a gut punch. Expected. The team moved forward, like incremental steps each year, until last year (I know, I know, 13 seconds, but that was one of the best football games that I've ever seen -- and felt that it could be built on). Like most Bills' fans I was hoping the best for this year, but at the same time I had my reservations. My gut reaction was that the team felt that between 13 seconds and disdain for McD overall -- that they were gonna be off. You watch a lot of Bills' football (and football in general) for 45 years and you get to the point when you just know that it's just not gonna be smooth sailing. Could the Bills make the playoffs this year? Of course. Do I think that they will? No. Yesterday, sadly, was a confirmation that this team, regardless of its ending record this year, seems DOA in 2023.
  18. Aye, the hot pants Given what Miller's put on film, who would trade for him? I wish that the Bills could unload him but the same time I am dubious.
  19. If they did it would be bulletin board material -- and I'd hope for better results. 🙂
  20. Best show ever. It's a shame that CBS never figured out what to do with it. Got the updated DVD set last year. This one has all of the original tunes, unlike the original DVD release: https://shoutfactory.com/products/wkrp-in-cincinnati-the-complete-series-1?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw7oeqBhBwEiwALyHLM9D4qKX0FlSVBNhGqdUwK1sga6BJWkHMi5_2PL5XRvXcVjj5EOKKbxoC_nsQAvD_BwE
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