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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. What if Shaq reverts to year 1 to 4 form, after the 'prove it' year? That is not uncommon in the NFL.
  2. Baring major injury, it is 100% certain Allen will be extended.
  3. Did this happen when your family inherited an NFL team?
  4. "ever" does not imply correlation. Do this exercise, look at the top 5 passing YARDAGE leaders (by team) for the last five year. Then look at the top five PASSER RATING teams for the last five years. Remove all the teams that are top 5 in both. You will almost certainly see that the list of top five passer rating teams are almost always in the playoffs even if they are not top five yardage teams. You will see that the top five yardage teams without being top five passer rating teams will appear at the random percentage around 12/32 (12 out of 32 teams make the playoffs every year).
  5. It is not an outlier year. There is no meaningful correlation between raw yards and winning, let alone causation.
  6. No person with a high football IQ has considered raw passing yards to be an important statistic in the last 20 years. Raw passing yards has no correlation with winning an losing. A team may have 5000 yards and blow out every team each week as a result. Or a team may be throwing for 150 yards against a soft prevent in a losing effort in the fourth quarter every week. The lack of correlation of raw passing yards to wins is not a new thing. It is actually a well known thing. On the other hand Passer Rating does have a meaningful correlation to wins.
  7. The team that wins the Super Bowl will be the team that is the best team, not the team with some hypothetical "easiest path". Who we play in what order does not matter. The defense will have to get off the field and not let the other team have 10 minute drives to give offense a chance.
  8. I would like to play the team that can't beat the Dolphins at home.
  9. They are decent with Fitz, and have a boatload of picks. Flores appears to be the real deal.
  10. So far RGIII showing the biggest difference between Ravens offense and Bills O, is not QB, its OC.
  11. the bills can't practice against screen plays because daboll does not know how to run one.
  12. It would be completely and utterly mentally deranged to waste the cap space Dalton will need on a back up qb.
  13. the jets are struggling to beat a backup squad playing a meaningless game, and the announcers are talking about the Jets as if they compare to the Ravens. WTF.
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