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Einstein's Dog

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Everything posted by Einstein's Dog

  1. Have to disagree with you. KC's schedule is soft. The NFC East is by far the worst division in football. KC should easily sweep them. Looks to me that KC will be favorites in every game on their schedule next year. While we tried to have ourselves believe that whole close game thing, we now know better, KC is a quality team. Pretty much the best in the NFL right now. Of course things can always happen, another hard hit on Mahomes and the concussion thing can change the whole dynamic. But outside of that, IMO, yes Pitt is pretty much a gimme for them, and Cincy can circle the game all they want, they will still get destroyed.
  2. eball - thanks for posting. What a difference a year makes. Not only a stronger looking Bills team but an easier looking schedule. Should be favorites in all but 3 or 4 of the matchups (KC, Tampa, Tenn, maybe NO). Hope to contend for the bye. A major problem with that is KC has a somewhat soft schedule too. KC plays the NFC East, although they do get the Ravens and Browns. And unfortunately the Bills play KC away. Would really like to get that bye and home field advantage in a non-covid year. And P.S. - to all those who say it's too early to talk, please just refrain from posting. Everyone knows it's early, we all know things can change, and yet several of us would like to discuss it.
  3. I like the idea of adding a good TE. Hard to get one ready right out of the draft, so a FA is the way to go. IMO, please give up the idea of giving up a 2nd rounder, those are way too valuable now for cost control. I like Knox but we could use adding a really good TE. Ertz after he is cut is certainly a possibility, along w J Smith of TN or H Henry. The trick for Beane is to get one that doesn't break the bank.
  4. Yes, I think we could use a top quality pass rusher. And yes this is an allocation of resources dilemma. I just don't think this position can be done through the draft for an immediate upgrade, whereas some of the other positions RB, OL, and LB could be. It may not seem like the McBeane way so far, but they do adapt, and may in this instance, if they view the situation as I do.
  5. Kind of like how it's not in their DNA to make a big trade, until it is. Pretty obvious need for this team to get a big time pass rusher. If they want to address that concern you can't look to the draft. You're analysis of the FO's DNA might just be subject to change, just as it did last year.
  6. Top of the list is a premier pass rusher. Figure out how to get JJ Watt would be nice. S Barret or even Clowney. And you need to keep Hughes. This is the difficult task for Beane. Next is a veteran good TE. Someone like Ertz would be ideal. Maybe H Henry. An upgrade at RB - Harris or Etienne in the draft.
  7. I would be on board if the FO could figure a way to bring Ertz here. Ertz and Knox would be nice. You would jettison Kroft and probably Morse. TEs take a while so Ertz is a short term fix as #1 while Knox can continue to improve and develop into the #1 spot. Could draft either N Harris or Etienne. Golladay would be an excellent J Brown replacement, upgrade. Would be tough to figure out the finances though. Then the offense would be stacked - upgraded TEs, a playmaker RB, and top ten WRs. On D, I would rejoice if the FO could figure a way to get JJ Watt. Of course he is old but Houston could be in rebuild mode. I don't know how to address the pathetic coverage of TEs. Just need to outscore the competition.
  8. I contend we are going to play somewhat keep away from Mahomes/KC. And this is because that looks like what KC will be giving up. I think the underneath and swing passes will be open, the lesser priority, of the KC defense. If this plays out as I am expecting Josh needs to have the patience to take the 6-7 yards at a pop until KC respects and adjusts. It's not really changing everything as much as it is having Josh opt for the high percentage 7 yard pickup when the defense is schemed to try and take away the deeper stuff.
  9. And in the short term too. Mahomie gets his bell rung from some sack and there is a big time decision if you let him continue.
  10. Josh is a young raw QB seasoning every game. The sugar high is in response to his hyped up play at critical high pressure times. Several examples of this; his first playoff game against Houston - the fumble and the lateral. This year in playoffs his first pass sailed over J Brown - JA looked amped. Later in both playoff games he has fumbled in the 4th quarter. The Bills luckily recovered but nonetheless he has got to get more aware of risk/reward and closing out the game. I'm hoping this game will actually have a little less internal pressure on him, as it does for many of us. And we can see the end of regular season Josh letting loose. The internal pressure in these situations is certainly a factor. And it is something Josh can improve on - generally with experience.
  11. It's a calmer feeling, the season looks to be really good no matter what now. Universally recognized as one of the top 4-5 teams in the NFL. The future is bright. I relate to the house money feel. I would have been more nervous if Cleveland had won. I would have liked our chances of moving on better, but I would have been more nervous in that I don't like losing games when I think we should win.
  12. I've grown to like it. At first, like many, the term mafia made me cringe. Then I came to accept it as a term for Bills fans, generally stereotyped by drunken behavior - not great but I can relate. Now that is changing. Since the whole Cincy donation thing, it has turned really cool, IMO. A different vibe has been achieved. Pride comes through from amounts given to charity in its name. The last one where the Bills Mafia gave pretty much 10x the amount L Jackson gave. I've moved away from the area and it is a source of pride to point to those things from my home area. It's been a unique twist on the fan function.
  13. No. Part of the process is a long term plan. Patience for your developing draft picks is crucial. You don't recruit over your existing picks. Taking a 1st for an RB devalues one of the last 2 years round 3 picks. Don't do it. Money is going to get tighter and we can't keep all high priced free agents. Need to be using first contract draft picks in several places. It seems quite clear to me that a long term strategy for continued success requires less funds expended at the DL. They've started (Oliver/Epenesa) and it needs to continue. OL would be another possibility for grooming for cost control. TE could be a possibility to groom and have insurance for D Knox- and that would be a couple of years separation. Some have said CB, I don't see it - You have Wallace and D Jackson is coming on, along with Gaines should be back. For me I see the BPA out of DL, OL, and TE groups. This organization is now being run to be good for a while. You don't do that by going for the shiny toy.
  14. Actually I think it would make sense for the Bills to play in Tampa.
  15. Actually I thought the refs shifted. The Roughing the Passer call didn't take much and signaled a no roughing kind of game. Then they switched to allowing downfield mugging.
  16. Would it make you feel better if they rushed Mahomes back for your entertainment and the Bills ended his career?
  17. What about practice? You think this is going to be a normal week?
  18. I'm torn on who to root for, having the Chiefs win makes the Championship games seem like the cream of the crop - Chiefs/Bills, GB/ NO or Bucs. Puts the Bills in their rightful place of top 4 in the NFL. Great hype that will carry over to next year - and hopefully starts the new era of Bills as a good team. While a Cleveland win cheapens the overall look of talented teams it eases the path for the Bills to the superbowl and brings another home game to Orchard Park. I think the Chiefs win.
  19. IMO, the two sides of the coin help illustrate why Daboll deserves credit. Opinions can and do differ wildly - from throwing to the wolves or babying. No debate though on tremendous results in year 3 and looks like a franchise QB. JA is not a finished product though and I would like to have Daboll back to help continue with Josh's progress. I believe continuity helps and if Daboll goes elsewhere I hope they hire from within and keep the same system - it's fun and it's working.
  20. I guess I'm in the minority but I don't think Marcus Peters is good. It might be the back but I think it's more he's in the wrong system. His skill set is not meant for man to man. He's a risk taking somewhat cerebral veteran with diminished skills. I think the Bills will go after him a lot. He reminds me of Josh Norman when he was with Washington. I think Peters will be abused. And after he will claim his back was bothering him. I hope he plays.
  21. Kerrigan is a hard pass. My DL plan is to draft a young one, let Murphy go, Butler's gone. And for the big off-season move bring in TJ Watt. Limit his snaps and have him help develop are improving young players. I smell a repeat.
  22. I have no problems with the way the OP handled this. A POS job with a douche as a boss is not worth investing your time. But let this be a cautionary tale for the newbies/youngsters out there to consult the board prior to these decisions. Back in the day the Monday after Superbowls were extremely tough. Luckily this year you can easily pull the cough/covid card and sleep it off.
  23. They have gone for it many times on 4th down. And prior to several of these (almost all) JA tries to lure them off sides.
  24. Just want to mention that is not the rule. It varies with where the punt is coming from. This was coming from near our own 40. In that instance generally you don't let it go unless it is inside the 5 - which it wasn't. In any event it was Roberts call, and he chose wrong. The Bills were supposed to be the ones with the pro bowl returner yet the Colts were better in that area Saturday. It was not a good day for Roberts, I expect better vs the Ravens.
  25. I agree with you, that the tactic of QB draws can be effective. And if Balt sends 5 and has man to man on the back end and we send them all deep Josh may have to do it again. Gain 15 and get OB or slide down (because Balt likes to take the cheap shot intimidation factor). Then Balt will need to rethink their strategy.
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